posted on Jul, 22 2007 @ 04:39 PM
Good thought about "the little ice age".
There are numerous problems with global warming and it's total blame on the modern industrial age of mankind.
The Earth has been covered in ice and ice receded, then covered, then get the point. Problem is, no humans influenced the process before
on the up swing of temperature or the down swing in temperature. Why are we doing it now? Before every tree hugger goes apesh*t and calls me a liar,
please read on, there was no financial gain to be made in "going green".
All, and I mean every dam* bit of this global warming propaganda is driven by money. Money will drive the price of oil through the roof as oil
production starts to reduce. Any one who holds out for the thought of another energy source to replace this source of energy also thinks of Harry
Potter as a serious work of science and the movies as documentaries.
There are some very limited forms of energy that can replace only a small part of the oil driven economy. This is a sad fact, but it is a fact that
can not be changed, altered, or reduced.
The young kids today want to do the right thing. Changing your light bulbs to more expensive florescent bulbs will not cut the pollution or energy one
bit in China or India. "But it helps out our energy demands in our country!!!", wrong, it takes more to produce these bulbs and they have toxic
mercury inside them. Are these bulbs even made in your country or are they shipped to you. What you save doesn't offset the production and disposal
This was just one example of "energy savings" you can do.
There was a very popular theory in the 1970's about the coming ice age. We were to be in the midst of it by now. Many books were written about this
and several universities did millions of dollars of work with federal grants in studying this. Scientists, government officials, and industry leaders
of all areas of studies, government, and economy gave national lectures, talks on radio and TV, (sounds real close to something else doesn't it)
about this coming crisis. Guess what... It didn't happen.