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Reiki Healing?

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posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 09:30 AM
see link

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by AngelaLadyS
I think anyone with a gift would be apt to use it wisely and for all good - NOT for money.
I would be leary of anyone charging money ect. Same of the 'psychics'.

I fully concur about the part of charging money. There are already many benefits to be gotten from the gift itself.

Charging money means greediness & perhaps there is no real gift in that person at all. And I don't buy into the idea that that's what the person was born into doing exclusively & therefore can't find a paying job in another field.

posted on Jan, 15 2004 @ 10:11 AM
As someone who doesn't know much about Reiki Healing, I have some curiosities of my own.

I understand energy can stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and have seen it demonstrated time and again. Is it possible to summon up the energies to heal yourself in Reiki Healing, or just in healing others? I've heard tales of people who have focused their energies so strongly into their own immune system that they've been able to effect radical change on wounds or disease.

Would this be something similar?

posted on Jan, 16 2004 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Pyros
Sorry, until someone invents a "Reiki meter" where this so-called "energy" can be accurately measured or me it will be nothing more than another passing fad that bored housewives dabble in.

To me there are very few people who could heal others with just their hands, and most of them are canonized.

I use to think the same way :-)
But I figured that if I can take my own pain away, and I can do so many other things via the same approximate ave...I decided to give it a try. It only took a few times (not telling anyone of course ;-) to see someone feel better or myself feel better (I wouldn't go on myself as a 'test result', as it may have ben "all in my head" LOL) to make me a believer.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 08:37 AM
Yes, you can definately use the reiki on yourself. I have greatly diminished pain perception anyway, in part do to that energy already doing 'it's thing' (LOL), but I use it for pain relief and detoxing andimproved health on myself.

Originally posted by TheDemonHunter
As someone who doesn't know much about Reiki Healing, I have some curiosities of my own.

I understand energy can stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and have seen it demonstrated time and again. Is it possible to summon up the energies to heal yourself in Reiki Healing, or just in healing others? I've heard tales of people who have focused their energies so strongly into their own immune system that they've been able to effect radical change on wounds or disease.

Would this be something similar?

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by Questor

Charging money means greediness & perhaps there is no real gift in that person at all. And I don't buy into the idea that that's what the person was born into doing exclusively & therefore can't find a paying job in another field.

Does a doctor heal for money? People have to eat don't they? Compensation For service, whats wrong with that?

We see every day the effects of greed in the news where the big CEO's make millions. Doctors who make huge sums of money, etc, etc, etc.

If a gifted healer gives him/her self for free that is great. But they should still be paid. They have taken their time to learn, perfect their craft and develope their reputation. But as all should do...Buyer beware. Don't be a sucker. An educated consumer is the best customer.

posted on Jan, 17 2004 @ 10:30 AM
As for being paid, I don't care one way or the other. If someone wants to charge for it, that's good; if one wants to do it free - as I do - that's fine, as well.

I don't expect to be paid for my services; however, some still give me a few bucks. I'll take it, of course, but I don't automatically assume I'm going to be paid.
I consider this my "community service", if you will... my giving back to society.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
Okay, Reiki healing, what do you people think about it?

I find it very interesting just started to read up on it about 5 mins ago, if anyone has any good links I'd love to have them...

Dude, I can tell you from personal experience that Reiki is amazing.

The only people I let do Reiki on me are people I trust, like my girlfriend. Usually though I just do it on my self.

I haven't gotten sick since I started doing Reiki.

A little advice for you if you want to try it, make sure that you give yourself time to develop the ability. Psychic powers are a lot like using the physical body, if you do not "work out" or use these muscles you can "lose" them. So practice the visualization techniques daily and give yourself time to cultivate the "psychic muscle."

The first time that you fell the energy rushing through you it will blow you away.

Kudos on the avatar by the way, I have seen Dimmu Borgir live, and they are probably one of the best bands to see in concert. amazing live sound.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 01:49 PM
Hi, Lysergic...

You have a lot of good advice here, particuarly from Lobo and Questor. I was attuned as a reiki therapist about 12 years ago, but don't practise as a therapist...I use it for me and mine when we need it, and I completely agree with Questor that very often a badly trained or improperly attuned therapist will make a complete hash of a treament, and leave the client feeling worse than before, simply because they got all their own stuff muddled up with what was going on. Many many people simply don't have the training or experience to know that protection on an energeteic level is absolutely vital with this kind of work, and the problems it can cause are massive in the hands of the naive. As Reiki is an intangible force, it's sadly all too easy for people who don't have a clue and who simply see the cash they can make and rip people off. Charlatans and nothing more.

I would strongly recommend that you read a book called "Dancing with the Devil" by David Ashworth. If you can get past his mildly inflated ego, it's a must read text about how it can all go wrong, and what you do about it. Anyone who tells you that the reiki will cure it all, or that they don't need protection...maybe Archangel Michael will do it for absolutely talking out of their bum.

[edit on 22-1-2009 by caitlinfae]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:13 PM
I am attuned level 2 Seichem Reiki.

