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ZOOMING Mr Nico Haupt

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posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 09:18 AM
I have just read a very pertinent post that says quite rightly that the 9/11 Truth Movement seems to be being weakened, because there are now sides accusing each other of being disinformers. Surely the latest 'upset' at these boards with the 'No Planes' 9/11 theories gives a hint of this

So how are we to resolve this crisis?

Considering that --as far as I am aware--the main instigator for the 9/11 No-Planes TV Fakery theory seems to be Nico Haupt, it seems apt to really focus on what he and his followers are putting down. BUT to do this systematically so we are not all over the place. Ie., to concentrate on certain Nico's 'facts. For example, I am watching a video to do with Nico haupt, where he is being interviewed, and straightaway, Alex Jones is accused of being a double agent for MI6. - 'Channel Z - Nico Haupt on Cultural - TV Fakery; Cameo of Alex Jones on TW - CFR film'

is this accusation true? Are his accusations of Professor Jones, and professor David Ray Griffin are infiltrators, true, having said to have been involved with secret services and this is why they never mention 'exotic weaponry' etc etc

So to begin we could look at his accusation of Alex Jones, and just boldly investigate this, and if it is seen false, then go on to another 'fact, and so on. Maybe this thread could be the de-construction of Nico Haupt's theories, I dunno. But just banning him and his ilk, as apparently some 9/11 sites have done, surely just add to their rebellious chic mystique...?

So what do you say? I would particularly like the help with this from member, for it was via his info. I found OUT about Mr Nico Haupt in the first place

[edit on 6-6-2007 by zoomein]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 07:39 AM
Well I just heard of Nico here on ATS when the 'tv fakery' crowd showed up. Thanks to Mr.Old.School for alerting us to who was behind it.
I watched this clip last night of Nico disrupting a truth meeting.
He seems very angry and disjointed, and he has a fowl mouth.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 07:43 AM
it seems to me that the 9/11 movement is being dismantled with disinfo just like the UFO movement was and continues to be. In fact any CT that gains ground tends to suffer from the same kind assault and injection of grey info. Tried and tested I guess.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:13 AM
I am not sure if Nico was first, I think it was the GRANDMOTHER FROM CHICAGO, the WEBFAIRY who started some of this. She was debunked completely and I think she even altered clips.

I don't think Alex Jones is disinfo for the simple reason that he doesn't usually spend to much time trying to *ACCUSE* others. That is one of the hallmarks of COINTELPRO, disrpution of others in the movement.

What Alex Jones is at times, is MISINFORMED. I think he has his heart in the right place but he just isn't known for the best journalism. Although lately his site seems to be getting better.

But, the way they are going after Alex Jones and others is a sure sigh that he is making a difference.

If you noticed people who are with this tv fakery stuff, go around different message boards and spend an awful lot of time accusing others, people who have made a huge difference in public awareness. They go after these people on a consistent basis.

So it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Tv Fakery people seem to buy into *SPACE BEAMS* or *ENERGY BEAMS*, or a wide range of ludicrous things, all meant to stop more real research.

I am going to deal with one item here, because to do deal with All their items is a waist of time.

They have put out this video of a *MOVING* bridge in the background of the towers. They also have a video clip on the link you provided of a man with a moving background or rotating background. They say the man is not really there etc.

Well I will link to a video, actually a test video for a Model and the Camera Lense is a V-3 Camera Lense which a lot of broadcast video's use.

Watch the background of of the clip between the *V* shape of the Tree Branches. You will see the trees continuing to move to the right as the center image of the foreground seems to be rather centered.

This has to do with the zoom effect and the movement of the person holding the camera.

The illusion is perfectly natural.

A lot of the tv fakery stuff can be explained easily. See this site

And then

But here is the real kicker in this. Shouldn't the tv fakery people produce sourced films?? I mean, who is to say they aren't the ones that aren't faking us?!

What we see from them, are highly compressed videos etc. They have to prove themselves by linking NOT TO SOMETHING ON YOUTUBE but referencing the REAL Source or archive in the NEWS CHANNEL. So we can examine quality. They don't do this.

Its a disinformation that has caught some real honest people in its web.

[edit on 30-6-2007 by talisman]

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by zoomein
Alex Jones is accused of being a double agent for MI6.

