posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:49 AM
Original Anonymous Post By: anon_116073
does anyone here know where any entrances to the tunnels underground SLC?
I do not know about tunnels in Utah but.......
Yes there is a tunnel in Nanoose Bay B.C. Canada. For many years it was abandoned and there have been a few teenagers who were brave enough to scale
their way down and into the black abyss. For the past 2 years access to this area is now denied as the military have secured this area.
for those who do not know where Nanoose Bay is located, it is on Vancouver Island.
Nanoose Bay is a nuclear military test range occupied by both the Canadian and the US Military.
What goes on there now nobody knows.
Does anyone else know of tunnels elsewhere?
[edit on 6-6-2007 by iamcanadian2]