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The Brazilian

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posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 02:17 PM
For the people that havn't heard about this, it is a very fascinating story. And for those that have, discuss

This is my take on the reported events

Report 1
According to a press release dated 9 June - issued by A. J. Gevaerd, editor of a UFO magazine and president of the Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research - the story begins on the afternoon of 20 January this year near the city of Varginha, in the Central Brazilian state of Minas Gerais, when three young girls observed a strange creature in a field near their home. From a few meters away, they saw the creature squatting behind an old garage, apparently gasping in pain. When it made a slight movement, they fled as though from the devil. Although the girls saw no UFO, an elderly couple did claim later to have seen, earlier that morning, a grey, submarine-like object that silently skimmed the ground. The girls - two sisters and a friend - were interviewed by Dr Ubiraja Franco Rodrigues and Vitorio Pacaccini, two veteran ufologists who happened to live in the vicinity. They were quickly convinced by the description given by the unsophisticated witnesses that it was extraterrestrial. Its hairless body was not more than five feet tall and dark brown, as though it had oil on its skin. It had two large, red, pupil-less eyes, a small mouth and nose and a big, brown head with three rather rounded horns. It also smelled; the mother of the sisters testifying to the strange odour that still lingered at the site when she visited it.

The smell of hydrogen sulphide (akin to rotton eggs) is common place around UFO experiance and alien encounter. The "creature" gasping is quite interesting, anyone remember the alien interveiw? The horns are not part of the stereotypical alien look whereas everything else is. Hmm.

Report 2
Rodrigues and Pacaccini located other residents of Varginha who had seen strange beings in the area and, at the same time, unusually intense military activity. A military informant told them that the town Fire Department had been asked, early that morning, to capture a strange animal. On seeing it, they called the nearest army base, the Escola Sargentos de Armas in the neighbouring city of Tres Coracoes. Using nets, the unknown creature was finally caught, placed in a box and driven away on an army truck. The commander, Lieutenant Colonel Olimpio Wanderley Santos, then declared it a "secret operation". Nevertheless, the investigators were able to gather testimony from several military personnel. They spoke of the capture of a second creature - possibly the one seen by the girls - later that night. This second creature, apparently similar to the first, was taken to the Regional General Hospital of Varginha for a few hours before being transferred to the better equipped Humanitas Hospital. After two days, according to the story, the creature died and was removed at night by 'S2' military intelligence officers. Anyone who saw the creature, it seems, was warned not to talk, especially to the press and UFO researchers.

Suspect, why would the firemen ring up the military on seeing the creature? If they didn't know what is was why didn't they call a biologist. More inportantly why did the military put the creature in a box? Still no sign of recovered craft, so why did the aliens leave their ship?

This report on the incident is not the best, lets look at another one.


An unidentified flying object was picked up on US radar over Brazil (there were no Brazilian satellites), contact was however made with the Brazilians and the information was relayed. The Brazilian Air Force was scrambled while many people on the ground saw a cigar shaped craft expelling large amounts of smoke heading for the ground. In other parts of the town there were many anomalous lights reported.
The Brazilian Army and the local fire service went to the crash site in a coordinated joint operation. They go to the crash site as indicated by local eyewitness reports. On searching the area, a craft was not located, however an EBE was. It was wrapped in a camouflage net then put into a 1meter (3ft) square box before being loaded into a Brazilian Army Truck by soldiers.

An aircraft is picked up on radar, this caused to military too scramble to the area. Many people began saw the craft crashing down to eart. Did the brazilian airforce shoot down the craft, unlikly but it is a possibility.

After the event, a woman attending a party at a local zoo. saw an identical creature as the girls had seen. Dr. Leila Cabral, a member of the zoo staff report anomalous problems and five unexpected deaths of animals with inconclusive port mortems.

Final veiws
Could their be an alien still alive in the brazilian area of Varginha? maybe, but a creature not being seen for since 1996 is unlikly. The creature seems to have an affect on animals. was it killing animals to sustain its self, and could this be related to cattle mutilations everywhere?

Could this event be as important as Roswell? Arguments for its case are that it is fresh and recent and all witnesses are alive and will be for a long time to come. Most Key Witnesses to Roswell are now dead and died within ten years of the incident. However on the down side, the military were quick to react the crash and were keen for the public and press to see as little as possible. If they hide all evidence will this event be confined to deep inside an American military base making a comprehensive investigation impossible?

Only time will tell :/, as soon as I can find a torrent I'll link you to the documentary.

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 03:34 PM
Here's art of the creatures seen-

Suspect, why would the firemen ring up the military on seeing the creature? If they didn't know what is was why didn't they call a biologist. More inportantly why did the military put the creature in a box? Still no sign of recovered craft, so why did the aliens leave their ship?

Call a biologist? I wasn't aware there was such a hotline

[Edited on 6-1-2004 by Esoterica]

[Edited on 6-1-2004 by Esoterica]

posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Esoterica
Here's art of the creatures seen-

Suspect, why would the firemen ring up the military on seeing the creature? If they didn't know what is was why didn't they call a biologist. More inportantly why did the military put the creature in a box? Still no sign of recovered craft, so why did the aliens leave their ship?

Call a biologist? I wasn't aware there was such a hotline

[Edited on 6-1-2004 by Esoterica]

[Edited on 6-1-2004 by Esoterica]

Hasn't anyone heard of the "Critter Gitters"?


posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 04:34 PM
I saw this on a program on Discovery Science when the grandmother was calling it the devil and stuff because the girls thought it was the devil apparently. It also showed interviews with soliders who went out late at night to capture something apparently it was that creature in the drawing they then picked it up took it back to Brazilian air base and it was then taken to America some of the soliders became ill I think as well I saw this program a few months ago so correct me if I missed something or got something wrong.


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