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Scientist propose a trip to find hollow earth?!?!?!?

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posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:20 PM
I have been away from this site for to long...I even had to start a new membership.
I always try to look for articles that catch my eye or stike an interest awhile ago I read something about Hollow Earth (any info on this subject would be awesome
) so I spent some time and read all I could and was very interested. There isnt alot of stuff in this world that would surpise me but this would. I would do anything for the money do be apart of searching for something like this. Here is the
I am very intrested in to hearing others people opinion on this subject. Thanks

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:43 PM
I'll just throw in that if the Earth is hollow, then an awful lot of Seismology Theory.... the study of earthquakes.... would have to be re-explained.

Seismology involves alot of waves reflecting and refracting as they pass through the various layers of the Earths Mantle and Core. The theory is quite detailed, and it works.

A hollow earth would need some tricky physics to explain what is observed.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 12:28 AM
As somebody with a good amount of geophysics training, and somebody who know physics well, I would contend that this theory is bunk. Geologists are really "interesting" people, I went to school with quite a few. To say that the earth has an opening in it that leads to a hollow core is ridiculous. The law of gravity comes to mind as to why this is. Considering that the weight of the earth's surface pushing down onto a hollow sphere would mean two things.

1.) that the material (no doubt undiscovered) that makes up this spere has such strength that it could resist the crushing force of the earth's interior liquid mantle, and the earth's crust.

2.) that an inert gas exists in a pressurized environment sealed within this chamber negating the crushing force. Like squeezing a tennis ball. The gas would sustain a pressure of thousands of atmospheres, and probably be unbreathable by anyone venturing to this realm. The air pressure alone would be enough to kill a man, not considering its chemical composition.

Not to mention that the calculation of the earths mass, diamether and dimension would yeild and incorrect gravitational calculation. The acceleration of gravity at the earth's surface is roughly 9.81 m/s (or 32 ft/s). This means that the estimated density of the earth by geophysisicists would be incorrect. Geophysicists proved that the core of this planet is part liquid and part solid, by observing the effect of seismic waves traveling through the different media. If the core was hollow in one area there would be a disruption in the flow of these seismic waves, and the results found would not have registered. This is why there are Primary earthquake waves, and secondary waves. The primary waves radiate across the crust, transfered quickly through the solid material. And secondary waves which travel more slowly through the liquid core and the "plastic" mantle. This is how they pinpoint the epicenter of the earthquake. The density of the medium waves travel though determine thier speed. Multiple sample sites they can pinpoint the epicenter of the earthquake.

This expedition is doomed. The mantle, has a consistancy of melting plastic, and the outer core is a liquid. Good luck finding a tube leading to the solid iron core. Hope I saved somebody the 20,000 clams to go on a wild goose chase. They have a better chance of finding santa claus and his reindeer up there.

[edit on 6-6-2007 by Eyeofhorus]


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