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Cannabis Smoker Says, "My lungs are damaged beyond repair."

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posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:02 AM
I went to the horse races one time with a friend and he took his granddad. He was about 85 and smoked pot like a chimney. lol Dunno if he is dead now or not but he probably is, that was 30 years ago.

The cops confiscated someone's water bong when someone's friend got arrested. THEY were just trying to stay healthy. haha

37 is awfully young.. Looks like it would have been bothering her and she'd have at least cut back.

I just wonder like - at what age is it ok to die? LIke, IE "I made it to 85, doggone it, now I can smoke and drink coke and eat at McDonald's."
edit on 23-12-2010 by hadriana because: I am told to leave out personal habits, of which I none.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by apc

Smoke is alien to the lungs. They are not designed for smoke. However, everyone's constitution is different. Marijuana smoke is different than cigarette smoke, both are bad, one is worse.

End of story.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by MajorMalfunction
the most common way of smoking cannabis in Europe is the spliff -- cannabis mixed with tobacco in a cigarette. Why is no one mentioning the tobacco? Because it's anti-cannabis propaganda. Disinformation.

That's a good point.

In the Eastern states here, most people smoke it mixed with tobacco also, while here in South Australia most smoke it without, even if they smoke tobacco also. Would be interesting to compare the statistics between the states here.

If, for argument's sake, smoking marijuana was actually good for you, there's no way the medical industry would be allowed to say so.

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
I just wonder like - at what age is it ok to die? LIke, IE "I made it to 85, doggone it, now I can smoke and drink coke and eat at McDonald's."
edit on 23-12-2010 by hadriana because: I am told to leave out personal habits, of which I none.

I think you are the one who makes that decision..

I know as soon as i turn 60, I'm taking up Acid and Cocaine.. Why the hell not? I would be a fun grandpa, that's for sure

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 05:04 PM
So what? That guy has been smoking 20 blunts a day for 20 years. I don't believe the "big holes threatening to kill him" part of this article. You see, this is pure propaganda. Marijuana is virtually harmless, and it does more good than bad for you. It opens the mind, if used well. THC is an anti-carcinogen, so it almost nullifies the harmful smoke. Not saying it's white as snow, but it doesn't kill you or put holes in your lungs. I bet he was smoking tobacco and sniffing gasoline...

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 05:59 PM
Oh dear.
Another 'anti-plant-medicine' thread by an OP who seems to have done NO research on the subject before passing us a piece of spurious govt/pharma propaganda. Shame on you OP.

Do people really still believe this 'reefer-madness' crap?

For a forum with the catch-phrase of deny ignorance, what exactly is the point of this thread?
edit on 23/12/10 by RogerT because: because I felt like it

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by sonjah1

Correction folks to my post above, Gregory Issacs, in addition to Dennis Brown died due to the lung cancer....

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 06:09 PM
Moderation is key, as with anything in life.

You can eat enough mayonaise to kill yourself if you try hard enough and do it long enough.

Never mind the horrific physical and psychological effects that accompany hard drinking of alcoholic beverages, which by the way are legal.

Ever see what a scerosis tainted liver looks like? Ever seen a 30 year old die of alcoholism?

If you fit all of the people who have died from smoking pot together they would probably fill a small room.

Put all of the people who have died from alcohol and it's effects and you would need several aircraft carriers and a crowbar to wedge them all in.

edit on 12/23/10 by BlackOps719 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2010 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Amen, brother.

The Golden Rule, The Golden Mean, Moderation, etc.....

If I could only *always* practice what I preach!

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by jheated5

I'm not against cannabis use one bit but to deny it has any affects on your lungs doesn't make any sense to me....

Edibles and vaporization have no effects on lungs. Smoking has minimal effects (especially compared with tobacco).

Have you ever seen the resin after you smoked out of a glass pipe a few times? I guess when it goes into your lungs it disappears???

Yes. It's absorbed into the bloodstream. Any particles that can't be absorbed are self cleaned by the lungs.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 09:09 PM
Just because one person develops emphysema after smoking pot, doesn't mean the pot caused it. You would have to run many experiments before you can prove without a reasonable doubt that the pot caused it. I thought second hand smoke from tobacco could cause this? it could've been from that. They teach me all of the time in college that I shouldn't look at case-studies like this and draw conclusions from them. They teach us that you must be careful in determining cause-effect relationships. And this one lady, doesn't prove a cause-effect relationship at all.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 09:15 PM
And this is what happens when you smoke weed that our own government has sprayed poison on. And yes they do spray poison on the dope and then give it to people. This lady got the bad, laced weed, most likely.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 09:32 PM
Guess now that tobacco smokers have been crushed, the pot smokers are next....
This is probably just the beginning....I expect more MSM stories like this one.
Next it will be blaming childhood Asthma and other childhood diseases on passive pot smoking etc etc.....

First they came after the tobacco smokers and I did nothing.....etc etc.....

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 12:48 AM
Emphysema is, in part, the loss of elasticity in the lungs. Some pot smokers take very huge breaths and hold it for a time. Perhaps that practice is not good for lung elasticity and smokers should avoid that practice. But perhaps not, the doctor in the article is not making such a suggestion so apparently that part of the pot-smoking equation is irrelevant as this doctor would see it his first responsibility to warn against such practice if it were dangerous, unless he wasn't loyal to his oath and had another agenda in mind.

Nevertheless, that pot smoker has serious problems at a very young age - though she has already outlived many excessive alcoholics. She cannot smoke any longer, so to continue pot use to derive its benefits she may have to consume it by eating it or brewing it as a pot of tea. Why not? Why do you think they call it pot?

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by MajorMalfunction

It actually depends HOW you smoke it. Many smokers of Cannabis use a bong with water filtration. However, by doing this and pulling the smoke through the water and into their lungs, they actually take larger breaths, and the smoke gains access to the lower or deeper sections of their lungs..

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 03:07 PM
This person lied. Cannabis does NOT cause lung damage, I don't care what anybody says, call me ignorant, whatever. People have been smoking it since 2500BC, nobody has ever died from it, and this is the first case in the history of time where a person has gotten any form of lung cancer or emphysema from smoking cannabis only. This person either smokes cigarettes as well as cannabis (BTW its not mentioned in the article whether or not she smokes tobacco), smokes laced weed with either chemicals or some other drugs (Or possibly the weed had mold spores in it which got into her lungs, or maybe the person she buys from sandblasts the weed to make it appear heavier than it is when selling), smokes out of some sketchy plastic water bottle where the chemicals from the plastic are mixed in with the cannabis smoke (But the article said she smokes joints), or the article is completely made up. My money is on possibility number 1 or 4.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:51 PM

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