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computer recieved messages from a manwho claimed to be living in the 16th century?

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posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 10:41 AM
Has anybody heard of this paranormal account ?

All i remember is that it was featured on a television program in the uk a while back.

Two people a man and wife were comunicating from a man from the 16th century. The man said that he was in front of a box with flashing lights.

Thats all i can remember unfortunatly though i do remember that it was realy convincing because of how the man spoke and replied to questions that were given to him.

I would realy like to know more about this and was just wondering if anybody here had heard about it ?

+6 more 
posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 11:07 AM
Found this:

The most incredible case of EVP on computer occurred in the tiny village of Doddleston, England, during the years 1984-1986. Ken and Debbie Webster began receiving messages from a man named Thomas Harden, who claimed he was writing to them from the year 1545, during the reign of Henry VIII. The language of his messages was pre-Shakespearean in construction and was studied by at least one linguistic expert who found the writings all-but-flawless, and who thought it inconceivable that they might have been faked, even by the most skilful Elizabethan linguist. In all, the Websters received more than 250 such messages, many accompanied by poltergeist phenomena. Intermixed with these bizarre communications from Thomas Harden in the 16th century was a confusing set of messages from a group calling themselves 2109. It was not possible to tell if the members of this group were humans from the future or extraterrestrial. After the mysterious writings at Doddleston ceased, the 2109 group began communicating with the Harsch-Fischbachs in Luxembourg and apparently still does. Webster wrote a book in 1989 titled The Vertical Plane, and included extensive photographic documentation.

taken from

interesting stuff! would look further into it if the white noise stuff didnt scare the bejeezus out of me

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by mrbocci
Found this:

The most incredible case of EVP on computer occurred in the tiny village of Doddleston, England, during the years 1984-1986. Ken and Debbie Webster began receiving messages from a man named Thomas Harden, who claimed he was writing to them from the year 1545, during the reign of Henry VIII. The language of his messages was pre-Shakespearean in construction and was studied by at least one linguistic expert who found the writings all-but-flawless, and who thought it inconceivable that they might have been faked, even by the most skilful Elizabethan linguist. In all, the Websters received more than 250 such messages, many accompanied by poltergeist phenomena. Intermixed with these bizarre communications from Thomas Harden in the 16th century was a confusing set of messages from a group calling themselves 2109. It was not possible to tell if the members of this group were humans from the future or extraterrestrial. After the mysterious writings at Doddleston ceased, the 2109 group began communicating with the Harsch-Fischbachs in Luxembourg and apparently still does. Webster wrote a book in 1989 titled The Vertical Plane, and included extensive photographic documentation.

taken from

interesting stuff! would look further into it if the white noise stuff didnt scare the bejeezus out of me

thanks very much , most apreciated !

+2 more 
posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 01:37 PM
Some of this is really hard to believe. If the linguistic expert found that the writings were 'all but flawless', couldn't he (or anyone else of his profession) be able to fake it?!

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 02:40 PM
I remember seeing that as at the same time I was reading a book called
"the ghost of 27 megaherz" or something about some people who had created some sort of white noise machine that could speak to the dead.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by eliw777
Some of this is really hard to believe. If the linguistic expert found that the writings were 'all but flawless', couldn't he (or anyone else of his profession) be able to fake it?!

i think that they located the 16th century man through looking at old parish records that proved he did exist.

Could be fake though ?

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 06:19 PM
communicated with him on the computer? Through AIM or something?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:27 PM
How would he communicate????

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:32 PM
No to dismiss that could be truth, I believe in paranormal, but also we should not forget that anybody can take old records of somebody long death and fake a Shakespearean language and claim to be from the 1500s,

We have the technology to create very good hoaxes. But I will be very skeptical of what kind of technology a 1500 person could have to communicate with the future.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
No to dismiss that could be truth, I believe in paranormal, but also we should not forget that anybody can take old records of somebody long death and fake a Shakespearean language and claim to be from the 1500s,

We have the technology to create very good hoaxes. But I will be very skeptical of what kind of technology a 1500 person could have to communicate with the future.

yes i get your point and yes it could be fake.

From what i can remember the 16th century man was mystified himself (though he would be wouldnt he !) he said he was in a barn looking at a box with flashing lights.

So he must have had some ghostly computer.

I'm not saying that it isnt bogus but from what i remember it seemed just really convincing.

I wish i could find that documentary and show it to you all.

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 09:06 AM
You know, if you guys are interested in such EVP, theres a no-so-hyped EVP posted in the Podcast section of the sight labeled EVP Part 1/2 and a introduction by me and TheRanchMan, the two of which were in the conversation I happened to record.

What is being talked about here isn't much different from what I had experience with, in regards to someone who 'claimed' to be deceased, and was trying to communicate with us.

Its a true shame not many people have taken notice to it, because I was wondering what to make of it, the conversation followed a regular internet MSN phone call with TheRanchMan and myself, followed by some odd noises and finally I decided to record. I really hope someone dives into the Podcast section to find it, I'd like to talk about it more, being very much interested in this topic.

Happy hunting.

+10 more 
posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 09:22 AM

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA Forsoth! What doth this strange box with flashing lights be doing in thine modest barn?



S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA Egads! It is writing words on doth flashing panel! Hail, strange box of mystery. What doth you be, cube? Animal, plant, or mineral?

WEBSTER84 Um, I'm human.

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA How strange! Thine box claims to be human, but it is clearly not so, as even thine blind man can see.

Who are you?

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA What you see before you is thine humble peasant of England. It is the year of our Lord 1545. Thou was planning on milking thine cow whenest thine discovered you, writing box.