That is the funniest thing I've read all month. Thanks.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 03:47 PM
Wow, That's great that the webfairy has been debunked. Can you post a link to substantiate what you're talking about? I know Steven Jones is a fraud and a liar like Loose Change and 911 Mysteries but I hadn't seen any credible debunking of the Webfairy or Nico Haupt or September Clues.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 03:58 PM
Alex Jones IS a disinfo tool, whether he is aware of it or not..

He got suckered in by Prof Jones ludicrous thermate theory, despite all the evidence clearly showing that something quite amazing took place during the demolitions of WTC 1 and 2. Would Alex really miss out certain bits of evidence? He has proven himself a good researcher generally speaking, so to think he just ignored some evidence from 9/11..

Thats why i believe he is a psyop tool, and willingly too. He gives the "elite" the dark and scary image, like the whole Bohemian Grove thing... he just managed to infiltrate that place? Id like to see anyone else try that! Not to mention, he also gets up to the minute coverage on Bilderberg meetings etc.

Nico is merely exposing the truth. He mite appear to go about it in the wrong way, but when your fighting against a "truth movement" that has been corrupted from the moment it was concieved, you really have no choice but to make yourself heard.

No one gets into the spotlight unless they have been granted permission by the elite. Nothing happens by coincidence, not in this day and age, and especially not in the world of geopolitics.

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 04:52 PM
Sorry, just a minute to spare - great thread idea, but no time to read more than the first few posts. Let's focus on this onr guru who knows just who's right and who's an infiltrator and see what we can learn. I know only a little. From my Frustrating Fraud namebase - not even a very good entry.

Nico Haupt (aka "Ewing 2001"): Aff w/INN,, co-founder, etc. A 9/11 heavyweight. Prominent and reportedly belligerent NY area no-planes anywhere on 9/11 advocate. Seems to promote hologram theories (TV fakery) and dismisses those who disagree with him "plane huggers." Was a source for Ruppert on the 9/11 wargames along with Honegger. Ruppert described him as "talented but erratic." Seems true - a lot of good evidence mixed in with his analysis. Transcribed 2006 interview: "[inaudible] the missle hit the Pentagon video [inaudible] [...] [inaudible] [...] In my new presentation, I've laid over the video so the buildings are the same size [inaudible] at the right angle. In one video, entering bit by bit [inaudible] other footage, the cgi... You just have to see the overlay to see it."


Anyway this is the main thing I want to share, a startling little 3-slide site I just stumbled on last night. It goes well beyonf Haupt and connects Fetzer, Woods, etc and focuses on WING TV, but it is still valuable to help understand Haupt in his little ecosystem...

posted on Jun, 30 2007 @ 11:24 PM
After seeing a actual video of Nico and seeing how he was dressed compared to the speaker and in a church, I can see how he was ridiculed.

The main thing that sticks in my mind is does it matter whos "theory" is right??? The main point we need to look at is that whether 911 was an inside job or not. I don't think we can limit ourselves as far as what was the real cause of 911 because we don't really know HOW it was done. We have theories yes, but we don't really know how it was done.

As soon as we put our full resources into "who" instead of "what" than we can start the real fight.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 12:16 AM
sarah cohen

Eric does a nice job on refuting webairy and Nico.

I also posted a video that showed the movement of zoomed objects in background shots against a relatively stable foreground. So the question would be if tv fakery people make such simple mistakes, what others could there be?

But I wonder if many people are really interested in real analysis. Or the real tough questions?

Think of killtown when he would refused to give a standard of evidence, or 'evidence for evidence' if most of the evidence we rely on for 9/11 involves the media!!

The entire premise is self-refuting. This is what leads to illogical thoughts on the subject.

Consider those who argue there was planted PLANE PARTS with flight 93 but then say the planes themselves were CGI??!! They totally miss that this is absurd and its obvious since any photo of a "PLANE PART" might be just CGI as well! But they believe in planted parts in obscure places but fake planes in a heavily populated city!

Nico and webfairy are in my view there to try and cause a disruption in the 9/11 movement.

Thankfully it isn't working.

[edit on 1-7-2007 by talisman]

posted on Jul, 5 2007 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic

Nico Haupt (aka "Ewing 2001"): Aff w/INN,, co-founder, etc. A 9/11 heavyweight. Prominent and reportedly belligerent NY area no-planes anywhere on 9/11 advocate. Seems to promote hologram theories (TV fakery) and dismisses those who disagree with him "plane huggers." Was a source for Ruppert on the 9/11 wargames along with Honegger.

