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Flight 93 Wreckage Under Armed Guard Buried Deep Inside Iron Mountain w/video

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Pfeil
many who have seen the "crash site" of 93 did not describe anything like a crash site of a huge passenger plane ...

This is the first passenger plane of that size to be going that fast and to hit that hard. Others crashed at a much lower speed. This was blindingly fast - witness' on the ground described it as a 'speeding silver bullet'.

That's pretty darn fast.
It's going to hit pretty darn hard.

You can't really compare it to other crashes at vastly lower speeds and with less jet fuel.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 02:09 PM
Flyers you have just stated how unreliable witnesses are, as one cannot see a bullet in flight silver or otherwise methinks the said witnesses are plants or they did not see anything at all.

Most witnesses dont "see" they react to a given event, try putting 10 or a hundred pepole together to "witness" an event and they will all give you different details of said event.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 02:59 PM
The answer to why it is under armed guard is simple- "THEY" dont want the truth to come out - why?

Because it would prove that the whole 911 incident was a big lie and the "Reichstag" building incident of modern times.

Where is the real Flight 93? who knows, but there were reports and even a picture I beleive of Flight 93 landing at an airport somewhere after the twin towers were hit and the no fly zone implemented.

What they are hiding is some sort of unmanned aerial vehicle, I dont beleive it was a drone, but a small boeing of some sort, that was hit with a missile to bring it down, thus explaining no-bodies found, and the very small pices of wreckage at the site.

The US Government does not want this to get out. so to stop the possibility of anybody analysing the wreckage, they buried it.

Truth, Justice and the American Way? My AR#E

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:33 PM
So if its under armed guard, and the reason why it is being guarded is because they don't want the truth to come out, why did they:

a) so easily give a reporter a tour through, with a camera, through the facility.


b) even let it be known.

using common sense, you would assume that if the reason it was being guarded was not for vandalism issues (people taking it and selling pieces on ebay) or investigative purposes (like it was with the TWA 800 disaster) that they would obviously not allow reporters access, and not even reveal the whereabout of the wreckage.

your assumptions don't add up, use some common sense.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
but then let a reporter with a camera into the facility and showed her?

The top levels are what she was shown. Also where the musical records are stored.

The lower levels are strictly off limits.

The wreckage is stored there because there is no wreckage. Gotta have a location! What better place for nothing than there?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Pfeil
many who have seen the "crash site" of 93 did not describe anything like a crash site of a huge passenger plane ...

This is the first passenger plane of that size to be going that fast and to hit that hard. Others crashed at a much lower speed. This was blindingly fast - witness' on the ground described it as a 'speeding silver bullet'.

That's pretty darn fast.
It's going to hit pretty darn hard.

You can't really compare it to other crashes at vastly lower speeds and with less jet fuel.

if you could post some data to support that that would be great.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Why Pennsilvania- well they don't have earthquakes here;

Sorry but do I have news for you!
If you look at the way in which USA is made up geologically you have active ranges of mountains in the West with all the signs of geological activity such as hot pools in the mountains or eathquakes in coastal California- but look at the East Caost and there is massive rip in the earths surface and ancient range of smaller mountains on much the same south-noth axis.
When it come to killer earthquakes such as Lisbon earthquake a couple of centuries ago the biggest and best of earthquakes happen in unexpected places (Tangsha 1976 is another example) where nothing has happened for a long long time but out of nowhere a truely massive geological event occurs that has experts running off to revise their theories.

Now in New York city downtown there is a church Times Square i think they call themselves... and yes there is this little 70s something preacher in this know the crazy prophet sort....and ah yes he did predict in the eary 1970s something about a killer earthquake in an unexpected place. David Wilkerson The vision So writing now under the holy annointing of the God responsible for such warnings and responsible for doing such things (I create disaster Isaiah 45) i would say that maybe the entire contents of iron mountain will be lost forever.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:12 PM

As for the only other crash that left a unreasonbly small amount of debriss would be that 757 that hit the pentagon.

Curious.... just like the WTC were the only steel framed buildings to collapse due to fire that day, too.

A day of firsts.

Do you believe in coincidence?

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by SteveR

Originally posted by Zaphod58
but then let a reporter with a camera into the facility and showed her?

The top levels are what she was shown. Also where the musical records are stored.

The lower levels are strictly off limits.

The wreckage is stored there because there is no wreckage. Gotta have a location! What better place for nothing than there?

Wrong, you're making incorrect assumptions about something you have no idea about and trying to use them to prove your point. How exactly did you come to this conclusion? Have you ever been there? I can tell you with 100% certainty after reading your post that you haven't.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 03:50 PM
Flight 800 was blown apart in the air into 2 pieces. It the hit the water at several hundred miles and hour and still left enough parts to do a reconstruction.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 06:39 AM
Hmmm Donald Rumsfeld seems to have alot of news clips that keep getting lost or removed from youtube 1 of which was the press confrence where he spacificaly stated that they shot down flight 93 also on the note of lost or removed news cuts on youtube was his complaint about the 2.3 trillion dollars missing from the pentagons books and that came out just a few days or the day befor 911 )o

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Wait, let me see if I've got this. They took the wreckage of Flight 93, to this super secret underground facility, where they put an armed guard on it and didn't let anyone see it, but then let a reporter with a camera into the facility and showed her? Uh, anyone else see something seriously wrong here?

They're keeping the wreckage there for a reason, and it's probably to keep someone from walking off with it and selling it on Ebay.

