Excellently done, but false I think....
Let me explain why. First off, he seems to know a little too much about some rather scattered conspiracy subjects, that he's woven together. This
kind of info is compartmentalized, and it's doubtful he would have known this from any other method than research (and nothing in his story is more
than some decent research will yield you).
Second, he mentioned Lazar. Seeing as Lazar only worked at the base for a few days (by Lazar's own admission), it's rather unlikely he would
remember Lazar....especially as Phil claims to have worked for Area 51, and Lazar, at S-4 which although coming thru Area 51, it is a bus ride away to
get to S-4.
Third, he even managed to work in the Philladelphia Experiment into this little web of conspiracy. A project that I've been changing my tune on as
of late, as I've delved into it further. Though the PE laid some groundwork for the Montauk project, the experiment itself was for degaussing
against German torpedoes, not time/space distortion... The lessons learned were accidental it seems, not planned, and there seems to be ample
evidence that the whole legend was started by one guy and then perpetuated by others...especially having read some accounts by surviving Eldridge
sailors....who think the hoopla rather humourous...
Finally, I get to the alien conflict. According to any other accounts I've EVER heard about the 1979 Dulce Incident, the base was already well
established, and as a joint alien/human facility. Therefore, his story of busting in on a "nest" of unidentified aliens, and then proceeding to
shoot two of them, just doesn't hold water. Kudos for the chest box tidbit though...shows he's done his homework
However, I doubt he'd be
talking to us, if some ray shot a hole in his chest... Nor does this match with other accounts, in which the aliens used some kind of psychic blast,
to kill the soldiers. Though, his numbers sound about right.
Like I said, good job on the account, but when you compare it to existing documentation, and put it all in context, it doesn't jive well....