posted on May, 26 2008 @ 01:10 PM
I have extensively studied mormonism and its relationships to NWO, Illuminatti, free masonry, etc.
Much of what mormonism teaches is basically common sense. I have found absolutely nothing in the church to that indicates that the mormons are an arm
of freemasonry.
What I have found is that in the early church, many masonic symboligy and rituals mirrored each other. The issue isn't the teachings and rituals, as
both are rife with symboligy, it is the meaning of each ritual and symbol. These meanings are greatly different than the other.
From what I have been able to find, the Masons have roots that stem back to the temple of solomon. The temple workers of solomon practiced these
rites and rituals as set down originally by the frist church of christ. Through the years, the masonci order became corrputed along with their
rituals and rites, ie the opposite meaning had been placed on them.
Now along comes Jo Smith. According to mormonism, he was guided to and later translated the gold plates which give us the book of mormon. During
this time, the secrets that were lost from the first church of christ were rediscovered with joseph smith. Joseph smith was invited to join the
masonic lodge of his area as a first level mason. Basically, the next day, since he had the keys to masonry (as he had learned them from god) he
ascended to the 33rd degree mason. Much of the masonic traditions and the commandments that Joseph Smith received were quite similar.
2 years later, Joeph Smith was killed, in part because the mason's belived that he was betraying the masonic order by teaching the principles of the
book of mormon (which on the outside were similar to masonry, but the meanings attached were completly different).
Now, it does not matter if you believe Joseph Smith was a fraud or you believe what his teachings are (note that no one has proven Joseph Smith was a
fraud, more on that later), what does matter is that the fundamental teachings for Joseph Smith were and have remained in a few simple sentences:
- The Family unit is the fundamental building block of life
- Free agency (the freedom of choice) is of paramount importance
- Free agency does not mean you can avoid the consequences of your actions
- Love one another.
These ideas greatly differer from masonic tradtions. By default, the above sentences do not lend itself to the NWO plan.
For those of you who believe that Joseph Smith was a fraud, you need to look at a lot more than what others have said. Do your own research. As for
me, I have found that there were more than 3 people who actually were able to see the gold plates. Additionally, much of the gold plates were not
translated, by commandment from god. Joseph Smith was not allowed to even read those plates.
Much of what has been accepted as fact about mormonism has either been taken out of context, bent or otherwise modified to fit individual agenda. In
order for anyone to really understand mormonism, you need to go to the horses mouth and get it. Im not talking about other members (since many
mormons will try to convert you), but read mormon publications (and there are many... heck even check out as a starting point.
There is a reason why mormonism is called The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. It mirrors the first church of christ.
For those who judge the mormon church based on its membership and how they have been treated, I exhort you to think about how many other religions
have zelots and show preferential treatment. Note that zelots and preferential treatment is NOT mormon doctrine.