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The last President?

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posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 05:43 PM
There is another thread going on about Ron Paul, please join it if you want to see more about the implications of him winning or losing:

Anyway, as I said in another forum it is sad how the doom of a nation is spelled out with one word: elections. Bushy needs to go, even for them. They need to get a new face that will offer them a somewhat clean slate, this way they can continue on with their plans or if need be cause some mass casuality "terrorist" attack on the USA to solidify things by force. From here we get our total enslavement or martial law.

What must also be thought about is what they will do between NOW and the elections, we already know what they are going to TRY and pull after them if things go well for them. If they start to loose their footing anytime soon they are going to do something to regain it, fact.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 04:01 AM
The last elected President was actually Bill Clinton.

Bush lost the popular vote in 2000. He most likely lost Florida as some districts actually registered NEGATIVE vote count totals.

Bush lost the 2004 election as well. He lost Ohio, but once again the election was rigged. A simple investigation done but by a few folks proved this. They found the electronic voting sheets ILLEGALLY tossed into dumpsters and those sheets didnt match up to reported votes.

Voting is a total joke. The machines can be rigged and leave no evidence to that fact. The people responsible to count the votes are corrupt as was shown in the Ohio investigation of 2004.

The documentary I saw on HBO explained in great detail how machines can have votes changed to negative numbers. It was a clever way of cancelling out votes of the person you want to lose and not leaving eevidence behind. I didnt quite understand it all but something about negative votes didnt show up as an error because it kept the number of votes cast by people correct but changed the results.

In the case of Florida in 2000, there were 2 districts I recall that had evidence something was seriously wrong. Negative vote totals were it may have been possible that ZERO people voted for an entire district but negative people voted ??? Thats a neat trick.

This of course was never investigated by Catherine Harris, a devoted supporter of Bush. And the US Supreme Court in a shocking a move stepped in and ruled in Bush's favor. Every lawyer in America felt the Supreme court had no authority to step in and was expected to pass on the case.

I dont expect the next election to be a real one either. The Bankers have already picked their candidates, Clinton from the Dem party and either McCain or Guliani from the republican side. I suspect Hillary has already been given the final green light as she recently attended Bildeburger

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:01 PM
If you want to go further into election fruad my own state suffered it but was never talked about: New Mexico. A state full of hippies, survivalists, Hispanics, Mexicans and people so poor they have to have to have 2 families or more live in one house or husban and spouse with 2-3 jobs each to survive went for: Bush?!? BS! Greg Palast did a report on it and came to my state and visited the Taos Pueblo in North East New Mexico, turned out they got the voting machines. Guess what happened? According to the machines over HALF the tribe just walked into the station, registered, log into the machine, then cast NO VOTE and walked out again... Yeah right.

Their grip on the media (the elites) is getting so tight not even the independent media is talking about this anymore. This is getting out of hand and getting BAD and QUICKLY.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 02:38 PM
why else would he of signed the bill making him the supreme leader in the case of a global catastrophe, obviously he already is the commander and chief. There is a reason for everything that he does, it's not like he just woke up that morning and decided "hmmm, maybe I should make this very clear" There is a plan on the go, and whether you like it or not chances are the odds are stacked in his favor. who knows maybe just before the election some "attack" will comence causing martial law and this dictator to show his true colours. The who knows how long he will decide to stay president. maybe it will the push to get the ball rolling for the nwo.
I remember reading somewhere there was a Ex-CIA agent who said listen to the plots for television shows. They are not the exact way things are going to happen, but just a hint of whats to come. Don't you find it a bit weird that since 1999 and beyond all kinds of movies depicting terror attacks on american soil. Not to mention the canceled series "jericho" makes you wonder, is it art imitating reality or the other way around.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:37 PM
One point that must be made is Bushy has the IQ of a houseplant (Sorry for insulting all houseplants) and could in no shape or form think up even half of what he does. He is a puppet, a pawn, nothing more nothing less.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Vekar
One point that must be made is Bushy has the IQ of a houseplant (Sorry for insulting all houseplants) and could in no shape or form think up even half of what he does. He is a puppet, a pawn, nothing more nothing less.

