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posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 08:51 PM

new here, found this forum through some light searching after seeing some more of dav id icke videos

and then i thought to send along this theory, are there still people thinking about stuff and able to see beyond? one favourite and very often military tactic, diverying attention away from the real 'issue, target, objective, etc...'

so, this is what i got to say :::

take a human brain at birth, a lot of brain cells ready for activation
take a computer hard drive out of the box, brand new, lots of sectors
ready for storage of data

there are various way to fill a computer hard drive, good programs, lots
of cool and wondeful stuff, and pictures and more

various ways to fill all them brain cells and many ways to build various
interaction between them cells, the neurons,

both could be the files and programs, even an 'operating system', or
'way of thinking'

now, the same thing occurs with both hard drives, an outside source
can program the data sectors in a computer, or sorry, fill the sectors
and then even use the data etc... and so it goes with the human brain
there are many outside sources that can change the way the cells both
interact and store this information, or 'memories', 'ways of thinking'

if a computer canbe hijacked and not be noticed by the user, i conclude
the same can happen with the brain,

many analogies can be used to further this, the part that alarms me the
most, is this outside interfluence, being 'controlled' and not even knowing

also, from earlier, at the basic most elemental form, both hypnosis and
conversation, words, are the same....

i see a lot of similarities in the theme of topics here and other sites, seems other people have the idea all this is leading up to something... and this quote helped a lot in a particular period not to long ago

see if you know who stated this (no cheating!)

trust that which gives you meaning and accept it as your guide

thanks for allowing me to waste some of your time, if you dont waste it yourself surely someone else can and will, and profit handsomely)


posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 11:44 PM
Welcome, netsurfer4t4!

The ATS Freshman's Forum is a great place to discuss the complexities of the ATS universe and to get advice from rookies and veterans alike.

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Here's an excellent little, unobtrusive spell checker, in case you need one: ieSpell 2.5.1 build 106

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Oh, and visit the Automotive Discussion forum.


posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 09:49 AM
Hello, and welcome to ATS, netsurfer4t4!

Be sure to get yourself familar with the T&C - Don't want to break any rules

Also check out BTS - A laid back place to joke around and talk about any subject you could imagine.

As well as Above Politics all your Politic interests.

HERE is your very own customizable ATS profile. Tell a little about yourself and leave comments on other member's profiles.

If you have any questions just ask; I am always willing to help

And have fun


posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:18 AM
Hey netsurfer4t4 and welcome

I hope you have a long & joyous stay here

posted on Jun, 21 2007 @ 06:05 AM
Wow talk about hypothesis? -- great read, netsurfer4t4. Welcome to Above Top Secret -- enjoy !


posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 05:53 PM
Welcome to abovetopsecret

have a nice stay

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