posted on Dec, 6 2002 @ 10:50 AM
Gotten through most of this so far... here's my notes and observations:
The files aren't in chronological order.
The Colonel Halt report is released (copies of this same report make up about 1/20th the file). An immediate furor is started. People start asking
questions of the MOD (note: the MOD does acknowledge getting the letter.) Halt's report shows up later, in much modified form. Someone's taken the
original, retyped and added details. (note: the US Air Force doesn't have a copy of Halt's original report... it was destroyed (not all records are
kept. Many are destroyed, including trivial memos. Important stuff is kept.))
The Ministry of Defense doesn't have any branch that studies UFOs (they keep saying this, too.) All they're concerned with is "does this object
pose a threat to our defense?" They restate this about a gazillion times to various people. It makes no impression on any of them. They want to
know "if there's physical evidence that something landed, why isn't the MOD concerned?"
A bazillion people have asked "hey, can I have info" to which the MOD replies "look... we don't study UFOs. The only thing we wanted to know was
'does it present a problem?' The answer was 'no.' Case closed." Standard form letter. This thing makes up about 1/10th of the total paperwork,
I think.
UFO community ALWAYS equated "unidentifiable objects in the sky" with "alien spacecraft." There's a lot of "ufo-ologists." I adore the ones
that are handwritten on lined schoolbook paper with a UFO xeroxed on the header. Yep. That makes you look like a serious reporter. Yepyep.
Parliment asked for explainations (several times.) They were told that there were about 1400 such sightings and that there's never been any radar
anomalies (weirdly moving radar blips, etc) with any of the UFOs reported and investigated. They also get the explainations that the reason they
don't release everything is that it's too hard to go through all the files and pull the info.
It's fascinating to see how this builds out of the Colonel Halt report to things like "engine compartment found" and other details that over the
course of time "come out." This is highly suspicous... in the case of something known (like the Challenger explosion or the sinking of the Titanic)
you don't get this much added detail years later. It also evolves into "the base commander went out and talked to the aliens."
The UFO community writes and publishes reports and there are documents addressed to departments that don't seem to exist in the USAF or the MOD.
At least one politician gets very grumpy and demands explainations. Alton gets raked over the coals. Someone finally (1985) notices the
discrepancies in Halt's titles (Colonel Halt... at the time he was a Lt. Colonel)
Neatishead RAF base says that at the time of the UFO incident, their radar camera recorder was switched off (standard operating policy) and they have
no data -- but examining the logs showed no unusual radar blips reported.
Bentwaters RAF base says the films they developed had problems (were faulty) but that logbooks show nothing unusual on radar.
They're contacted by a lot of writers who think highly of their own skills -- writers who can't spell and have only a basic knowledge of grammar.
About halfway down through the file, we see that hoaxes are already coming to light. In 1984, someone in the MOD writes a researcher and says
"although apparently written on Ministry of Defence headed paper it is most certainly not an official document..." and "I have no idea where it
came from or why it was written and I can only conclude that it is intended as a joke." The report about the "landing of a UFO crewed by several
'entities' near RAF Bentwaters in 1980" is also a hoax written on MOD headed stationery.
Years later, allegations of tapes/film/etc come out.
The most significant documents are those written by and to Mrs. P.J. Titchmarsh, at the Ministry of Defense, appearing in the 4th and 5th PDF
The first note is one from the Bentwaters RAF liason, saying here's the ads for the upcoming book SKY CRASH. They got most of the facts wrong, and
there's likely to be a stir about this. More notes to members of Parliment saying "the radar records show NOTHING." RAF Squadron leader Moreland
has quite a sense of humor about the letters... "They didn't teach me about the Sub-Dwarfs Solar System when I studied Astro-Navigation at
Navigation school! (this in response to someone who claims to be in contact with aliens from... "a neighboring solar system in the vicinity of our
own Sun")
[bold]The one official who DID investigate was Titchmarsh. She came into the scene a few years after, and started conducting some investigations.
RAF Bentwaters says they know nothing other than what the Half letter said, and "I have no knowledge of any local constabulary involvement." She
writes to someone who contacts the Suffolk constables and they say they were called to the Woodbridge UFO scene on December 26, 1980 and all they
could see was the lighthouse. They were also called out to see the landing marks. SIGNIFICANT POINT: The constables dates (good records kept - Dec
26th) do not match what Halt said (Halt dates it as happening one day later (Dec 27th), and the researchers all focused on December 29th and 30th).
(pdf4, page 124-126)
UFOPDF4 page 40, letter to Webster, head of DS8, from person who formerly held his position, which asks some hard questions including the one that
's beginning to occur to me: Did Half fake the report?[/bold]
He also indicates some "coverup" possibilities that seem very real in light of the conflict in the police report and Half's report: is Half having
mental problems?