Ah, super secret? It is a commercial storage facility. You can look it up on the internet. You can call them. Hell, you can contract to have your own records stored. The location is mentioned in the post above. Why would you call it super secret? Because it has security? Isn't that part of what you pay for when you have your records stored there?

Oh and for eigth years all you heard was "why can't we see it"?, "why can't we see it"? Then they let someone into see it and its suspect. No win situation.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by paul NZ

Why Pennsilvania- well they don't have earthquakes here;

Sorry but do I have news for you!
If you look at the way in which USA is made up geologically you have active ranges of mountains in the West with all the signs of geological activity such as hot pools in the mountains or eathquakes in coastal California- but look at the East Caost and there is massive rip in the earths surface and ancient range of smaller mountains on much the same south-noth axis.
When it come to killer earthquakes such as Lisbon earthquake a couple of centuries ago the biggest and best of earthquakes happen in unexpected places (Tangsha 1976 is another example) where nothing has happened for a long long time but out of nowhere a truely massive geological event occurs that has experts running off to revise their theories.

Now in New York city downtown there is a church Times Square i think they call themselves... and yes there is this little 70s something preacher in this know the crazy prophet sort....and ah yes he did predict in the eary 1970s something about a killer earthquake in an unexpected place. David Wilkerson The vision So writing now under the holy annointing of the God responsible for such warnings and responsible for doing such things (I create disaster Isaiah 45) i would say that maybe the entire contents of iron mountain will be lost forever.

Pennsylvania does have earthqaukes, just not like they do in other places. Geologically no place on earth is really "earthquake free". However, PA. has a pretty low frequency and very low magnitude. I may be wrong about this particular facility, but most of these are old salt mines, very steady temperatures, humidity and constant air pressure and plenty of space. No big secret.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit

As for the only other crash that left a unreasonbly small amount of debriss would be that 757 that hit the pentagon.

Curious.... just like the WTC were the only steel framed buildings to collapse due to fire that day, too.

A day of firsts.

Do you believe in coincidence?

Yes, it was a "day of firsts". I thought maybe you would have noticed that. The first day that a commercial jetliner crashed, full speed into the Pentagon and both towers of the WTC. Both firsts. There always has to be a first time. And since you have noted that it was a day of "firsts" then you must know that comparison to other incidents is not applicable, correct?

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 06:17 PM
I wonder, what other crashed planes from any Airline carrier are stored at the super-high security facilities of Iron Mountain?

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
Uhm, try going back and actually READING what I said. I said the wreckage WAS found, it was buried in the ground. And no I can't, because all my accident reports are offline, from sources that were never put on the internet.

I have to admit I hadn't followed the Shanksville episode in any detail, mainly becuase claiming the gov't built a fake crash site in the middle of nowhere to fool us and then turned around and covered up the fake crash site they built to fool us is just plain goofy. It's adding obfuscation for obfuscation's sake.

That said, it was my understanding that flight 93 didn't bury itself, but shattered into a trillion pieces becuase they were headed straight down at full speed while every other plane crash in the world tried to at least belly land at landing speed. The reason why no photos have been released is obvious- the feds never DO release photos that show pieces of human beings hanging off trees or decapitated heads lying on top of engine cowlings. There's no reason why they would deviate from that policy simply to satisfy the ghouls in the conspiracy theorist movement.

The conspiracy people have a much more sinister explanation for all of this, I'm sure.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by mirageofdeceit
The cloest example I know of that IS on the internet is of a Boeing 727-200 that crashed from altitude at near Mach 1.00, and it left plenty of debris, despite crashig near vertically, too.

It is very odd that aircraft wreckage would be guarded. Usually the parts are scrapped and/or recycled after an investigation, with only key elements being preserved.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

And then there's all the wreckage and bodies they recovered - not to mention the black box - from Valujet 592. It went into the everglades at over 500 mph.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:12 PM
The lockerbie debris was under guard while it was being reconstructed here.

Then it was dumped in a scrap yard here

posted on Oct, 3 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by remymartin

The debris shown as flight 93 is a fraud.
The picture of a 40 yard scrap bin barely has 5 tons in it.
Where did all that titanium go?
Where did the plane go?
Did it vapourize?

Obviously no Boeing 757 crashed in SHanksville on 911. That is fact. It cant be hidden. No body believe one did when reviewing all the evidence.

There were 3 or 4 passports found, box cutter, headband. The drivers licences that were found were from some odd people that had strange stories behind them. The head band was almost in perfect condition.

If you want to know more just investigate flight 93. This is the part of 911 that is the most flimsy and unbelievable.

posted on Oct, 5 2009 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by CaptainAmerica2012
reply to post by remymartin

The debris shown as flight 93 is a fraud.
The picture of a 40 yard scrap bin barely has 5 tons in it.
Where did all that titanium go?
Where did the plane go?
Did it vapourize?

Obviously no Boeing 757 crashed in SHanksville on 911. That is fact. It cant be hidden. No body believe one did when reviewing all the evidence.

There were 3 or 4 passports found, box cutter, headband. The drivers licences that were found were from some odd people that had strange stories behind them. The head band was almost in perfect condition.

If you want to know more just investigate flight 93. This is the part of 911 that is the most flimsy and unbelievable.

Exactly how did you precisely deduce the weight of the material in the scrap bin by just looking a photo? If that is a 40 yard dump what percentage do you think is filled and what is the weight of the material per cubic foot? Don't forget - water weights 62 lbs. per cubic foot. So even if there were only 6 cubic yards of water in the bin it would still weigh more than 5 tons.

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