WEBSTER84 That's odd.
I'm in the year 1984 and I was going to play Burgertime on my Tandy 500 when this wierd program called IRC booted onto the screen.

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA Tandy? Burgertime? Booted? Screen? What babble of words doth you speak, puzzle cube!

WEBSTER84 Say, if you are a peasant in the 16th century, How come you're able to write? I thought only royality and monks could do that back then?

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA Zounds! I have been stripped of prentenses! GTG!


[edit on 6/14/2007 by Cowboy Clint]

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 07:47 PM

Here is some interesting information I found on the topic. It would be interesting to see some of the messages that were exchanged. If I find them or a video of the program mentioned earlier I will be sure to post them.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 09:02 PM

All i remember is that it was featured on a television program in the uk a while back.

I remember watching a TV program about this event. Sent shivers down my spine. I personaly don't think it was a fake. It seemed very convincing and the man who it happened to didn't seem like someone out for a bit of fame or money. The fact that this case isn't that well known suggests that person wasn't out to gain anything!

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 10:19 PM


S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA Forsoth! What doth this strange box with flashing lights be doing in thine modest barn?



S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA Egads! It is writing words on doth flashing panel! Hail, strange box of mystery. What doth you be, cube? Animal, plant, or mineral?

WEBSTER84 Um, I'm human.

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA How strange! Thine box claims to be human, but it is clearly not so, as even thine blind man can see.

Who are you?

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA What you see before you is thine humble peasant of England. It is the year of our Lord 1545. Thou was planning on milking thine cow whenest thine discovered you, writing box.

WEBSTER84 That's odd.
I'm in the year 1984 and I was going to play Burgertime on my Tandy 500 when this wierd program called IRC booted onto the screen.

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA Tandy? Burgertime? Booted? Screen? What babble of words doth you speak, puzzle cube!

WEBSTER84 Say, if you are a peasant in the 16th century, How come you're able to write? I thought only royality and monks could do that back then?

S_SPEAR_FAN_4_EVA Zounds! I have been stripped of prentenses! GTG!



posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 11:59 PM
Very interesting story but I just don't get it. How did a computer get into the 16th century and what powered it? I suppose if it was a laptop then it was battery powered but for it to work for 2 years !!

BTW, anyone remember the Catweazle book and TV show? That seems more plausible to me

P.s. For some reason this story reminds me of a haunted washing machine at a caravan park in the early 80's. This is a true story, a lady went to do her washing when she heard voices coming from a washing machine. Needless to say this freaked her out and she told people about it but no one else heard it at first but eventually other people did hear it too. So this haunted washing machine story really took off until one day someone heard, "cq dx, this is whisky delta 24 out of wollongong nsw, calling cq delta x-ray and standing by". After that it didn't take long to track down the culprit. Turns out a CB operator who was using 500watt linear amp around the corner. Apparently this CB rig put out enough power to excite the coils in the washing machine motor for it to act as a loud speaker.

Very sorry for going off topic like that but I couldn't resist

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 06:10 AM
Real or fake this stuff is great! Really sparks the imagination!

posted on Jun, 17 2007 @ 06:16 AM
I remember that story. Wasn't it featured on Strange but True with Michael Aspel?

posted on Jun, 19 2007 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by eliw777
Some of this is really hard to believe. If the linguistic expert found that the writings were 'all but flawless', couldn't he (or anyone else of his profession) be able to fake it?!

I haven't read every presentation of this story, but I can't believe that no one has even taken the time to consider Eliw777's idea. S/he does have a valid point. And it's one which is too often overlooked due to it's simplicity.

If someone who claims to be an expert - in any given field - and obviously has enough knowledge about the subject to 'know' that the claim another person makes IS NOT fake or fabricated.. well, given his own depth of knowledge, he could very well create a fake himself and/or give pointers to someone else. Could he not? (This could apply to EVERY subject matter, not only EVP.)

I've witnessed EVP on several live occasions personally. However, just because something sounds or seems convincing doesn't always make it so. Imagination is a powerful tool. We all tend to see what we would like to see in any given situation -- very rarely what is truly before us.

A debate should cover all possible angles before assuming a conclusion.

That is, if everyone of you are actually taking this seriously..

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Veritas Lux Mea

Originally posted by eliw777
Some of this is really hard to believe. If the linguistic expert found that the writings were 'all but flawless', couldn't he (or anyone else of his profession) be able to fake it?!

I haven't read every presentation of this story, but I can't believe that no one has even taken the time to consider Eliw777's idea. S/he does have a valid point. And it's one which is too often overlooked due to it's simplicity.

If someone who claims to be an expert - in any given field - and obviously has enough knowledge about the subject to 'know' that the claim another person makes IS NOT fake or fabricated.. well, given his own depth of knowledge, he could very well create a fake himself and/or give pointers to someone else. Could he not? (This could apply to EVERY subject matter, not only EVP.)

I've witnessed EVP on several live occasions personally. However, just because something sounds or seems convincing doesn't always make it so. Imagination is a powerful tool. We all tend to see what we would like to see in any given situation -- very rarely what is truly before us.

A debate should cover all possible angles before assuming a conclusion.

That is, if everyone of you are actually taking this seriously..

How can you just come into a thread and pompously assume that nobody is taking this seriously ?

I already quoted the post submitted by eliw777 and said "could be fake though" thereby acknowledging that eliw777 had a point !

If you read through this thread properly you would have seen that nobody had come to a conclusion regarding this paranormal account ! It was just discussed how interesting and convincing it apeared !

Even fakes can apear convincing !

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