Much like hitler was to Hins Himmler, Hitler was however a very good people person and had a much higher IQ than ol G' Dubya. This is what allowed him to do what he did. I bet G'Dubya is mocking mein kampf in his own version his daddy told him to do.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 07:34 PM
The current group which works for the NWO has their own version of Mein Khampf, that is their use of Muslims as the woes of all the world. First Native Americans, blacks, asians (Chinese RR workers remember?), Jews, and now Muslims. Just one problem, Muslims live all over the world, thus they get a large playing field. Simple yet insideous no? Pathetically the fools who support them in this thought and in a physical manner do not realize they are supportings a new breed of Nazi. Lifes sick ironies.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 09:19 PM
Exactly what would Bush have to do to keep his power?

Maybe nuke washington while he is visiting a school on the west coast?
Then blame it on terrorist. Its not as far fetched as one might think.
And what exactly could we do about it? A big giant bunch of nothing thats what.

You know, I hope, I really do hope Bush wasnt the cause of 9/11 because if he was it will not stop there. A serial killer never stops killing, untill caught. May the force be with us all.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 09:24 PM
The electorial college vote and prophecy tell us that there will be 2 more popes and 2 more presidents. And then ...

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by antar
The electorial college vote and prophecy tell us that there will be 2 more popes and 2 more presidents. And then ...

I think your vote is 2 popes and 2 presidents short of the near truth.... as Bill Clinton was the final president before the communist dictatorship took over, All that needs to happen is a "major event" for the plot to thicken in this soap opera.a

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:41 PM
somewhere in the bible it says that God never does anything without first telling his servants the prophets
I was thinking about this in terms of two major books i have just read and am reading The Battle for singapore by Peter Thompson and IBM and the Holocaust.

Both books look at what was happening before horrendous and unimagined events took place that swept millions to their death and changed the world for ever. And best of all is Tom Watson friend of President Rooservelt President of the American Chamber of Commerce etc based in New York when not travelling to Europe and Germany.

I can see similarities here with what i consider to be more serious situations that the world faces. But if an empire fell....then ofcourse you would have no more elected Presidents just as was the case when the 1930s status quo was falling apart so that those who were perceptive and proactive could see it and were rapidly putting trust in governments aside; as a qusetion of surivial was develops.

Now for the Christians reading this i want to remind you that some of your brothers in the mid 80s travelled to the Soviet Union and went throughout that great land praying and even saying that the statues of Lennin would fall. And so in the minds of some of them....when it happened it happened for one reason and one reason alone- and it was this;

USSR as an empire collapsed so that the Jewish population of the Soviet Union could migrate to Israel and i want to put it on record that many many millions of christian dollars and manhours went into providing the ships and areoplanes to achieve this objective.

Thus what is the God of Israel saying now to his servants the prophets?

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 11:57 PM
Do NOT call them communists, once again in case you did not hear me: DO NOT CALL THEM COMMUNISTS! The world has never seen a real communist state, only oligarchies and dicatorships.
Russia was NEVER communist, it was an oligarchy or a dictatorship, China was never communist, it was a dictatorship or as it currently stands: oligarchy.

The NWO and the current groups are a mix of oligarchies, dictatorships, fascism and all around nazis of a more modern breed.

Looking at it though, the last "2 presidents" are come and gone. Clinton was the last elected official, bush was never elected, ever. So in effect we are already there, now to address the next "elections."

Bush has to go for them to solidify power, he is too hated to keep around so now they have a desperate public. The public is so desperate to get him out they honestly believe Clinton will save them which will NOT happen. So in effect they are going to have one last election which is a vote for which posterboy/girl you want to bring in the NWO. That will be the end of it.

I recall somewhere hearing that one pope had a vision, that X amount popes later the church would fall. Not sure how many it was, or how many are left. Prophecies are interesting, sadly there are so many full of utter crock it is neigh impossible to divide real ones from false ones.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 04:17 AM
He may be an idiot ,but even he is not that stupid.

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 10:44 AM
Bush is not the true leader of the United States. He is a PUPPET of the NWO. look, 9/11, iraq and afghanistan. The true leaders are the Illuminati/shadow government.Even if Bush wanted to stop, he could'nt. it's not him.

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