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Smokers........... "You Bastards!"

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posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by Paresthesia

HOWEVER, smokers should control where and how much they smoke, just as a common courtesy. As long as they keep it outside, don't puff in your face, get ashes everywhere or throw down cigarettes that are still lit, I think non-smokers should be able to give them common courtesy in return.

Quite right too, it's just like anything else in life, a bit of common sense and courtesy and no one should have a problem. And I should imagine that's why Intrepid started this thread, because no matter how much smokers do to prevent others suffering for our habit, there's still those who demonise each and every one of us, and that's wrong.

Thanks for making this thread Intrepid, it's definitely something that needed saying.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by chebob
Quite right too, it's just like anything else in life, a bit of common sense and courtesy and no one should have a problem. And I should imagine that's why Intrepid started this thread, because no matter how much smokers do to prevent others suffering for our habit, there's still those who demonise each and every one of us, and that's wrong.

Thanks for making this thread Intrepid, it's definitely something that needed saying.

That's exactly the point. I also thought something needed to be said.

You're welcome and thank YOU.

posted on Jun, 12 2007 @ 05:52 PM
Smokers aren't going to like this, because bans like this that ban smoking on municipal property, including bus stops, tend to catch on, if all goes well in one jurisdiction.

On the upside, there are no penalties for smoking on municipal properties, yet.

[Albuquerque] Mayor Martin Chavez announced today a ban on smoking on all city-owned property, including parks, golf courses, bus stops, Isotopes Park and Albuquerque International Sunport grounds.

Chavez's executive order takes effect Friday, the same day as a statewide ban on smoking signed by Gov. Bill Richardson in March. Albuquerque has had its own smoking ban - the Clean Indoor Air Ordinance - since 2003. It prohibits smoking inside most workplaces, including restaurants.

Chavez said he expects the new ban to be enforced by Albuquerque residents, city workers and police officers. There are no fines or legal penalties, he said. If the order needs more teeth, Chavez said, he will go to the City Council with legislation.

[edit on 2007/6/12 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:05 AM
i think people are just laze, this is how i see it, " im to lazy to move away from the smoker, why dont we just get him/her to move", anyone agree with that, i think the non-smokers(myself included) should just accept it and if they dont like the fumes move away.

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by outrider
i think people are just laze, this is how i see it, " im to lazy to move away from the smoker, why dont we just get him/her to move", anyone agree with that, i think the non-smokers(myself included) should just accept it and if they dont like the fumes move away.

Uhm why aren't the smokers too lazy to find a place they can give themselves cancer without sharing the cancer with others?
Why do the nonsmokers have to move away?

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by Jakko

Originally posted by outrider
i think people are just laze, this is how i see it, " im to lazy to move away from the smoker, why dont we just get him/her to move", anyone agree with that, i think the non-smokers(myself included) should just accept it and if they dont like the fumes move away.

Uhm why aren't the smokers too lazy to find a place they can give themselves cancer without sharing the cancer with others?
Why do the nonsmokers have to move away?

What if the smoker sits down in a certain lpace then a non smoker comes along and decides he wants to sit near the smoker, se he gets the smoker to move, thats lazy

posted on Jun, 13 2007 @ 03:09 PM
municipal property is municipal property, belongs to the gov't...either local, or state, or federal...guess they can decide what goes on on their property can't they..

but, tell me....

the little shop I work for has a small smoking lounge downstairs in the cellar....there's not even really any reason to venture there. also, in order to get there you have to go through the printing section of the doing so, you will inhale a bunch of little tiny fibers called flock.....inhale some pretty nifty chemical cleaning solvents....all of which have some pretty nice warning labels on them....and well....ain't no one gonna tell me that the concentration of pollutants anywhere in that plant of shs is even half that of the flock and chemicals....

the shop is co-owned by two's a smoker.

so, what in heaven's name gives the government the right...(NY State did this to all the businesses in the state) to tell this company that they cannot allow smoking in their building. and, why shouldn't smokers, like me....pitch a fit if it does, or an even worse fit if the bosses decided to.....I mean, even the smokers are getting a heavier concentration of the flock and chemicals than they are from anything in the cigarettes.....we are harming the other employees much, much less than they are harming themselves by working in the place!

[edit on 13-6-2007 by dawnstar]

posted on Jun, 14 2007 @ 10:00 AM
Just as a slight aside:

Doctors Prefer Camels - Video

A little comic relief...

posted on Jun, 15 2007 @ 05:31 AM

another state joins the list of lunacy...

so, does this mean that if I move to New Mexico, that I can enjoy clean flock free, chemical free air? Didn't think so...just means my boss would be a miserable man who is no longer able to smoke in his own the small little breakroom way down in the cellar, where no one has any reason to venture anyways...

[edit on 15-6-2007 by dawnstar]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 11:39 AM
Here's a study that suggests that just the smoke contaminated clothing of smoking parents can cause harm, even death, to infant children.

Smokers' Infants Have High Nicotine Metabolite Levels

The researchers also noted that sleeping with a parent is a known risk factor for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). They suggest that one reason for this could be an infant's proximity to parents' clothing or other objects contaminated with smoke particles.


posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:10 PM
it seems to more of a guess or a hypothesis if you ask me..

by the way, just what kind of diseases does cotinine or whatever cause, look it up and get back to me...

and umm....what other toxins might be within a bedroom, just wondering...
hair spray?
prefumes, deodorant, smelly little sachets, hot computer systems.....and on and on we go....

but, oh ya, it's the shs embedded in the clothes causing sids..

