posted on May, 11 2014 @ 01:30 PM
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The P-1 is comparable to the Poseidon. I don't believe Japan has any plans for anything other than indigenous use, but it uses some of the same
sensors as the Poseidon does.
The P-8 is bigger, with a slightly smaller crew, 7 sensor operators as opposed to 9, it has a bigger footprint, and bigger MTOW, but the P-1 beats it
in range by a ridiculous distance, as well as speed, cruise speed, and max altitude. Both are equipped with an AESA system, a CAE developed acoustic
system, and both carry the same types of weapons. The P-1 can carry 20,000 lbs of bombs, the Poseidon has a total payload (I think this is right, but
it's not really listed many places) of over 57,000 lbs.