posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 11:18 AM
As Nefermore has commented, the word 'lunacy' illustrates the very old belief in the power of the full moon to affect human (and animal)
There's been ongoing debate for decades, with scientists claiming it's all unsubstantiated folk-lore, only for 'new research' to counter-claim
that the folk-lore is backed by solid evidence, such as marked increase in births, deaths, strokes, heart-attacks, violent and unusual crime, general
unrest, heavy bleeding in surgery patients, etc. etc.
Down in the basement, I have books of 60's and 70's vintage in which authors tend towards one view or the other. Up until approx. the 1930's
though, it seems to have been generally accepted that the full moon definitely affects human behaviours. The belief rests on anecdotal evidence,
going back dozens of centuries. I tend to favour the latter, if for no other reason than I trust practical people with no agenda but lots of
experience, rather than 'scientists' who will swiftly skew their findings to comply with the party-line, in the interests of their personal
agenda(tenure, publishing plans, etc).
It's entirely possible that not everyone is affected by the moon, however, in which case it's reasonable that they would dispute the affect of the
full moon upon humans. It's possible too, that 'scientists', being 'math orientated' are less emotional and so less prone to the affects of the
moon, which would explain their dismissing such beliefs. Those more emotional and 'artistic' on the other hand, may know full well that the phases
of the moon definitely affect their emotional and physical balance as well as creative energies, etc., and may wonder why 'scientists' deny same.
So I guess it depends upon the make-up of the individual, as to how greatly they are affected/what they believe.
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the effects of the phases of the moon. For example, some decades ago, crabs were removed from their
sea-shore habitat and taken several hundreds of miles inland, to the desert, where they were secreted several dozen feet underground. The study
revealed that the crabs' behaviour continued to reflect the phases of the moon, despite their considerable distance from the shoreline, rhythms and
rises of the ocean, etc. There have been numerous similar studies.
Older people and those who still follow old beliefs, live their lives according to the phases of the moon, to a degree. For example, 'in tune'
gardeners 'plant' according to the moons phases. Europeans believe you should wait until after the full moon before having your hair cut, because
the hair grows faster as the moon grows larger. To have the hair cut at teh wrong time would therefore be a waste of money.
Police, those in the medical profession, emergency services workers, etc. all seem to take for granted that the full moon is a time of heightened
activity. In what used to be known as 'lunatic' asylums and I've read that inmates were more heavily sedated during the full-moon periods, as a
matter of course, to prevent mayhem.