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Chemical attack on us base?

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posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:50 AM

BAGHDAD, June 4 (KUNA) -- The U.S. Army is investigating what could be a poison gas attack on a military base in the Diyala, northeastern Baghdad.
A statement by the army, released on Monday, said a booby-trapped car blew up outside a base, on Sunday, near Baqouba, the largest of Diyala's cities.

As much as I admire the liberators against the occupier, i never think gas's, acids, chemicals and so forth should ever be used..

its barbaric.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:11 AM
Yeah... And I am sure that our version of torture (Putting underwear on someone's head) is far far worse then ANYTHING that those "liberators" do (Like gouging out eyes).

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:29 AM
Sounds simular to when that farthers against justice dude threw a condom of purple flour during prime ministers question time.

Mind you, its diffrent cirscumstances and it appears chlorine was actually used.

Northeast of the capital, a car bomb exploded about 200 yards from the entrance of a U.S. military base just outside of Baqouba, unleashing a noxious cloud of chlorine gas that sickened at least 62 soldiers but caused no injuries, the military said. All of those exposed returned to duty the same day.

Done properly this could of been worse.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:30 AM
Whoever's responsible for the attack is an animal, period. Poison gas doesn't care who you are and can't differentiate between friend and foe.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 10:55 AM
Not to mention Women and Children. They can expect a whole lot of raids in the days after this attack. It shows you how desperate they are to inflict any damage to the US anyway they can as well as that they do not have any real chemical weapons at least not the group responsible for this attack otherwise it would have been much worse.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Whoever's responsible for the attack is an animal, period. Poison gas doesn't care who you are and can't differentiate between friend and foe.

Erm, I think you could use the same argument when referring to car/truck bombs, artillery shells and pretty much any weapon used. I'm guessing that the insurgents would probably switch back to bombs, they seem to be much more effective.

No doubt, like many readers here, I shudder at the thought of chemicals being deployed. But come on, seriously, is anyone surprised? And to be perfectly honest, if your homeland was occupied and hundreds of people were dying on a daily basis, could you honestly say that you wouldn't, under any circumstances, consider using gas/chemical weapons against a military facility?

When people get desperate they are capable of pretty much anything. Winston Churchill really wanted to use poison gas against German cities, to inflict horrible deaths and spread fear, fortunately the top brass wouldn't allow it. Everyone is capable of becoming a monster.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by DenyAllKnowledge

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Whoever's responsible for the attack is an animal, period. Poison gas doesn't care who you are and can't differentiate between friend and foe.

Erm, I think you could use the same argument when referring to car/truck bombs, artillery shells and pretty much any weapon used. I'm guessing that the insurgents would probably switch back to bombs, they seem to be much more effective.

No doubt, like many readers here, I shudder at the thought of chemicals being deployed. But come on, seriously, is anyone surprised? And to be perfectly honest, if your homeland was occupied and hundreds of people were dying on a daily basis, could you honestly say that you wouldn't, under any circumstances, consider using gas/chemical weapons against a military facility?

When people get desperate they are capable of pretty much anything. Winston Churchill really wanted to use poison gas against German cities, to inflict horrible deaths and spread fear, fortunately the top brass wouldn't allow it. Everyone is capable of becoming a monster.

But is it acceptable to take the chance of killing your fellow countrymen when going after the occupiers? (assuming, of course, that this is not a false-flag attack) I think this tactic is even more barbaric than car bombs or any other sort of bomb because generally bombs have a target. Though it is true that this weapon likely had a target, it is probably the least accurate of all the weapons the insurgents have access to. What's to guarantee the gas won't waft somewhere you don't want it to go?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 12:12 PM
Believe me when I say that I genuinely consider gas attacks, and any other form of indiscriminate slaughter utterly appauling.

The simple fact is that chemical weapons may well be extremely "messy" once deployed, and in the mind of a dedicated "freedom fighter", terrorist, whatever that simply adds to the appeal. The unpredictability of the weapon, combined with the seemingly random strikes of the terrorist, makes it a singularly terrifying weapon.

I just hope that we don't see too much more of this in the future. Using these weapons in populated areas would have awful consequences.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by DenyAllKnowledge
Believe me when I say that I genuinely consider gas attacks, and any other form of indiscriminate slaughter utterly appauling.

The simple fact is that chemical weapons may well be extremely "messy" once deployed, and in the mind of a dedicated "freedom fighter", terrorist, whatever that simply adds to the appeal. The unpredictability of the weapon, combined with the seemingly random strikes of the terrorist, makes it a singularly terrifying weapon.

I just hope that we don't see too much more of this in the future. Using these weapons in populated areas would have awful consequences.

