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Another Remote Viewing Test (Please give this a shot)

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Palasheea
Hopefully you will not be heading up another RV thread because there's no way that we can verify that your target is actually the original target that you chose for your experiment...

.... but this question would not have been asked if you had saved whichever 45338001 version you chose to use and put a timestamp on it and saved it into a folder that greatlakes suggested to you at the beginning of your RV test here.

I think laiguana put this together pretty quick after the last RV thread by greatlakes to keep the momentum and the fun going. All in all I think this was a good thread. If we keep this fun experiment going, I am sure protocols will be formalized - as discussed in greatlake's thread. Please don't take it out on laiguana...this was just a quick and fun thread after the other one - and was more based on the honor system than a set protocol.

It would have been nice to see your results though as you had the "sun" in greatlake's thread which to me is close to the plasma globe!

If we are to keep this fun going and we need set protocols, I prefer the posted image with timestamps rather than sending to a moderator. Not that I don't trust the mods, but once another person knows, then you cannot reduce human interference out of it.

To get boring and specific with the photo server based option, here would be concerns with that...the last concern is the main one:
-If posting to the image server, what timezone does the server stamp it with? Not a big deal since several days will create a big enough gap.
-Does the server keep the timestamp in its timezone or does it modify the timezone based on the viewing party's location? i.e. dynamic to your browser location. Again, not really a big deal.
-Does changing the time/date on the local computer have any effect on the server timestamp at all? I think this was already answered though.
-Once I know greatlakes or laiguana's (or anybody elses) photo link from a previous experiment, am I able to search for that poster's other image links on that image hosting server? If so, then this would be the biggest concern as one could keep searching until a new pic(s) show up under that user's name and use that as a basis for a RV guess.

If we can confirm the last concern is not an issue...then lets firm it up to do that for all future ones...if the last concern is a valid issue, then lets figure a way around it. This still does not truly rule out the original poster from PMing the link to a all in all we are still stuck with an honor system in one regards or another. But since this is not fully scientific, I assume we have some leeway. I understand from your point of view though that it needs to be validated somehow though.

Also, I forgot I had a camera phone (duh) so if you guys want I can create the next one (unless someone is already in the works of starting one). But I'll wait until everyone agrees on the protocols.

Maybe we can experiment with different methods also...I know I was not following the normal way but I do not have training in this stuff...but let's keep it fun at the same time.

I type too much!

[edit on 12-6-2007 by ratboy]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 02:27 PM

Originally posted by Palasheea
So that makes me wrong and you right laiguana??
I don't think so.

Your sense of logic truly amazes me.

If your so unhappy about the experiment, then do one yourself. Just remember to be as open and forgiving as laguana is to you when your the one getting grilled for not doing what someone thought you should have done.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:03 PM
Ratboy -- sure! go and start a new one up and use your cellphone Ok???

Also, the timezone matter is confusing but at least the date will be correct (or showing the next day depending on the time). If the time itself is calibrated to whatever part of the world the timestamp service is located where there is no option to have it changed to ones local time, then this should simply be noted somewhere in that file with the target image in it. It should be easy to show anyone in doubt that that timestamping service only offers their time and no other option. Whew!!

As far as laiguana goes... of course i forgive him and it's already forgotten. The protocol's are important though and this is the point I'm trying to make here -- I know that there are certain protocol's and rules that need to be followed so as to render the RV experiment and it's results valid -- it's as simple as that.

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 04:36 PM
I'll try and set it up tomorrow...I am heading to work and have a little over one hour of sleep after my work I will go right to sleep. Unless someone beats me to it, I will try to set it up tomorrow. I guess I won't be able to guess on my

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 04:42 PM
Great ratboy... looking forward to the next RV test!

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:07 PM
Ok all I've decided on a format/protocol and will be posting a new RV experiemtn hopefully today based on what we learned to improve the method(ology).

Also I have found ANOTHER website that posts a timestamp onto the files that I believe I will be using. Wanted to pass this website onto everyone just to be sure. The other website seems 'broken' as I never did receive my confirmation email after registering...

The NEW WEBSITE isnt a PHOTO HOSTING one, but rather a file hoster. So waht I would do is post the jpg files to this site, upon upload, it records the upload date and time. I would then post the filename on my RV experiment of the particular photos that I posted there. The file locations would be revealed upon results given for the experiment.

The website is: www....(nolink) and here is a sample file: van halen - running with the devil

What does everyone think.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 06:23 PM
I think it's great, greatlakes. I look forward to it.

However, I'd just like to point out to everyone that this is for fun. We're not going to get into any record books or anything and I can't think of any possible reason people (the originator) would want to "cheat". I think it's fine to keep good records and mail the picture to someone or host it on a site, but it's a bit overkill in my opinion and I am perplexed and amused at why someone would get upset and cause drama about this game.

Let's have fun, shall we?

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 07:02 PM
Yes, informing others about protocol's and rules under any circumstances for this or that is truly a thankless job and I fully expected to get clobbered by doing so; especially in this case. Obviously I've pushed some ultra-sensitive buttons on this topic of timestamping and saving these RV targets in a safe place somewhere else other than the OP's hard drive, but hey! -- at least I got the message out and now we can move on and have FUN! FUN! FUN!.

Great! greatlakes on locating that other service and looking forward to the next RV test!

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 07:03 PM
Well said B. Heretic, I don't see these tests as valid scientific experiments, but they are interesting and fun nonetheless. I am looking forward for the next RV test.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 07:26 PM
Laiguana... how can you expect from others that you do not expect of yourself?

Think about that and why you started up this RV thread in the first place. Read over your first post in this thread if you need to refresh your memory.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by laiguana
Well said B. Heretic, I don't see these tests as valid scientific experiments, but they are interesting and fun nonetheless. I am looking forward for the next RV test.

Learning from observation. Isn't that truly what the scientific mind is about? I think these RV tests qualify. Mankind has segregated experience into the categories "real" and "non-real". Hmm that was too general. That seams to be the consensus of the Western world at least. Anyways, I dream about the day when people regard all experience simply as experience; no more and no less real then any other.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by greatlakes
Ok all I've decided on a format/protocol and will be posting a new RV experiemtn hopefully today based on what we learned to improve the method(ology).

I just got a break at work and read this...I will hold off on creating one (per my previous post). I don't think we need more than one going at a time. The protocols are fine with me and as everyone pointed out, this is for fun.

So we're it already

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by ratboy
I just got a break at work and read this...I will hold off on creating one (per my previous post). I don't think we need more than one going at a time. The protocols are fine with me and as everyone pointed out, this is for fun.

So we're it already

Ok posted it, I included lots o' links in the initial post for this one....

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Palasheea
Laiguana... how can you expect from others that you do not expect of yourself?

Think about that and why you started up this RV thread in the first place. Read over your first post in this thread if you need to refresh your memory.

It's not a valid experiment. A valid experiment of this type isn't conducted over the internet no matter what protocols are implemented.

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:17 PM
I got a startlingly clear image of a silo on a farm.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 02:13 AM
I saw 3 mounatins...perhaps a secret research location...

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:54 PM
My view was way off... a station wagon, clown, gravel road in an open field w\ woods at the right side, blue-green crystal glass, wheel spokes.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 08:50 AM
We got a lot of good responses in this one too!

sorry for the one liner...

posted on Dec, 31 2008 @ 10:35 PM



TextTextTextTextTextTextThe mountains in the delaware gap.

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 11:50 PM
i saw chinese lettering,also two big line that looked like bank of a river or something like when you see snow go across the highway from the wind blowing it across..............strange i know

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