[edit on 20-6-2007 by dawnstar]

[edit on 20-6-2007 by dawnstar]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
by the way, just what kind of diseases does cotinine or whatever cause, look it up and get back to me...

You're kidding, right?

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 03:48 PM
no, wasn't kidding....

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 06:06 PM
Perhaps you should read the articles before you post them.

"These findings don't mean people should smoke," warns neuroscientist Michael Kuhar of Emory University. "Any benefits from the nicotine in cigarettes or other tobacco products are far outweighed by the proven harm of using those products. But pure nicotine-like compounds as medications do show promise for treating human disorders."

Nicotine Improves Memory And Helps Brain Repair Itself

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 07:33 PM
another interesting one..

and yet, I am reading them...

nicotine isn't the harmful aspect of cigarettes, it's the other crap, much of which is added to them during processing. and many of those substances are found in many other items, and many of these items can be found in the same bedroom.

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 08:02 PM
I am a none smoker and i can see your point but the fact is such a small percentage of people smoke, there is no need to increase the health risk for the majority since smoking doesn't actually serve any purpose but quench the crave for individuals who chose to create this situation for themselves. You still have a bit of point because you are in the minority and the anti smoking movement is so strong right now, those damn politians are falling over each other just to get on the band wagon and thrash the minority, you have to understand the maths (votes) always wins.

I have to say though that the number of smokers trying to quit is so high and its on the increase i think because the population is much more health concious, so it does not look good for smokers any where.
I think the goverment is trying to prepare you for a total ban, they wanna see the general consensors i terms of a ban. I feel sorry for smokers in a way because the goverment are not doing this for a genuine health reason as they are spining it to be but really its hard to argue your case because there is not much positive publicity for smoking and a ban does not infringe on your human rights.

[edit on 20-6-2007 by thesun]

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 08:32 PM
I'm a conservative, non smoker who really doesn't care that smokers are loosing their rights even though I don't like politicians who take our rights away. I remember the days when you could do nothing about the guy next to you who was puffing up a cloud!
The only way you smokers are going to stop this effort is to ban together and say NO! You can do it but it will take some organization. Just say to heck with the health issues and other peoples rights!
I think back to the camera cars we had in our city that would snap a photo of you if you were going over the speed limit and you'd automatically get an expensive ticket. Politicians loved it, what a way to make money. Anyway the average citizen hated it, detested the intrusion and wanted those cameras out of here! We all just didn't pay the tickets and demanded that the politicians get rid of the company that was doing the ticketing. It worked, the cameras were gone in a couple of months, problem solved. The do gooders complained that we should allow the cameras cause we were breaking the law weren't we? And it would save some kids life some day and on and on. We just said we don't want those cameras, get rid of them!

posted on Jun, 20 2007 @ 09:05 PM
oh, in that case, maybe we should ban firing ranges to all short of police and military personal also. they are filled with lead containing dust that endangers those working on these shooting ranges. this dust also contaminates clothing and thus is brought home, where it endangers young children. it's just a minority of people who use these ranges, so no one should care..

and while we're at it....

Occupations where workers may be exposed to lead, and thus, expose their families at home include:

Cable splicing
Manufacturing of Bullets, Ceramics, Ceramic tiles, Electrical components, Lead batteries, Pottery, Stained glass.
Radiator repair
Recovery of gold and silver
Repair and reclamation of lead batteries

I'm sure we can do a little bit about some of this contamination also..
ya know, we have enough empty buildings being left to rot, we could cut down on the construction. maybe do away with the stereos, the tv's, the cute little ceramic ornamants.

and all that is just to cut down on the amount of lead our children are exposed to needlessly.

I work in a print shop, at the end of the day, my clothes, my hair, I am permeating with those chemicals and their fumes. You don't think my kids are exposed to them when I come home?
think maybe we, as a society can do our shopping without all the neat little signs that adorn the windows, and the inside of the many, many stores?

the little kodak plant in rochester increases the risk of the neighborhood kids developing brain tumors. this should be an easy one, since the chemicals that are causing it is from the process to manufacture the film for our cameras. ya think we as a society can cease using this film and use our digitals instead?

heck, ya think maybe we, as a society, willing to pay a higher price for our food and toothpaste instead of it being imported from china with god knows what in it?? think maybe we could convince our own food producers to quite putting crap into our food?

working in a plastic factory increases your chance of developing a wide assortment of cancers......think maybe we could make do a little longer with the old computer monitor or whatever and make do with what we have...maybe make it a little less necessary for someone to poison themselves for our benefit?

and speaking of that computer, ya know, as it runs during the night while you sleep, it heats up, and lets loose it's own array of your baby sleeping in the same room at it?

posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 10:41 PM
Where I live smokers are now just another minority and while I think that we should be tolerant of minority's in society we should under no circumstances panda to them.
So why should smokers be any differnt ?
Tell me why I should panda to the minority you belong to.

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by realyweely
YOUR smoke affects MY health
Its quite simple though I doubt you will see that

Are you forgetting how much toxic smoke is belched out by polluting industries every day of the year? How much that affects everyone's health, smoker or not? I'd think that would be a bigger concern than standing near someone with a cigarette...After all, you can find out about air pollution right here!

Anyway, since it was the Native American Indian who first introduced tobacco to the white man...And considering what the white man has done to deplete their food supply, steal their land & restrict them to reservations that have degraded the average Indian lifespan to about forty years...
Doesn't that seem to be a kind of poetic justice?

[edit on 23-6-2007 by MidnightDStroyer]

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