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How do they get away with this ?

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posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by earth2
We shouldnt teach our kids that these kind of things are OK. There are a lot of more positive ways to tackle smoking.

OK, and which ones work? I started smoking in '69. If these ads had been around I may not have because at that time the point would have been even MORE pronounced.

I find it funny that people have a problem with a little text and not enough on what a lifetime of smoking can do to a person. :shk:

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 07:29 PM
I smoke. Have since I was 12 or so. Am I proud of that ?
Not at all. It's just a fact.

Does advertisement work to curb under-age smoking or alcohol and
drug use ? Maybe. Maybe not.

Will using swear words in the ads make them work any better ?

I doubt it.

Think about this. Why would using a swear word in an ad make it any
more effective ? Catches a childs attention ?


Once they see what the ad is about, they turn the channel. What child,
at ANY age wants to be lectured ? I never did.


posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by Lexion

Once they see what the ad is about, they turn the channel. What child,
at ANY age wants to be lectured ? I never did.


What's the problem then?

It seems we're focusing on the wrong thing here.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 07:39 PM
The problem is, this organization circumnavigated the censors.

What do the mods on ATS do to members that attempt this ?


posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
The problem is, this organization circumnavigated the censors.

What do the mods on ATS do to members that attempt this ?


Ah but ATS is an alternative website. What these folks are trying to do is a public service for OUR kids. It's not like they haven't heard these words before, they are just being put to good use.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 07:51 PM
Ah, poor Intrepid...."put to good use" ?
Surely you don't believe this ?

How on Earth is using code to broadcast swear words on a public forum
putting them to good use ?

Would I be allowed to stand in a mall, and yell words like this at the
shoppers passing by me ?

Would I be allowed to enter a public school and use these words
freely ?

Would I be welcome in a private home and use words like this ?

The answer is, no.

But, this org. does exactly this, with seeming impudenty.

Alas, I must take leave for the evening, but I'll be intrigued to see
what comments we have wrought, come tomorrow.


posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 07:51 PM
How does a negative make a positve? It doesnt take a brain surgeon to answer that.
If somebody used the F word directed towards my kid, and if I was able, I would give them a knuckle sandwich.
Cursing at kids is not Ok.
I cant imagine your justification on this.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by earth2
How does a negative make a positve? It doesnt take a brain surgeon to answer that.

Sorry, I'm not a physics major, can't answer that. Oh wait, using nuclear arms at the end of WW2 was turning a negative to a positive.

I cant imagine your justification on this.

Cool, just let them smoke then. Be in chains like their parents.

Remember what the tag line was? Whadafxup. Holy shi, er, um, poo poo Batman, those kids have NEVER heard that term before. We must be wary. They just might start swearing. OH LORD! At least they can do it with a cig in their mouths.

Seriously, look at the ad campaign, it's designed to shock. To keep kids off of the smokes. Don't think that every family out there is as well grounded as yours. And your kids just might be friends with a kid that's family isn't well grounded.

Think about that.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 09:05 PM
Ok intrepid now you are saying killing 1000's of kids with a nuclear bomb is a positive.

I dont think that was a good example, sorry.

And I didnt say go ahead and let them smoke. I just stated there has to be positve ways to tackle this instead of negative.

Heck with your way of thinking maybe we should tell kids to steal not kill.

posted on Jun, 11 2007 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by earth2
Ok intrepid now you are saying killing 1000's of kids with a nuclear bomb is a positive.

I dont think that was a good example, sorry.

Huh? Where did you get that analogy? The member said, "When did a negative become a positive?" Well according to US history Little Boy and Fat Man were just that. TOTALLY negative but perceived as a success. A positive. Saved US soldiers lives.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 08:37 AM
iori said -

they allow a topless woman, uncensored if she has pain
on her breasts,..

What an excellent Freudian slip.

One of the things I found most disturbing about raising a daughter was countering the constant degradation of females in the media and parts of the culture.

The FCC is a joke.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Lexion
I smoke. Have since I was 12 or so. Am I proud of that ?
Not at all. It's just a fact.

Does advertisement work to curb under-age smoking or alcohol and
drug use ? Maybe. Maybe not.

Will using swear words in the ads make them work any better ?

I doubt it.


I doubt that they are using swear words to get the point across. It expresses how messed up they think the tactics of the tobacco company is. It is an expression not a persuasion. They are trying to get their point across by showing how far the tobacco companies will go to sell their product to any age group and how they are always trying to disprove how dangerous it is.

The phrase really has little to do with the impact of the commercial. It's brief, it's short and unless your child has already learned what these curse word are then they would not be able to pick up what it means. Most children learn "bad words" from each other on the playground...They repeat what they hear from their parents to other children, 1/2 the time they have no idea what it even means....All it takes is one parent who has abusive language and the child is repeating everything they say to all the other children in school, so in theory the biggest influence and threat to a child's behavior and language is their parents.

Also these commercials do not air on children's stations, you would not see these commercials before adult swim on cartoon network, they air on channels like VH1, MTV, and any channels that adults would be watching, (channels that have ratings of TV14 and up) and TRUTH is trying to get their point across to young adults and parents so they can join in the fight against big tobacco. They are getting the "TRUTH" out about how cut throat these companies are.

A child can turn on Comedy Central (An extended cable channel) on Saturday night and stumble across "Secret Stash" when they air a movie uncut saying every curse word in the book. If you are afraid you must block all channels that you believe are to mature for a child to watch.

