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President Bush Caught Drinking Beer At G8

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posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by NGC2736

You people that are excusing this are so shallow, and you can't even see that. You can't even get the point that it's NOT the beer, it's the low down liar mentality that stinks.

"Dah, it was only a beer. He's a grown man. He's in Germany." Do you see how lame your excuses are for a LIAR? Who gives a rat's ass if he pickles his liver? The point no one wants to face is the fact that he LIED about his drinking, and he hid it till it didn't matter any more. And now the smug bastard is flaunting it, and he knew he was on display-don't play dumb- and it's too late. This, among other things, is him giving the finger to America.

You are buggin out over this. He's the president, yes, but he's also a man like you or I. I'd be a hypocrite to make a big issue over this . I didn't care what Clinton did with Lewinsky it was his business and if Bushie wants to have a beer its his purrogative. Beer is not an illegal substance and obviously if he was drinking a beer in a country thats known for its myriad of beer , then he was being social at a gathering like others wre doing as well. If you tell me that he was massaging German PM Angela Merkels shoulders like he did last year thats a different story. Then I'd say you were justified in going off on the man. That was not only an embarrassment on him but an embarrassment to our nation.

I can understand your not liking him as do I but but by nit picking like this takes away from valid complaints that are really important.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by grover
you know as well as I do that bush minor was busted at one point DUI in Maine (in 88 I believe) and that he claimed that being born again helped him stop drinking.

Being caught DUI doesn't make someone an alcoholic.

However, his comment that being 'born again' helped him to stop drinking ... THAT is as close to an admission of an alcohol problem as you can get without actually stating it.

YES. IMHO - Bush 43 had a problem with alcohol. I do believe he is a recovering alcoholic. As such, he should not be taking even one drink.

HOWEVER, if it was non-alcoholic beer that is fine. He was at a function where it was proper for him to have a drink in his hand and it was in Germany where it should be beer - the local drink. I have no problem with him drinking a non-alcoholic beer.

His tummy ache ... that could EASILY be from drinking and/or eatting foreign foods. It happens all the time. Remember his father (Bush 41) got sick in Japan (I think it was Japan) and threw up all over some Prime Minister or something.

When I lived in Japan I couldn't drink any water straight from the pipes on base .. something in them made me feel sick. People who travel to Mexico can't drink even bottled water if it's poured in a glass with ice that is made from unfiltered water from the pipes. Foreign travel does strange things to a person's stomach.

It is fully understandable for people to be watchful with a recovering alcoholic .. especially when that person is POTUS and has his finger on the nuke button. If Ted Kennedy were president (
) I'd be a nervous wreck worrying about him getting drunk and signing something stupid.

** Note - I said 'watchful' ... not GLEEFUL. Some anti-bushies seem gleeful that they think they caught something on the guy.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 06:52 AM
I agree with you flyerfan except... it is my understanding that a recovering alcoholic (or someone with an admitted drinking problem) shouldn't even have a low alcohol beer. People don't understand, it is a metabolic issue. Grady said that he had been a problem (or heavy) drinker and stopped 15 years ago but still takes his niequill every night and that is 10%. True enough but if grady were a true alcoholic he would not be able to do that. Like I said if you are an alcoholic you have two life choices... to drink or not to drink and that there is no in-between....and as such he shouldn't even have that "one", and I am sure his hosts would understand that.

Bush senior threw up on the Prime Minister of Japan.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by grover
it is my understanding that a recovering alcoholic (or someone with an admitted drinking problem) shouldn't even have a low alcohol beer.

That's correct. absolutely. Didn't Bush43 drink a non-Alcoholic drink??? That was my understanding. It was a non-alcoholic beer, right?? If it had any alcohol in it at all then he shouldn't have had it.

Alcoholics even have to stay away from the nyquil, etc etc. Many years ago - didn't Dukakis' wife get drunk on cold medicines and have to go to the hospital? She is a recovering alcoholic too.

I FULLY understand keeping a watchful eye on a recovering alcoholic, especially one that is POTUS. FULLY understand. Even one low alcoholic drink could set him off. However, I think the fact that he is in such a high visibility job and that his handlers (Cheney) would not allow him to fully fall off the wagon.