Thanks for the lowdown. Very informative.
So this nutter Nico is the first source for the wargames?

Anyway this is the main thing I want to share, a startling little 3-slide site I just stumbled on last night. It goes well beyonf Haupt and connects Fetzer, Woods, etc and focuses on WING TV, but it is still valuable to help understand Haupt in his little ecosystem...

Very good viewing.
IMO the members on that slide show are disinfo.

[edit on 5-7-2007 by 11Bravo]

posted on Jul, 6 2007 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by 11Bravo

Thanks for the lowdown. Very informative.
So this nutter Nico is the first source for the wargames?

Sorta, I think. The info that Ruppert used was mostly public domain, all verifiable, except flourishes like Honegger's insistence Dick Cheney was in charge of them, which Ruppert amplified even tho there's little evidence for that. Haupt's role, I dunno. I think he just helped put together the available info and bring t to Ruppert's attention (??). Anyway, I doubt he really added much of value to the debate besides bringing it up.

Very good viewing.
IMO the members on that slide show are disinfo.

I had figured that before, but my God I had no idea how bad they were until I saw that. death to "disinfo" truthers? WING TV is run by Victor Thorn and Lisa Giuliani (no rel. to Rudy I know of). Their list of fave researchers should tip some people off on who not to trust.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 09:45 AM
Nico was mentioned in a blistering NY POST article today...

July 16, 2007 -- THIS time, they've gone too far. A group of 9/11 conspiracy theorists - whackos who deny that jumbo jets brought down the World Trade Center - is on the attack. But their latest target isn't the government, which they claim destroyed the buildings with explosives. They're using a vicious Internet assault to pick on an elderly widow.
The Web site is the work of a Rick Siegel, who hawks DVDs that purport to prove the trade center's destruction was an inside job. He is partners with Nico Haupt, who is known for sending blistering e-mail rants to trade-center survivors.
My attempts to reach both men were fruitless.
The odd thing is that the loonies are picking on Ellen. She has been outspoken in insisting that the government knows more about the attacks than it is admitting. But a source familiar with the groups says they tend to target people who fall short of their extreme anti-Semitic, anti-everything views.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I sometimes wonder if this negative 9/11 conspiracy press is exactly what Nico has been looking for.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

I sometimes wonder if this negative 9/11 conspiracy press is exactly what Nico has been looking for.

I think you are right.
Seems like classic cointelpro if you ask me.
Find the most extreme (insert grass roots movement member) and hold them up as a shining example of the entire movement.
If no extreme member exists then create one.

Its obvious that these guys have no desire to find the truth or push the movement forward.
It doesnt take a genius to figure out that if we are going to get anywhere as a 'movement' then we need to focus on things we can all agree on.
Them pushing the 'exotic weaponry' does absolutly nothing EXCEPT further alienate the average citizen, and thus is detrimental to the pursuit of truth.
You cant alienate 90% of the population, even fellow truthers, and expect to achieve anything.
These guys and their 'tv fakery' 'no planes' 'exotic weaponry' theories are doing far more harm to the truth movement then any hit piece by FOX or Popular Mechanics.

I think they are communists.

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 10:14 AM
I love it, the Ct'ers use Nico as a valid source and now he is being mentioned as counter-intel-pro. So now Nico is working for the Government?!?

posted on Jul, 16 2007 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by ferretman2
I love it, the Ct'ers use Nico as a valid source and now he is being mentioned as counter-intel-pro. So now Nico is working for the Government?!?

I would call you ignorant, but thats not allowed.
Do you have any idea how cointelpro works, or what it is?
Cointelpro documents

Xerox copies of true documents, documents subtly incorporating false information, and entirely fabricated documents would be periodically anonymously mailed to the residence of a key Panther leader. These documents would be on the stationery and in the form used by the police department or by the FBI in disseminating information to the police. FBI documents, when used, would contain police routing or date received notations, clearly indicating they had been pilfered from police files. An attempt would be made to give the Panther recipient the impression the documents were stolen from police files by a disgruntled police employee sympathetic to the Panthers

You see how easy it is to get Mr. Nico Haupt barking up the wrong tree?
Do you see that 'they' can feed him anonymous documents, some real ones at first to make him a hero to the truth movement, then some not so real ones to make him out to be a nutter?
Read up on that link I provide, its very informative and all documented.

I seriously reccomend you do some research and atleast attempt to understand what we are dealing with as a nation.
Everything is NOT ok here, in case you didnt notice.

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