posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 05:29 AM
I think some are confusing astronomy and astrology really....
if early mankind hadn't had charted the stars, noted when and where the sun rose, ect.....they wouldn't have known when to plant, never had learned
to travel the seas, ect....
the position of the sun, moon and stars were vital. there's no way that God would have banned their study or observation.
but there's an offshoot, metaphysical branch of astonomy, just like there is to any things...astrology, which tries to interpret the influence that
these celestrial object have on our world and personal kind of sets up these stars, planets, and such as rulers in a way...something that
just might be true.
but, well, the Jewish religion has only one God, one Lord ruling the whole thing. Christianity tells it's followers to be in the world and not of
if these objects in our sky do have an influence in the goings on on our planet, well, that influence isn't supposed to be extended over to those who
declare Him as Lord. they are not of this world....and are to be immune. Unless of course, they choose to allow themselves to be influenced by them
by following their horoscopes and such....
this myth isn't about how any celestrial object has some metaphysical power over life on earth. it's an observation....astronomy, just like
watching a comet pass through the night sky, or charting the astriods that pass close to our planet.
it cannot be debunked based on the idea that God told the Isrealites not do the same things their neighbors were doing. Their neighbors were eating
also...and sleeping, and probably tending their flocks and growing their crops also...did the Isrealis also stop doing those things? Mankind have
been using the position of the stars, sun and moon throughout the ages....and he if hadn't, one thing is for sure, Columbus would never have found
America and the US would not exist.