When he's done being POTUS .. that's another story. He'll be free to drink or not drink as he wishes. I expect to see headlines in the tabloids about him being drunk ... alot.

Bush senior threw up on the Prime Minister of Japan.

Thanks. I knew it was something like that. People who travel and eat foods and drink drinks in foreign countries often get upset stomachs. Perhaps Bush 41 has inherited his fathers 'constitution'.

His tummy ache .. at this point I'm pointing to foreign foods and drinks as the problem. I haven't seen any evidence to support that drinking one non-alcoholic (or one low alcoholic) beer would make a recovering alcoholic sick.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:22 AM
I think it's stretching belief that he only consumed "one" beer. Someone claimed it was only one, because the table wasn't littered with bottles... Like the table with the world's most powerful leaders wouldn't get bussed.

Somebody else claimed it was "Bucklers" beer and 0.05% alcohol. Bucklers is 0.5% not 0.05% so yes you could drink 6 or 8 to equal a full strength beer, but one full strength beer to a recovering alcoholic is more than enough to make them very drunk and very sick.

As for his "handler" Cheney not allowing him to fall off the wagon, he wasn't there at the G8 Conference like he wasn't there at the previous G8 when our prez was obviously drunk and behaving inappropriately.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
I think it's stretching belief that he only consumed "one" beer.

Saying with any authority that it was more is wrong. You don't know.
To insinute more is just padding the story.

If he was falling down drunk .. then you could say that there is evidence that he fell off the wagon. But as far as anyone knows, it was one beer - either non-alcoholic or low-alcohol.

If he had gotten plastered, that would explain the stomach ache. But so would the fact that many travelers, even a POTUS, can easily get sick on foreign foods and drinks.

At any rate - recovering alcoholics and addicts of any kind should be kept an eye on. Bush43 included.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:29 AM
There is no such thing as a non-alcoholic beer... even the lowest have enough if you are truly an alcoholic.

As for the tabloids they already have stories about him drinking (and having an affair with Rice) and there have been times when his English usage was such a mess that one can't help but wonder what is going on.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:34 AM
I had this to say about bush minor on another thread "Bushes Memory Shorter than a Goldfish" and while I was responding to it... what I have to say still applies to this one.

Originally posted by grover
I want to qualify something before I continue; while I despise bush minor and his policies; what I have to say are some observations about a fellow human being. I am not attempting to bash him, rather I want to point out some very disturbing things about his verbal behavior.

Like I said earlier, the thing that bothers me the most about this video and other clips I have seen of bush minor's unscripted talk is his seeming difficulties forming a coherent sentence.

Why does this bother me? Two reasons:

(1) It shows limited reasoning abilities. Grady is right people do ramble, but for the most part we can (unless we are very stoned) complete a thought without getting lost; and that is part of the problem. Does he have difficulty thinking or is he on some drug(s), without which he is rambling and incoherent?

(2) I have seen clips of him debating during his runs for Texas governor, and they are not the same man. Physically of course they are but what I mean is if you were to splice a clip of him debating Ann Richardson next to a clip of him debating John Kerry, its night and day. The same is true between his scripted speeches and his spontaneous speech. AND it is getting worse... watch him at ground zero in 2001 and look at this clip again. The change is quite dramatic.

Simply put bad something has happened to that man. You do not have that dramatic of a loss in the ability to communicate without a cause. Yes we do lose some with age but he is not THAT old plus with all the things demanding his attention, his communication skills SHOULD be increasing, instead they decline.

The options, and I am no doctor, would seem to be a stroke, early onset Alzheimer's, damage from drug or alcohol abuse, a head injury or some other neurological disease.

Any case it doesn't surprise me the man is delusional as well. It is tragic for an individual man but disastrous for the country.

[edit on 10-6-2007 by grover]

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:39 AM
Alcoholic with a serious coc aine addiction according to many sources...


posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 07:50 AM
As if this was the first time, that Bush was drunk at G8 meeting:

Bush's unexpected squeeze of the German chancellor has the Internet howling

Merkel "recoiled as I would also do if someone came up from behind me and started touching me,'' Curtis said. She wondered if the president was "drunk or on something," adding "he is a frat boy gone wild in a grown-up, very scary and dangerous world."

