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My finale thoughts on the N.W.O. and 911

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posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 03:05 AM
To all the 9-11 truthers and those that fear the rule of the New World Order.

You will fail in your struggle against your enemy.
You are divided. You are weak.

Instead of coming together in a united show of strength against your enemy, you choose to biker among each other of who conspiracy theory is right one and other insignificant issues. All the while your common enemy tightens its strangle hold on the planet.

You have no real plan to defeat your enemy, and you have no plan for the future.

Your enemy will win. Your enemy has won. And it is all your fault.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 07:48 AM
GREAT Challenge!!

Yes you are right. Especially now with the invasion of these No-Plane theories, it seems that each 'side' is accusing other of being disinformers.

I myself am making an attepmt to get my head around this.

Currently I have come across a google video of an interview with Nico haupt, who some say is the instigator of the No-Planes theory The video's title is:

'Channel Z-Nico haupt on Cultural - TV Fakery; Cameo of Alex Jones on TW-CFR film'

Now I haven't watched all of it yet, but it is clear from this video and others I have seen, including posts here that may include posts from Nico, or people influenced by Nico, that he/they accuse people of the 9/11 Truth Movement as being 'insiders', so he accuses, Alex Jones, for example, as being a double agent working for British MI6, and Professor Steven Jones and Professor David Ray Griffin, according to Nico and his followers beileve that because they do not mention 'exotic weaponry' that this means they are infiltrators, and he also suggests they have worked for intelligence agencies, and so on.

SO, what are we going to do to try and resolve this dividing of the 9/11 Truth community? as you rightly point out?

Should we painstakingly look at the 'rebels' accusations. I mean really investigate what they say? This would mean say all of us look to see if his accusation against Alex Jones has any truth in it, etc etc.

Is this the way to go?

Over to you, and for other ideas you may have?

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:16 PM
I am sorry zoomein, but I have no ideas that anyone would accept. Frankly I think 9-11 truth and anti New World Order causes are a waste of time. At this point it's all rhetoric and no action. And in my opinion, few problems were ever solved by people just talking and having meaningless debates.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Divide and Conquer..
Turn the truth show in to a lunatic fringe.. This is childs play for seasoned thinktanks and elitist spin doctors. The truthers never stood a chance. Amateurs Vs Pros.. Doesnt matter who is right or wrong. Who would win a game of chess between Einstein and a child who didnt know the rules??

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:47 PM
I have but one thing to say to you people here:

"Play by your own rules, not theirs, make your own game, make the rules as you go, confuse and disorient the other players. Play on your field, not theirs, know thyself, know thy limitations, know thy advantages. Know thy strengths and weakenesses and learn from them. Know thy enemy and thy ally."
-ME (Vekar)-

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by DarkMile77
To all the 9-11 truthers and those that fear the rule of the New World Order.

You will fail in your struggle against your enemy.
You are divided. You are weak.

Instead of coming together in a united show of strength against your enemy, you choose to biker among each other of who conspiracy theory is right one and other insignificant issues. All the while your common enemy tightens its strangle hold on the planet.

You have no real plan to defeat your enemy, and you have no plan for the future.

Your enemy will win. Your enemy has won. And it is all your fault.

Yeah its sad. But its not anyone in the truth movements fault. Firstly what do you do in life? finally, its the agents of the disinformation that only need to spark a stupid question or falsify something to make confusion. The truth movement is not being manipulated by jones, its being manipulated by people who are used to doing so. 9/11 seems to now be revealed by as a ritual performed by a freemasonic conspiracy. Watch all four or five movies. They are interesting and opened my mind.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 09:01 PM
I know what you mean, DarkMile77. The New World Order, whatever it is, I believe is going to take over the world. I am a non-official expert on Revelations, the last book of the Bible. If what is says comes to pass (which I do believe by faith, and by the events that have been occuring recently) this new world order will reign over the world. If there are any believers of Christianity in this topic, and you have questions about the NWO, please read on in Revelations. It will seriously open your mind, and tell you that there is nothing you can do about the NWO. You can run, oh yes, there will be runners. But no debating right now is going to get you any farther than shooting yourself in the ankle. It's going to hurt, and you are going to wonder why you ever did it.

[edit on 10-6-2007 by TechnoFan21]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 03:32 AM
I stated this thread in a angry mood. ( Never a good idea by the way. )

I am just so frustrated by the the inability of the majority of the population to see the ugly truth of the situation the whole planet is in.

How can so many not see the facts in front of the.

You don't have to believe in conspiracy theories to realize the world is being brought down by design.

You don't have to be of the faith full to feel the great evil awake in our world.

All you need to do is just look what is going on around you. But so many choose not to.

And why is this ?

Because it would seem the majority believe it is better to wrap ones self up in a beautifully lie, then to expose there eyes to the horrid, honest truth of it all.

Why does materialism trump honesty ?

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 03:46 AM
Yeah, cool. You do what every other conspirator does. Follow up a bunch of stuff that's probably not even real, and blame every human in the world for bringing along an imaginary disaster.

Oh man, I spilled a drink I didn't even pour, and it's all your fault.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 03:50 AM
Oh, and DarkMile, don't ever talk down to anyone here as if you're a God from the heavens or something. You're as fallible as everyone else, and are "at fault" like the rest of us.

The end's not coming anytime soon. Nobody's trying to stop the end because the end isn't coming. It's only you who wants to bring about the end to prove a point. By then, it'll be too late.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 04:08 AM
I'm guessin knowledge has won over childish theories?