If you are really worried you could block every channel expect local channels and children's network channels. Disney Channel (they are very strict)/Cartoon Network (before night time)/PBS/Discovery Channel/Science Channel/Nickelodeon/National Geographic channel, or you could influence your child to not watch TV so cable makes it so easy now to monitor what you child watches, they have categories and have a whole KIDS category with movies and programs. I can promise you I have never seen this commercial on a kids network....The commercials on kids networks advertise toys,games,other previews to children movies and shows, baby products, food, lots of Easy Mac commercials, Capri sun, lots of food that children like....lunchables....etc.

This is such a small concern that is almost silly to debate about....It is up to you as the parent if you believe it's too much and to block it if so. You cannot mess with freedom of speech.

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Tetraspace]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by Lexion
The problem is, this organization circumnavigated the censors.

What do the mods on ATS do to members that attempt this ?


Ah but ATS is an alternative website. What these folks are trying to do is a public service for OUR kids. It's not like they haven't heard these words before, they are just being put to good use.

Correct if I'm wrong Intrepid but as long as a member does not directly spell out the curse word then it is ok...right?? for instance B/S is ok.....
F!@# is ok......GD is ok...right??...I have not been corrected for it.....TRUTH does not directly spell it out and they way they do it, is scrambled not an Abb.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by earth2
How does a negative make a positve? It doesnt take a brain surgeon to answer that.
If somebody used the F word directed towards my kid, and if I was able, I would give them a knuckle sandwich.
Cursing at kids is not Ok.
I cant imagine your justification on this.

You just contradicated yourself....A negative does not make a postitive??
So using violence (which is worse in my opinion) against someone b/c they cursed at your children is not negative....

Punching someone is very negative!! what are you thinking??? In that situation who would get arrested??

You would! If the vitcum wanted to press charges then you could do nothing about that. (unless you have a good lawyer) You can say they cursed at your children all you want....You still commited a crime, simple battery. When your children watch you punch someone that's a horrible thing to teach them, violence to solve problems!!! What the hell is wrong with you; seriously you just made yourself sound like a total moron. Cursing is not a crime; commiting violence is. You can't punch someone just b/c they ticked you off...Unless you are in a boxing ring or defending yourself you can't do that.

And don't come back at me with saying, "I said, "If I was able I would" because you are still contradicting yourself....You are saying that if the law allowed you would use violence to stop someone's cursing.

That's two negatives.....So what you said is that a negative does not make a positive and then stated that you would punch someone if they cursed at your children....And for your information...The commerical is not cursing at anyone. It is an expression of how crazy they think these tobacco companies are, and I say to you whudafxup!

[edit on 12-6-2007 by Tetraspace]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by earth2
Ok intrepid now you are saying killing 1000's of kids with a nuclear bomb is a positive.

I dont think that was a good example, sorry.

And I didnt say go ahead and let them smoke. I just stated there has to be positve ways to tackle this instead of negative.

Heck with your way of thinking maybe we should tell kids to steal not kill.

No, but your saying to your kids to punch people instead of cursing??

When our children are adults there going to curse and it's not a crime and it won't turn them into junkies or drug dealers, it won't keep them out of school or make it harder for them to study, it's not going to get them addicted to smoking or alcohol, maybe just maybe they will curse at someone instead of hitting them and possibly keep them out of a lot of trouble, kids get suspended and detentions for cursing, kids who fight and get violent get expelled.

Cursing is certainly horrible etiquette, bad manners, bad grammar, harsh, piercing, and can make you look like an idiot.....but instead of giving the idiot a knuckle sandwich let him curse and make a fool of himself, turn the other way and go about your business, laugh at him, ask him to leave, anything is better than violence. Walk away from a situation like that as the better man, that’s leadership and showing your children that is teaching them that a negative does not make a positive after all you are your child’s greatest influence.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Tetraspace

Walk away from a situation like that as the better man, that’s leadership

My, oh my. You really think so ?

I was raised that to walk away from a situation that you can have a
beneficial outcome from was cowardice.

If I see a crime being commited, I should just "walk away" ?

For the record, I don't have or plan on having children.

The way the advertising is done in a sneaky, underhanded fashion
offends me as an adult.

In my edit of one of last nights post, I said I'd e-mailed the FCC.
I did, and when/if I hear something I will happily share it here.

After posting the OP, I didn't really expect anything.

But, the passions that it has aroused, and intense and sometimes
personal accounts have made me happy that I posted it.

Regardless of which side you choose, I respect each and every
answer, opinion and idea.


posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Tetraspace
Correct if I'm wrong Intrepid but as long as a member does not directly spell out the curse word then it is ok...right?? for instance B/S is ok.....
F!@# is ok......GD is ok...right??...I have not been corrected for it.....TRUTH does not directly spell it out and they way they do it, is scrambled not an Abb.

Sorry for the late reply, day from hell.

Actually circumventing the censors is quite frowned upon. BS, WTF, that's different.

Edit: Coz I'm bad with BB. Code that is.

[edit on 12-6-2007 by intrepid]

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:30 PM
Sooo.....Whadafxup would be "circumventing" , by your definition ?

Just wondering.

Sorry about the bad day, I'll hush.


posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Lexion

The way the advertising is done in a sneaky, underhanded fashion
offends me as an adult.

THAT is exactly the point Lex. They are pointing out the way cigarette companies cater, sneakily to the youth. Did you see the one about the dude in the mascot? No adult wanted anything to do with him. The kids ate it up though.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Lexion
Sooo.....Whadafxup would be "circumventing" , by your definition ?

Just wondering.

Sorry about the bad day, I'll hush.


Ok, I think I finally got the point.

Your talking about the circumvention HERE at ATS?

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