Bush - Stoned? Drunk? Medicated? Retarded? Presidential Tester for the Pharmaceutical Industry? You Decide...

Watch his gibberish at the G8, especially the bizarre stuff about how long the plane flights to various countries are. If you take out the comments of the other leaders (because they actually sound intelligent and not like drunken bar talk) and just read what Bush says, he sounds just like someone who is more than half looped.

"Gotta go home. Gotta do sumthin tonight. Get ona plane. Go home. It's a long flight. How long is your flight? That's a long flight. Your country is big. His country is big too." Retarded or stoned, you decide.

This is the kind of mindless bar drivel that drunks who can't shut up drone on with. They just keep running their mouths, totally disconnected from the non-verbal clues of the people around them.

Anyway - alcoholic or not anymore; I really could not care less about his problem with booze; I just find it kind of "funny", that Bush was first reported ill with stomach problems, then we saw him with a beer in his hand. Just posing for photos. What he did in his own room, nobody knows.

Anyway, perhaps he has the Dry Drunk Syndrome?

This is all a BIG distraction from the real events, which should be in the spotlight - not Bush with Two Beer or Not Two Beer!

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 09:27 AM
To those who feel I'm bashing Bush. You're right. I am bashing him, because he failed at the truth. I said the same thing when Clinton lied about his sexscapades. It has nothing to do with beer or sex, but it has everything to do with being truthful. It has nothing to do with Democrat vs. Republican, but everything to do with honesty vs. dishonesty.

When Bush supporters, and Clinton supporters, start making excuses for these people and their actions, then you are not facing the truth.

I never said that Bush got drunk. That is not the point. But I'm not nit picking to expect that the man should act, at the very least in public, according to his stated intentions. And taking me to task for bashing him over his conduct is just another way of excusing him, instead of admitting that he behaved very poorly.

If you belong to a church that hires a pastor who tells you that he doesn't go to adult bookstores, though in his wild youth he did, then you naturally expect him not to be seen at one. Do you then make excuses for him when his picture is taken holding a Penthouse magazine? Do you say, "Well, he was only reading the articles." or "Other people were looking at the same books." or "He still had his pants on."

Are you telling us he was not aware that he was on display at the G8? That he had no expectation that his actions would be observed? That not one of his aides ever told him there were photographers taking pictures? That he was in public view? The truth is that he displayed the fact that he just no longer cared what people thought, and that he was a liar.

And he is the President of the United States. The fact that he once made a point about not drinking any more, is not news that was confined to these shores alone. So could other world leaders say to themselves that dealing with him might not have the honesty they desired? That his word about something might not mean the exact truth? That he was untrustworthy?

Like it or not, the world watches this man, and much of the world forms their opinions about America, and Americans, based on our president and his actions. There is a lot of lamenting that goes on daily over the fact that America isn't respected around the globe, yet some of you want to excuse the conduct of our poster boy. He's not the plumber that lives down the street, or the a local car salesman. To many in the world, he is America.

He should have known his position as president was on display from day one. It's part of the job that he wanted. If he wasn't intending to be The Person that stood for what America is all about, then he should have never taken the job. Twice.

Say what you want, but know that in defending his actions, you are saying it's alright to be a liar, that it's excusable to not stick to your word, that this is the way we want the world to see America.

Just don't expect me to be that self deceiving.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Sorry for quoting myself, but can ANYONE here say that these bottles don't match? The bottle on the right is a NON-ALCOHOLIC beer, and IMHO looks exactly like what Bush is drinking, which in turn appears different than what the others are drinking.

Please, if you see anything inconsistent with it being the Buckler non-alcoholic beer, please post it here. Otherwise, please stop slandering our President.

[edit on 6/10/2007 by djohnsto77]

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 09:55 AM
Where is the real lack of truth?

Is it that Bush drank "SOMETHING" at that meeting?

Or is it more accurately that you are ASSUMING that it was some kind of beer?

Regardless I have still to this point never seen any campaign promise or any promise to the American people AT ALL that President Bush made asserting that he would not drink...