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 04:34 AM
Whatever you say.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Guy
Oh, and DarkMile, don't ever talk down to anyone here as if you're a God from the heavens or something. You're as fallible as everyone else, and are "at fault" like the rest of us.

The end's not coming anytime soon. Nobody's trying to stop the end because the end isn't coming. It's only you who wants to bring about the end to prove a point. By then, it'll be too late.

The end may not be coming but certainly the way the world is being run is not the way it should be run. We as a people need to make a stand to change this world, and it doesn't matter about secret societies or conspiracies. let's just look at what we know to be true. There is corruption at the top, and those who want more for themselves and less for those below them on the ladder of captialism. They are the one's who feel they are Gods, and that the bottom deserves to be treated as less valuable then them. I don't see them as being worth any more than the poorest person on this planet. Material wealth is worthless, It's the man that's important not his possessions. They need to be taken down along with their system. This system that propagates money over man, wealth over compassion. That's what we need to rise up against.

This attitude that something, anything, whether it be money, or knowledge, or "status", that these things somehow make them better than their fellow man. These aren't things that should be used to separate humanity. Just as religion, race, sex, politics, and nationality should not separate us(but they do.). These things should be embraced and shared with everyone. Knowledge should be available to all, Material wealth should not be horded by the few, it should be spread out to the entire world. No one man deserves to be worth billions, and no man should want to aspire to be worth billions.

We need a world where Man is the top priority, not the system that man has made, not the money or oil or other resources that may fuel that system. We need to take down the elite that want this system to stay in place so they can still continue to have their worthless power. We can rise up and make the world we need, as they have no way to stop us. the only way they can stop us is if they can divide us. if they can get ourselves to destroy each other, to get police to arrest the just who resist this system, to get the army to buy into "civil unrest" as a bad thing, that we are the bad guys. If they can't separate us they cannot defeat us. United we stand, divided we fall.

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 05:18 AM
Dear 9-11 truthers. Please come together fast to identify obvious plants by sources not friendly to our own, they want to divide you, they want you weak. Like they have made america and europe through pretty distractions. Where the power is in the hands of protectors, not the people, and the paying wealthy elite can watch you the average drunk suffer as they laugh and get drunk in there houses. This world is farce because this creation of a group of interlocking government systems that is not tolerant and interfering in human function cant end until greed and war is taught as a bad thing to a whole generation.
So in the end, jesus is right, to live and find life, we need to eliminate our faulty powers and principalities. That to me means those worldly masters who use oppression/tyranny need to be fwacked. that includes those who use opression, but say they are fighting it too. then they are hypocrate liar sellouts with no soul and too much free time, money and power.

[edit on 15-6-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Kingdrakethe3rd

Originally posted by All Seeing Guy
Oh, and DarkMile, don't ever talk down to anyone here as if you're a God from the heavens or something. You're as fallible as everyone else, and are "at fault" like the rest of us.

The end's not coming anytime soon. Nobody's trying to stop the end because the end isn't coming. It's only you who wants to bring about the end to prove a point. By then, it'll be too late.

The end may not be coming but certainly the way the world is being run is not the way it should be run. We as a people need to make a stand to change this world, and it doesn't matter about secret societies or conspiracies. let's just look at what we know to be true. There is corruption at the top, and those who want more for themselves and less for those below them on the ladder of captialism. They are the one's who feel they are Gods, and that the bottom deserves to be treated as less valuable then them. I don't see them as being worth any more than the poorest person on this planet. Material wealth is worthless, It's the man that's important not his possessions. They need to be taken down along with their system. This system that propagates money over man, wealth over compassion. That's what we need to rise up against.

This attitude that something, anything, whether it be money, or knowledge, or "status", that these things somehow make them better than their fellow man. These aren't things that should be used to separate humanity. Just as religion, race, sex, politics, and nationality should not separate us(but they do.). These things should be embraced and shared with everyone. Knowledge should be available to all, Material wealth should not be horded by the few, it should be spread out to the entire world. No one man deserves to be worth billions, and no man should want to aspire to be worth billions.

We need a world where Man is the top priority, not the system that man has made, not the money or oil or other resources that may fuel that system. We need to take down the elite that want this system to stay in place so they can still continue to have their worthless power. We can rise up and make the world we need, as they have no way to stop us. the only way they can stop us is if they can divide us. if they can get ourselves to destroy each other, to get police to arrest the just who resist this system, to get the army to buy into "civil unrest" as a bad thing, that we are the bad guys. If they can't separate us they cannot defeat us. United we stand, divided we fall.

Guess what, this might be news to you, but America's a country, not a planet. Stop talking as if everything in the US applies to everywhere in the world.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 03:57 AM
To All seeing Guy. Why don't you use some of the hostility and use it to make the world a better place.

The point of this thread was to point out the frustration I have at the so called truth movement. If there is a great power working against the common good of all mankind. Then in stead of petty in- fighting the truth movement should worry about the common enemy and but an end to them.

I also never said it was the end of the world. But I do believe thing all over the planet are changing and not for the best.

And I never said I was infallible. You made the choice to project that unto my words.

I guilty of many, many things. But I am not guilty of pushing my ideals above the common good.

Maybe you should re-read what I wrote from a new perspective.

posted on Jun, 16 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Your enemy will win. Your enemy has won. And it is all your fault.

N.W.O Has not started yet. But it will soon... they have seen how people have reacted to the N.W.O internet HOAX... They have seen that no one bothered to do anything.... They have seen that everyone gave up.... now they will actually start on their plan.... don't understand what I mean ? good. Message me if you want to.

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