Now, I am a avid reader of ATS and lately have been reading posts about amnesty and listening to both sides of the "fence" so to speak. I have
compiled a short list of why I am totally against any form of amnesty for ILLEGAL immigrants.
One idea I would propose to the government if I could would be to allow US citizens to fence off the boarder as a non-profit community service. I know
for one I would put in as many hours as possible to help stop this blatent disregard for our countries laws. If we had a strictly voluenteer group of
people dedicated to building a fence along the whole US/Mexico boarder, I bet a good amount of people would lend a hand and put a end to this
Now on to the reason for my post. Here is a short list of reasons why I myself am totally against ANY form of amnesty. The world ILLEGAL is used for a
reason, and what kind of example are we setting for our children if we allow ILLEGAL activities to continue - not only to allow it, but to actually
encourage it!
1. "the increasing number of illegal aliens coming into the United States is forcing the closure of hospitals, spreading previously vanquished
diseases and threatening to destroy America's prized health-care system, says a report in the spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and
2. "84 California hospitals are closing their doors as a direct result of the rising number of illegal aliens and their non-reimbursed tax on the
spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.
3. "TB was virtually absent in Virginia until in 2002, when it spiked a 17 percent increase, but Prince William County, just south of Washington,
D.C., had a much larger rise of 188 percent. Public health officials blamed immigrants. In 2001 the Indiana School of Medicine studied an outbreak of
MDR-TB, and traced it to Mexican illegal aliens. The Queens, New York, health department attributed 81 percent of new TB cases in 2001 to immigrants.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ascribed 42 percent of all new TB cases to 'foreign born' people who have up to eight times higher
incidences apparently, 66 percent of all TB cases coming to America originate in Mexico, the Philippines and Vietnam."
4. "Given their past stances, CBC members can be expected to support amnesty for illegal immigrants and the proposed new guest-worker program that
will further disadvantage working-class Americans and those who will compete with the new immigrants for housing, health care, education and other
benefits provided to low- and moderate-income Americans. "
5. "It is estimated by the National Research Council that the average household of illegal aliens in California alone uses $3,463 annually in
services paid for by taxpayers. This includes, but is not limited to, health care, education, welfare, and criminal justice."
6. "By increasing the labor supply between 1980 and 2000, immigration reduced the average annual earnings of U.S.-born men by an estimated $1,700, or
roughly 4 percent."
7. "Law enforcement officials and lawmakers such as Pearce also contend that crime follows illegal immigrants across the border. The state prison
system spent $77 million last year detaining more than 4,000 illegal immigrants."
8. "U.S. federal government spends at least $10 billion a year, which is estimated to climb to at least $30 billion a year if illegal aliens receive
amnesty or qualify for full federal benefits."
There is MANY more reasons, but I cannot fit them all in this post. Im sure you all get the idea.