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Kidney Stones

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posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 05:33 PM
UGH! I just had the WORST pain of my life.

I've been in and out of the hospital this week ... visits to the emergency room and being admitted... the PAIN was unfreak'n believeable. I 'passed' a 4 mil stone. It took 2 1/2 days. The CAT scan shows multiple other stones in both kidneys 2 and 3 mil each.

The one that came through is being tested and I'll know what kind it is in a few weeks.

The PAIN! The nausea! .. oh .. did I mention the PAIN?!?!

So .. HOW do I dissolve these stones and flush them without having to go through what I just went through?

Anyone out there have experience with kidney stones and want to pass along some tips? I just read that cola type sodas can cause them (I LIVE on Pepsi! Guess that's over with!!)

Any tips on DISSOLVING them into sand and passing them?

Anyone use that Uriflow natural stuff?
Anyone have any natural remedies?

I NEVER want to go through this again. I'd rather be dead. Seriously.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 07:16 PM
My sympathies! I haven't had one, but I know people who have, and it can be horrible.

Here's some basic info on preventing and research. Basically they say to drink lots of fluids and to take pain meds:

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 07:37 AM
Thanks Byrd.

I'm having to change my diet to prevent more.

We know I have a bunch already in both kidneys. I'm wondering how to dissolve those .. perhaps naturally. If anyone has any ideas .. I'm VERY open to them.

BTW ... When I die, I'm planning on having a talk with God about this so-called 'intelligently designed body' of ours that He created .... UGH!!!

The only thing I can think of with all this is that He (God) makes us so uncomfortable down here on Earth that when death comes we can't wait to grab it and run.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 10:38 AM
I sympathize with ya, FF. I've never had kidney stones, but I've had a kidney infection when I was younger. It's something I hope I never experience again.

Cranberry juice is a natural remedy, I've been told. Of course, milk and other dairy products can cause calcium kidney stones.

Good luck. I hope you're feeling better!

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 01:09 PM
I had them a few years back and can only describe the pain as excruciating.
When I say this, bear in mind that I've been punched and kicked all over my body and also stabbed once, as well as screwing my back up bigtime in an accident.

The only thing I can suggest is water and lots of it - help flush them out.
After that you're going to need to look at diet and lifestyle.

My 2nd bout with them was just "grit" and wasn't quite as bad - maybe because I knew what to expect?
The doc gave me some tablets to open up the passages and help them pass more easily, but unfortunately I can't remember what they were called.

My advice is drink water until you constantly need the toilet, then drink some more - also the best detox there is!

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 01:17 PM
Cant you use ultra-sound to break up the stones in your kidneys?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 06:28 AM
Ultra sound is used sometimes. But I'm told that it's only when they are 6 mil or bigger. Mine are 3+/-.

I have read about natural remedies that ALLEGEDLY turn them to sludge .. but I'm rather nervous about doing that - using natural remedies that I read about on the internet.

I was wondering about other people's experiences and their advice. I NEVER NEVER want to have another week like this last one.

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