However, all of you feel free to carry on... Rare is it that we can be as entertained as we are by

1. All of you ASSuming it was beer
2. All of you caring if it is beer
3. Making completely unsubstantiated statments

Good thing no one spilled the sugar... You would all have him snorting Cocaine...

If most of you were as ASSUMING as this on other topics, the UFO forum would be remiss for your absence..

"Still cracking myself up"


posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 09:56 AM
dejohnsto77, Looks to me exactly the same. I agree that in all likelyhood he was drinking low/non alcohol beer.

Good post.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Good thing no one spilled the sugar... You would all have him snorting Cocaine...

Glad you brought this up - let us explore some more, shall we?

Secret Service, U.S. intel say Bush uses coc aine, Prozac, alcohol

Secret Service members attached to White House domestic security, FBI and CIA agents, and written national security field reports all confirm that President Bush has been using drugs which could be affecting his performance as the nation’s war-time commander-in-chief.

Federal law enforcement agents have at different times witnessed President Bush doing lines of coc aine in the early morning hours at the White House and drinking straight shots of whiskey in the evening hours on other occasions, according to U.S. intelligence sources who confirm multiple stories appearing in the tabloid press which say the First Lady is assigned to “keep an eye on him.”

Bush’s doses of Ritalin and Prozac are reportedly administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House physician; and medical journals say they can impair the President’s mental faculties and decrease both his physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis.

Medical reports also say that mixing coc aine with alcohol produces a substance in the blood called “cocaethylene” which can be more toxic to the body than the coc aine itself.


And this guy has the codes for U.S. nuclear ARSenal?


George W. Bush substance abuse controversy

Bush has said he gave up drinking after waking up with a hangover after his 40th birthday celebration: "I quit drinking in 1986 and haven't had a drop since then." Despite his claims of having no alcohol since 1986, video of Bush at a wedding in 1992 has surfaced in which the president appears intoxicated, slurring his speech and saying odd things.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 10:09 AM

BTW: Why can't I edit my posts anymore?

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 10:22 AM
Okay .... I thought that non-alcoholic beer would be okay for an alcoholic.
Apparently there is more to this than I thought.

The dangers of non-alcoholic beer (and wine) for alcoholics. There is a psychological danger. The taste is a trigger. Some people start acting drunk even when they aren't.

This isn't widely known. For sure - this is the first that I have heard of this - but it does make some sense.

I'm going to keep looking at this. I'm sure there is more information out there.

I think we have learned something new today. I have. Non-alcoholic beer and wine is NOT good for many recovering alcoholics.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Why can't I edit my posts anymore?

Because you post junk from Tom Flocco and Al Jazeera on ATS.

Anyone who does that gets spanked. Your button has been taken away!

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by grover
As for the tabloids they already have stories about him drinking

... well .. they also post pictures of space aliens shaking hands with those in the senate. Tabloids are tabloids. Can't always trust them, ya' know? But I betchya dollars to donuts that after he leaves the White House, and after there aren't so many security layers in place, THEN is when you will know for sure if he's drinking. (and my guess is that he will be)

(and having an affair with Rice)

OMG .. there is an ugly thought. My breakfast just churned in my stomach. Honestly grover, I can't see that at all. WHO would want to have an affair with Bush43? I'm willing to be $$ that even Laura doesn't want to ... ya' know??

there have been times when his English usage was such a mess that one can't help but wonder what is going on.

My guess is medication. Really. He is so high visibilty that I highly doubt that he'd be drinking, snorting, or tok'n in the White House. There are too many people around him at all times and there are too many Homeland Security sensors in the air to be able to get the illegal stuff in. My guess - and it's only a guess - is that he's medicated. I watched him start to fall apart - crying every time anything patriotic or military came up during speeches, etc etc. once in a while is fine, but it was all the time. I think he is medicated. I think Cheney is probably overseeing it.

ALL my opinion ... all could be wrong ... but that' my guess.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 11:02 AM
Please, there's no way he could have been intoxicated by 0.05% beer.

5.00% is about normal for beer, but Bush was a whisky drinker around 40%

No way in hell he felt even the lightesst buzz off this.

The only purpose of this thread is to prove how desperate the people who want to trash Bush are.

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