posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 05:50 PM
7:38PM EDT is the nominal time for lift-off. Weather can always be an issue in Florida and in the Launch Readiness Review News Conference yesterday
much was made of the possibilty of more hail - again. I think one senior spokesperson said, "Please not more talk of hail, this mission needs some
good luck for a change." or something to that effect.
There was a previously undisclosed issue concerning the 17" diameter high pressure propellant pipe and it's alignment between the ET and Orbiter.
Apparently they had to take it apart and shimmed and glued it. The fore-aft alignment was a big problem in the early days as the length of pipe and
the ET change size owing to thermalling. These problems were solved by extensive quality control jigs and fixtures with lots of careful measurement...
for a time the problem went away and since STS-75 the Q+A measures and standards had been relaxed in ET tank proccessing at KSC. Fingers-crossed.
It was not mentioned whether there were any dissenting engineering opinions in regard to this non-publicized potential concern.
Both the Flight Readiness Review' and the L-1 Launch Readiness Review' News Conferences are looping on NASA Media TV and on the NASA-TV public
channel on the web... try
Related Links:
There is a link to the Broacast schedule on that page.
For a nifty online Flash mission timeline
here. Click the mission timeline link.
And a link to the STS-117 Mission Homepage
The media was shown Lockheed's "Pencil Sharpener" today in Florida that was used to fix the hail strikes on the nose of the ET... I hope for a safe
[edit on 7-6-2007 by V Kaminski]