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UFO, holes in ground and a psychic - shocking

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posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 10:54 AM
Oh no, please do not use online translators! You can only get in trouble

It was a lenghty process, it's sometimes broken english, but a million times better than a translator translation.

Here you go:

One of Nautilus's readers reported about this hole, found on an russian website.
The hole was discovered in the woods near Charkow. It is practicaly impossible for any vehicle to get there. The hole diameter is 1,2 meters and is 18 meters deep. The presented photographical evidence shows no doubt - the hole's walls are smoothed. There are no signs of ground being carried out of the hole. At the end of the hole, there is a cave, 2-3 meters long each ways. That's all the info at this time.

And now some history. In the end of eighties, in the old Soviet Union, there were information about big holes being found that looked like done using high temperature. Who and in what purpose did this remained a mystery.
A russion ufologist, Michal Gerstein, took this case. In 1998 he published an article, in which he showed analysed cases of the holes.
For example, in 1994, near Omsk, a bright flying object was observed which came to the ground at great speed and hid behind trees. Next day a sensational finding - a huge hole was found, 5 meters in diameter. The walls in the hole were extremely soft and the hole was 4.5 meters deep. Around it, no ground from it was visible. Also, no signs of people with some kind of drills were found. One could think, that a huge cylinder hit the ground and took a big sample of the ground.

In the vicinity, a second hole was found, much smaller, half meter in diameter. The walls in the hole looked parched. The hole itself was not as regular, more like an elipse than a circle. It was very deep, over 15 meters. Interesting thing was, that earth water was at 6 meters deep, while the hole was dry to the very bottom (15m!).

In 1990, dozens of big holes appeared on fields in Kazachstan. Diameter - around 5 meters, circle, soft edges.

On of such holes got the interest of Kosmodrom Bajkonur's specialists. After tests they concluded that this is not an effect of a falling entity from space [like a meteor] nor army experiments. No higher levels of radiation were found. There were also attempts to pile a rod (bar) in the ground of the hole. They could insert the rod two meters deep, the next meter - by a hammer. At this moment, the tests were over.

In an other region of the Soviet Union, in Bashkiria, an UFO was observed at the "crime scene". Vibrating, dark-red balls were hovering above the ground. Observers had no courage to get nearer. The next, after the balls left, right where they were hovering, deep holes in the ground appeared, 1 meter i diameter.
A similar reddish ball "sucked" out 25 square meters of ground in Dubenski Region.

Laboratory tests performed on bulp and stem samples nursed on the ground near one of such holes allowed to ascertain lowered levels of chemical elements - zinc, phosphoros and manganese (lowered 2-3 times in comparison to normal plants). In the stems, copper and phosphoros were reduced by 50%. Completely ununderstandable was the fact of 12-timed higher amount of yttrium and zirconium.

People who investigated these things could not find an answer as to why the holes are made. For some reason, someone is gathering ground. A hypothesis emerged, that aliens can get energy from the ground. It could be possible because of the reduced chemical elements in the vicinity.

From Nautilus:
The search for holes in the ground will be a key project worked on by the Nautilus Foundation in the coming months. Not so long ago we described holes in Przegedza in Slask [Poland]. We also could pick cities in Poland where we shall begin out search.


I will translate more Nautilus's articles if you are interested!

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 02:47 PM
It does look like a container.... (bowls ??
But some things in the story sound very funny... like, why do aliens need such a big container to store genetic samples?

Why do they leave the holes uncovered, instead of filling them up? Are these so called advanced lifeforms so dumb that they'll think that these samples are safe there in open holes and no one will find out about them?

What was there inside the holes? Did they find anything?

Why couldn't these advanced aliens machine out those ugly edges? Looks like someone used pliers to fold them up? They could have welded it at least.

Why do aliens use metric system to measure the depth so that they can make it exactly 5m? Why don't they simply tell everyone to go and hide in a 5m deep underground chamber when that 'something' happens?

And last but not the least, why does the OP tells us to believe a psychic? Would police hang the OP if the psychic says he is a murderer? Shouldn't we take it as a hint, instead of a fact? And the word 'screw' means so many things, I dont want to write them here

[edit on 7/6/2007 by rocksolidbrain]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 04:05 PM
I admit that it does look like two bowls welded together, only problem that I can see is in photo number 2 from this link:
I dont see how it is possible for someone, or two people, to throw the object into the air, then get out of shot (made more difficult by snowy terrain and no visible footprints) whilst still keeping it perfectly aligned in the air long enough to take a photo.
My initial thoughts however from photo number one was that it just didnt look right and had maybe been edited in.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 04:44 PM
There's already a thread here on ATS about the holes in Russia:

Mysterious Holes of Russia

Yes, these holes are quite mysterious. However, the there is little info as to the source of the pics.

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 05:03 PM
I speak polish so if anyone needs me to translate anything I will volunteer my service

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 10:47 PM
In Soviet Russia, hole digs you!

Many thanks for the lengthy translation Relu. you sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

[edit on 7-6-2007 by ExquisitExamplE]

[edit on 8-6-2007 by ExquisitExamplE]

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 09:08 AM
relu84, thanks for the translation. I only use online translation when no other options are available. Perhaps ATS could create a thread that lists members who are willing to translate and what languages they can translate.


posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 09:41 AM
That's a good idea. I can translate Polish texts and I think I will do some translating next week and post some interesting stuff over here.

I will also do some research and make english subtitles to the clairvoyant's videos... if someone isn't doing that already right now

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 12:59 PM
Lecter said that he speaks Polish so we are in a good position hopefully.

I think it is a good idea to get people to sign up somewhere to translate for whatever needs to be translated on the site.

posted on Jun, 8 2007 @ 04:00 PM
It would be nice to get a list of ATS users that are willing to translate articles/videos that we might come across that are in a foreign language to us. Perhaps a new thread asking for people that are willing to participate? As I have stated, I am willing to translate any polish material so if anyone needs help just PM me.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by relu84
That's a good idea. I can translate Polish texts and I think I will do some translating next week and post some interesting stuff over here.

I will also do some research and make English subtitles to the clairvoyants videos... if someone isn't doing that already right now

Did you ever manage to get those videos subtitled? Very interesting thread, holes in the ground always intrigue me. Something about this tickles me oddly.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 01:23 AM
Boy oh boy, you guys sure are cynics. These may be metal bowls, but who is to say they aren't alien bowls?

The psychic is entirely another story. Whatever visions he had, he wasn't making it up. But do we know what he was tuning into? Those nuns can be pretty wacky in Poland, a Polish friend of mine used to work for nuns in an orphanage and his stories got that sort of reaction from me...

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