posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 08:04 PM
Prophecies of the priests and clairvoyants exist since immemorial ancient times of the human race outset. Some of them bring in themselves the coded
information, which outpaces the time for many many centuries and becomes true only in our days. They are out of reach of the utilitarian mind of the
modern humankind, even with all its arsenals of science and technology means. For to do such kind of research completely different methods and levels
of knowledges must be used, but they lay beyond the limits of modern scientific and extrasensory perception of the world. They frighten with their
mathematical precision and apocalyptic trend, though being expounded in rather soft and compact form, which starts to reveal itself only in our time
of troubles.
The article
"Did Nostradamus know all that?.."
( describes quite in details one of such supernatural events, which was depicted on the conventional level
in ancient sources in the form of symbolic movement of a comet. This comet, indeed, with mathematical precision have reached the near-earth orbit of
our planet one week before the beginning of the full solar eclipse and parade of planets in 1999. Actually, under more detailed examination it proved
to be unpiloted cosmic warhead, which upon arrival to its destination has separated and turned into three earth-bound cosmic stations, invisible to
the primitive human vision and its antediluvian equipment. Having said that, the following has to be considered: a modern science and technology
disallows such a seditious thought that extraterrestrial civilizations (
but not people) also can create separating warheads, which are
absolutely invisible to modern radars and other means of early detection of the enemy's objects. Because it never investigated the technical
capabilities and high-speed parameters of the potential energies, not mentioning their use.
People had joyfully laughed over the informations about apocalypse and about the destructive properties of the comet, which had to reveal themselves
during the full solar eclipse and parade of planets of the year 1999, but they did not suspect (
and still are not suspecting) the whole
seriousness of the predictions of ancient priests and Nostradamus...
"Earth - the planet of biorobots"