IMO and experience: Reiki is a set of symbols and hand postures that help you direct and move energi blockages in the aura more so than in your physical body. The energy is exactly the same energy that transfers when you touch a person. The difference between any person and a Reiki attuned person is that when you've been attuned your person has been opened up to and aligned with the universal source. Plugged in if you like to better conduct the flow of that energy. When you perform Reiki you are receving energy as well as directing it at your 'patient'. There is no need for intent as the energy will do what it does regardless.

There are symbols that can be used to enhance or help focus the healing on certain issues but I don't believe these are dangerous or necessary.

I think the worse that can happen is a person is not ready for the change that may follow receipt of universal energy. As with everything when you remove blockages or fill voids there will be some adjustment taking place and I guess this could and should affect you psychologically as well as physically.

But this is just IMO.

I would like to add that I am not a Reiki practitioner. I do on occation use the healing energy on friends family but very rarely so. I don't feel Reiki on it's own has any place as a therapy but it is a good complement to other physical therapies.

Love and light

[edit on 22/1/2009 by IAmD1]

[edit on 22/1/2009 by IAmD1]

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by Pyros

Actually, evidence does exist - although not exactly with what is termed a 'meter'

Kirlian photography has shown energy field passing from giver/healer to receiver

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by TheDemonHunter

yes you got it; a reiki practitioner/master etc have to work on themselves first before they can master the pure energy exchange, this takes years of practice and continual energy work on themselves to clear them selves first before they can treat another for their highest good.

rei (LEY) meaning love equals spiritualy grounded earth energy
ki equals universal light energy

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 05:35 PM
My mommy does it ^_^
And she taught me how to do it.
And I teach my friends how to do it.
Best thing for headaches and deep muscle pain.

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 06:15 PM
Reiki, oh dear.

Some of the most vile and pompous new agers I ever met claimed to be 'Reiki Masters'.

I tend to stay away from anything where each level of mastery is a 'bit more expensive' to attain. Bit like Scientology.

The energy is always there, it's free. If someone offers to 'initiate' you for a fee, you can be sure there's some kind of control or manipulation or power trip going on.

Reiki has not escapted this. Maybe it was somewhat pure in the beginning, but it didn't remain so.

Best to steer clear and find your own healing essence.

[edit on 29/1/09 by RogerT]

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by RogerT
Reiki, oh dear.

Some of the most vile and pompous new agers I ever met claimed to be 'Reiki Masters'.

I tend to stay away from anything where each level of mastery is a 'bit more expensive' to attain. Bit like Scientology.

The energy is always there, it's free. If someone offers to 'initiate' you for a fee, you can be sure there's some kind of control or manipulation or power trip going on.

Reiki has not escapted this. Maybe it was somewhat pure in the beginning, but it didn't remain so.

Best to steer clear and find your own healing essence.

[edit on 29/1/09 by RogerT]

like anything there is the yin and the yang as you state it started pure, and there are those whom do work pure but there are also those who yeah buy it on ebay and thats there reiki masters lets say do a long weekend course go from introduction to master in a weekend,, you have to use your intuition by who you feel has the right vib for you and please do not put all reiki practioners in a bracket, as there are those whom have little knowledge as they have been taught very quickly and those who have taken years of dedication and have aided many, on and yes it is always so very important to find your own healing essence

posted on Jan, 29 2009 @ 06:44 PM
Regarding this subject............

The site linked below offers Reiki Healing long distance.

Reiki Session (Long-Distance Only)
Reiki is a practice of “laying on hands” either directly on the body or long–distance. Reiki promotes healing by relieving stress and increasing relaxation. Reiki taps into our own natural life force energy unblocking stuck energy. 30min@$ 67.50

Is this possible? Your thoughts?


[edit on 29-1-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 05:56 AM
yes it it possible, infact distant healing is more powerful I feel..... however there is a lot more to reiki than just laying your hands in certain positions on someone, but i wouldnt recommend distant healing form a stranger someone you have not connected with, but at the end of a day reiki is a label healing is healing and its the pure intent that counts......... its something that was around a long time before dr usui came along and labelled it

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 10:24 PM
I can only say this. Read up on what it is first, there are many real truths on youtube. My girlfriend totally detroyed her life, lost her business, our relationship, and every other thing you can imagine. There are also others around her that have done the same thing. Some guy friend that wandered into her life as friends has also lost everything. His wife who was an accountant left with the two children. His bliss of a life had put them into so much debt from his lack of desire to succeed. He is now homeless.

My gf lost over $400,000 in her business due to the fact that manifesting and channeling really did not pull in the customers, she was so deep into this her thought process never really was in the real world again. My neighbor's wife's brother same thing, lost everything he had. Being a lightworker is not really for me. If that is your cup of tea knock yourself out. Solara and others such as her will be happy to take your money. All kinds of books you can buy to help you with your new adventure. But of what I speak to you of today is what will happen in the end. You can worship trinkets, symbols, turn tap water into holy water, heal others, find out the future, plan your life around it, know when the world is going to end, have your shuttle ready for the trip to the cosmos and have spirits as your best friends and guides. If you want this. DO IT!!! This is what real life experience is. I'm sorry but I know too many of examples for you to defend otherwise.

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