Don't the users of the weapons run the risk of turning their supporters against them because the high chance of friendly fire?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
Don't the users of the weapons run the risk of turning their supporters against them because the high chance of friendly fire?

They don't care about friendlies. Not to mention this method of attack using chemcial weapons was also intentionally used against civilians.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

As much as I admire the liberators against the occupier, i never think gas's, acids, chemicals and so forth should ever be used..

its barbaric.

They pretty much disagree with your opinion since they prefer to do everything they can to win, using whatever methods to achieve that aim.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 01:18 PM
This always makes me wonder just how weak the offenses true defenses are when they do something like this.
Wouldn't they rather be using something much much worse if they actually had it?
I used to wonder that when all of the suicide bombers were blowing themselves and small groups of people up, like on buses. I thought they get credit in heaven for the most killed...

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

As much as I admire the liberators against the occupier, i never think gas's, acids, chemicals and so forth should ever be used..

its barbaric.

They pretty much disagree with your opinion since they prefer to do everything they can to win, using whatever methods to achieve that aim.

If you lose the support of the Iraqis, are you not just shooting yourself in the foot and lowering your chances of winning?

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 02:23 PM
And how do we know this is not just some other black flag/black ops operation.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by uberarcanist

If you lose the support of the Iraqis, are you not just shooting yourself in the foot and lowering your chances of winning?

Since we have terrorists and insurgents killing what they called "collaborators" to deter others from siding with American "occupiers", I would say they pretty much don't care. Terror seems to be their favorite method over winning hearts and minds that we chose.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 03:44 PM
Fullajah - white phosphorus.

US force allready used banned chemical weapons in this war. And i don`t care if the us is not a signitory , the rest of the civilized world banned its use as a WMD and a chemical weapon.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

BAGHDAD, June 4 (KUNA) -- The U.S. Army is investigating what could be a poison gas attack on a military base in the Diyala, northeastern Baghdad.
A statement by the army, released on Monday, said a booby-trapped car blew up outside a base, on Sunday, near Baqouba, the largest of Diyala's cities.

As much as I admire the liberators against the occupier, i never think gas's, acids, chemicals and so forth should ever be used..

its barbaric.

holy sh*t....what an idiot.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by semperfoo
holy sh*t....what an idiot.

In before debate & edit/possibly warn.

Sorry I couldn't resist.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by semperfoo
holy sh*t....what an idiot.

Why?, because I see the american army setting up a base in Iraq as occupiers?
Or that I see Iraqi's, whom are fighting the occupation as liberators?

tell me, what is the difference between the french in 1939?

Were the Germans not occupiers? and the french not liberators?

Why is it Nazi Germany was acting illegially when it was invading nations, yet the USA can do so with no regard for international law?

Please, tell me why you believe im an idiot? atleast come here and act mature before you spout of cr@p.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop

Originally posted by semperfoo
holy sh*t....what an idiot.

Why?, because I see the american army setting up a base in Iraq as occupiers?
Or that I see Iraqi's, whom are fighting the occupation as liberators?

tell me, what is the difference between the french in 1939?

Were the Germans not occupiers? and the french not liberators?

Why is it Nazi Germany was acting illegially when it was invading nations, yet the USA can do so with no regard for international law?

Please, tell me why you believe im an idiot? atleast come here and act mature before you spout of cr@p.

dunno why im responding to you in the first place but here goes..
Yea pretty much.. These same "liberators" that you glorify are also the ones driving car bombs into market places killing innocent men women and children. Some hero these "liberators" turned out to be.
that may be appealing to you but its not for me and the vast majority of americans.

I unlike you have friends that have served and are currently serving in the marine core over there on the front lines. So I have a better understanding on the situation then you do
ITs not as bad as the media portrays it. All my buddys have all said the same damn thing. They believe in what they are doing (you may wish to call it brainwashing as you are anti american and that suits your agenda which is one of hate
) and they say its not as bad as you think. did you know that IEDs are the biggest killer of coalition troops in Iraq? Meaning that individual Iraqis are not taking to the streets with arms and fighting the evil ugly imperialist americans like you seem to be under the mistaken delusion of wanting to believe. IEDs are a weapon of desperation. So are suicide bombings. I dont think the average Iraqi is smart enough to make an IED nor do i think they have the resources to create such a device. This is where the terrorist or foreign fighters depending one which one suits your vernacular, excel. These are the same ppl who kill innocent iraqis who are just trying to go about there business in a peaceful manner. Also we are fighting religious extremist that would slit your throat and decapitate your head for just being a westerner. So lets not paint these ppl out to be innocent bystanders who have no blood on there hands.

oh and i edited to add that if the US was anything like nazi germany Iraq would be a giant crater in the desert by now

[edit on 063030p://2606pm by semperfoo]

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