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Weirdest first hand sighting.

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posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 10:29 AM
Alright those who know me, know that I am not unaccustomed to strange things happening around me. however this was by far one of the most puzzling things I have ever witnessed.. and to be honest I am really struggling with myself to share it because I know there are going to be people who will think I am just bonkers or something. I was in my mother in laws car with her and my son last week in the middle of the day mind you... driving next to a field on the left when I saw what seemed like it must be an incredibly fast and large bird flying next to the car and then beyond about 15 ft away parallel to us. But this "bird" for lack of a better word looked furry! had the shape of a large otter or something and moved through the air like a dolphin up and down in a wave like pattern. it cut farther left and across the road that we were getting ready to intersect as we reached the intersection I was still watching as this thing dropped out of flight near the house to the left opposite side of the road into a form that seemed like a large humanoid shape. and withought breaking stride continued along the left side of that house towards its back yard and out of my sight for a bit. as we turned left and went passed the house I looked to my right to see any signs of what I had just watched but nothing was to be seen. During this time my son and I had been discussing what we had just seen and he saw the same thing I did but neither of us could put an explanation as to what it could have been. It was the absolute strangest of all the strange things I have experienced so far in my life. I cant offer any theory.. I am just sharing what I saw and hoping that someone out there might have seen something similar and have the courage to share their experience.

Ok.. there it is. Do with it what you will

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 10:39 AM
Have you ever heard of the Mothman ??
Wiki link

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:27 PM
Hello NephraTari.

We here at Cryptozoology and Mythical Beasts sure do receive a lot of first hand witness accounts of unknown beasts. We've had giant glowing cats, small grinning gremlins, and werewolves with spikes growing out of their backs, but this is probably the strangest account I've heard.

If you're interested, I can do a sketch of your creature based on your own in-depth description. You've already described the basic texture of its skin and shape of the body, all i need are the following:
- colour (any colour patterns?)
- size (width, girth, length)
- facial features (if it wasn't going too fast to see)
- any strange appendages
(u2u me or post the description here)

Kudos to your experience, NephraTari. Very few people get the chance to witness something supernatural or mystical.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 03:40 PM
have bluesoldier draw it up for you.. hes good with that stuff. Does sound pretty strange to me, sucks that nothing cool happens to me like that, and im always looking!

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:34 AM
Oh, flattery will get you everywhere >.<

But seriously, business is slow and I would love to make you a concept sketch.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:53 AM
In addition to TheB1ueSoldier's query you may want to add the location (at least in general terms) to help pin-point the creature.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 11:02 AM
Im in Northwest Arkansas. color was a tan color kind of a light to medium orangish brown. like I said it was furry in both forms. size.. Im guessing that while in flight parrallel to us it must have been at least 4 to 5 feet long and about 2 ft in diameter. It was bulky to say the least. thats was the first thing that caught my attention was the size and the fact that it looked furry. The other thing that seemed odd was the way it seemed to swim through the air rather than fly like most birds do. when it fell out of flight form into humanoid it seemed rather tall like about 6 ft. I couldnt see a face at that point it was diagonal to me at that time and I had a view of its back unfortunately.
It had the same color in humanoid form as it had in flight form. and still seemed incredibly bulky for lack of a better word.
I have been keeping my eyes open because this sighting was less than a mile from my home. I am a little bothered by it to say the least as I have children that play outside all the time.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 09:52 PM
You said it looked like a large otter - does that mean it had legs and a tail? That's got to be one of the strangest things I've ever heard. Good think you weren't driving, I probably would have gone of the road.

[edit on 6/4/2007 by librasleep]

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 10:16 PM
This may seem a bit farfetched, but could it have been an ostrich? They're very tall and broad, they feathers look like fur when seen from a distance, and they definitely look humanoid in shape when they stand on two legs.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by TheB1ueSoldier
This may seem a bit farfetched, but could it have been an ostrich? They're very tall and broad, they feathers look like fur when seen from a distance, and they definitely look humanoid in shape when they stand on two legs.

Well, it does seem a little similar in description, but it would sure be a sighting worth mentioning, seeing that ostriches don't fly... (Maybe this global heating thing is messing them up, and they've started to fly north for the winter as well.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:27 AM
lol no way it was an ostrich

when I said otter I meant shape wise oblong

we dont have ostriches in this area that I have ever seen.

as far as the otter description, like I said it was a shape comparison the thing was going so fast it was mostly a blur.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:43 AM
What speed were you going at the time it flew parallel to you? (I guess you weren't exactly watching the speedometer at that time, but more or less?)
How did the creature propel itself? You referred to it as a "large bird", so I take it, it had wings it was flapping?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:03 AM
Oh yeah I forgot to ask, did it have wings?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:23 AM
Very cool story.

Has there been any previous 'weird' sightings in your area that may add to your experience?

If you didn't have someone to corroborate your story, you would probably have a hard time believing yourself. I don't know what I would be thinking after that type of encounter.


posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:25 AM
I am guessing we were going about 25mph because the road was gravel.. didnt want to kick up too much dust. I didn't see wings all I saw was the shape moving up and down in the air next to us progressing much faster than we were I assumed it was a bird because it was above the ground and I saw nothing below the main torso shape to indicate legs. at 25mph I dont know what speed would have seemed blurry to us.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:37 AM
This will be a very odd illustration... No definitive shape... or physical features I can really illustrate, heh. Do you mind if I use a bit of imagination and fill in the vague areas?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 10:49 AM
Here's an interesting article about some other cryptids seen in Arkansas. The descriptions don't fit what you describe, however the author of the article is a native of Arkansas, retired law enforcement officer (among other things), avid outdoorsman, and has 30 years experience investigating enigmatic animals.

His contact info is at the bottom of the article. Maybe worth checking with him to see if he's heard of anything like that?

Just a thought.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 11:19 AM
To be honest; This sounds a lot like a "Moth man" sighting. I have read many moth man reports. You describe a few common details. Interesting.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by TheB1ueSoldier
This will be a very odd illustration... No definitive shape... or physical features I can really illustrate, heh. Do you mind if I use a bit of imagination and fill in the vague areas?
Sure if it helps. wish it hadn't been going so fast.

So far as I know there have not been any other sightings in the area however.. as someone said this was so odd that I had a hard time believing what I had just seen. My first reaction was what the hell was that?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 04:24 PM

To be honest; This sounds a lot like a "Moth man" sighting. I

To me the creature described sounds more like a bigfoot type creature that was somehow transported by a means unkown to use. Remember the creature SWAM not FLEW. Then frome the witnesses description sounds like a harry ape upon landing...even the odder reference is what a ape would mistakenly look like swimming.

then again look at the mothman pics

[edit on 5-6-2007 by hiii_98]

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