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Flight 93 Wreckage Under Armed Guard Buried Deep Inside Iron Mountain w/video

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posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 09:38 AM
Can you OS guys please get your stories straight?

OK, so we have this "Silver Bullet" airplane breaking up into a trillion pieces . We have it vaporizing. And finally, we have it burying itself into the ground. What'll it be? And they say it's the conspiracy theorists who can't agree on what occurred.

Here is a picture of the TWA Flight 800 reconstruction. This plane "bellyflopped" at a free fall rate from an altitude of apparoximately 14,000 feet into the Atlantic Ocean. Of course, this impact was in slow motion compared to our Silver Bullet plane in PA.

Look how much of the airplane they were able to recover and reconstruct, even though many of the pieces were lost at sea...or vaporized...or buried at the bottom of the sea.

Now, here is a picture of Pan Am Flight 103 which was 31,000 fight (approximately 6 miles) in the air when it started crashing to the ground, also at slow motion of course, compared to our Silver Bullet plane.

On a side note, I also heard that Jimmy Hoffa's remains are buried at Iron Mountain. They decided to move them there because too many people knew about the original burial location: the concrete foundation of Giants Stadium in NJ.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
Can you OS guys please get your stories straight?

OK, so we have this "Silver Bullet" airplane breaking up into a trillion pieces . We have it vaporizing. And finally, we have it burying itself into the ground. What'll it be? And they say it's the conspiracy theorists who can't agree on what occurred.

Here is a picture of the TWA Flight 800 reconstruction. This plane "bellyflopped" at a free fall rate from an altitude of apparoximately 14,000 feet into the Atlantic Ocean. Of course, this impact was in slow motion compared to our Silver Bullet plane in PA.

Look how much of the airplane they were able to recover and reconstruct, even though many of the pieces were lost at sea...or vaporized...or buried at the bottom of the sea.

Now, here is a picture of Pan Am Flight 103 which was 31,000 fight (approximately 6 miles) in the air when it started crashing to the ground, also at slow motion of course, compared to our Silver Bullet plane.

On a side note, I also heard that Jimmy Hoffa's remains are buried at Iron Mountain. They decided to move them there because too many people knew about the original burial location: the concrete foundation of Giants Stadium in NJ.

Well, let's see- a certain amount of the plane did break apart into very small fragments (I don't know about a trillion but I assume you understand the concept of literary hyperbole) a certain portion did "vaporize" such as the fuel and some flammable contents and certain portion must have embedded itself at the point of impact - so what's the problem? What don't you understand?

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