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Hollow Earth - Trip proposed to centre of Earth via Arctic hole

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posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 10:46 PM
Well thats why the bible left them out....

banned Books from the bible.Jesus chapters

hope you have high speed theres 8 parts i think.

also for someone that seems to think they know all about our history, and you know nothing of Jesus who lived only 2000 ago? seems strange to me.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Google earth is only based on satalite images, have you ever seen one of the north or south poles? nope, you never will either. it's one of many secrets being kept from us.

I'll await more concrete proof that the Earth is hollow. But regardless of if it is or it isn't, there are still the issues such as the magnetic field. How do you account for these things?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:01 PM
SpaceBits your posts is so fraught with errors, I don’t even know where to begin.

I am not sure where you get this idea from :

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Jesus said that after death all go to hell and can be released whenever they want to, infact one of Jesus desiples claimed to have seen Jesus decend into hell. the bible dont mention this though.... Jesus then sais all the beings can be free if ALL the ppl on the surface wishs, this would also release Lucifer from hell..

This is in total conflict with everything I have read in the Bible, are you just making up your own bible as you go along? Even the word “Hell” does not exist in the original language of the gospels. The words in fact used are:

From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1492; properly unseen, that is, “Hades” or the place (state) of departed souls: - grave, hell.


Of Hebrew origin ([H1516] and [H2011]); valley of (the son of) Hinnom; gehenna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment: - hell.

Neither of which specifically states that it exist underground in this world. Either way though, the very idea of comparing Hades/Geenna with the hollow earth, is comparing apples and oranges.
Oh, and BTW nothing can release Lucifer because salvation is granted only to humans, it is in no way extended to fallen angles, this is part of why Lucifer/Satan hates humans so much. If you’re going to go on about the Bible I suggest you study the book first.

Originally posted by SpaceBits
I think the possibility of a hollow earth makes allot more sence that a solid one, but then so does the US Military, thats why they wont allow anyone to go to the Antarctica. They have a huge base there.

There are many bases in Antarctica, and anyone, even you, can go there. The largest US base, McMurdo is run by Raytheon Polar Services, and here is where you can apply to go work at the base:

Originally posted by SpaceBits
And if you look on maps, even goolge maps dont show anything relevent, do to the fact they dont want anyone going to the center on the earth.

They don’t show anything relevant because they only have one satellite in orbit to map that area, and that satellite is watching specific ice shelf’s disintegrate. Mapping is not a high priority for there as it is for the rest of the civilized world.

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Admiral Byrd of the USAF even maid a claim to this fact, and said that the embasador of the hollow earth gave him a message to give to the leaders to not use Nuclear bombs.

Admiral Byrd made one comment about the possibility of an invasion coming from the poles, and it was in reference to the Russians. Some person, trying to make up a conspiracy theory about this subject, took that quote and abused the crap out of it. Byrd’s initial comment was true, and ended up being a fact, to this day both our bombers and subs as well as the Russian bombers and subs use the Artic route to practice attacking each other.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by SpaceBits

Google earth is only based on satalite images, have you ever seen one of the north or south poles? nope, you never will either. it's one of many secrets being kept from us.


like this

or this

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Well thats why the bible left them out....

banned Books from the bible.Jesus chapters

hope you have high speed theres 8 parts i think.

also for someone that seems to think they know all about our history, and you know nothing of Jesus who lived only 2000 ago? seems strange to me.

the fact that you think the Bible is a history books says more than enough about your lack of knowledge in this area

I'll say this again because you obviously didn't get it the first time
Jesus did not write any of his words down
they do not exist in any book wether its in the bible or not
the documentary you linked to said nothing about Jesus saying there was a hollow earth
please now link to a textual source that says he did
or are you claiming that the only place this informatioon is available is Youtube
heres a summary of the video
doesnt mention a hollow earth anywhere
nows your big chance to put up or shut up
personally I think that you are deliberately fabricating evidence to prove your personal belief which is based solely on your over active imagination and lack of geological knowledge

now link to your sources as this isn't a forum for "I think, therefore it must be" evidence

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
SpaceBits your posts is so fraught with errors, I don’t even know where to begin.

I am not sure where you get this idea from :

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Jesus said that after death all go to hell and can be released whenever they want to, infact one of Jesus desiples claimed to have seen Jesus decend into hell. the bible dont mention this though.... Jesus then sais all the beings can be free if ALL the ppl on the surface wishs, this would also release Lucifer from hell..

This is in total conflict with everything I have read in the Bible, are you just making up your own bible as you go along? Even the word “Hell” does not exist in the original language of the gospels. The words in fact used are:

From G1 (as a negative particle) and G1492; properly unseen, that is, “Hades” or the place (state) of departed souls: - grave, hell.


Of Hebrew origin ([H1516] and [H2011]); valley of (the son of) Hinnom; gehenna (or Ge-Hinnom), a valley of Jerusalem, used (figuratively) as a name for the place (or state) of everlasting punishment: - hell.

Neither of which specifically states that it exist underground in this world. Either way though, the very idea of comparing Hades/Geenna with the hollow earth, is comparing apples and oranges.
Oh, and BTW nothing can release Lucifer because salvation is granted only to humans, it is in no way extended to fallen angles, this is part of why Lucifer/Satan hates humans so much. If you’re going to go on about the Bible I suggest you study the book first.

Originally posted by SpaceBits
I think the possibility of a hollow earth makes allot more sence that a solid one, but then so does the US Military, thats why they wont allow anyone to go to the Antarctica. They have a huge base there.

There are many bases in Antarctica, and anyone, even you, can go there. The largest US base, McMurdo is run by Raytheon Polar Services, and here is where you can apply to go work at the base:

Originally posted by SpaceBits
And if you look on maps, even goolge maps dont show anything relevent, do to the fact they dont want anyone going to the center on the earth.

They don’t show anything relevant because they only have one satellite in orbit to map that area, and that satellite is watching specific ice shelf’s disintegrate. Mapping is not a high priority for there as it is for the rest of the civilized world.

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Admiral Byrd of the USAF even maid a claim to this fact, and said that the embasador of the hollow earth gave him a message to give to the leaders to not use Nuclear bombs.

Admiral Byrd made one comment about the possibility of an invasion coming from the poles, and it was in reference to the Russians. Some person, trying to make up a conspiracy theory about this subject, took that quote and abused the crap out of it. Byrd’s initial comment was true, and ended up being a fact, to this day both our bombers and subs as well as the Russian bombers and subs use the Artic route to practice attacking each other.

I understand your disbelief, but you really need to look elsewere when refering to the bible. i have posted my links there all valid links... go do the studies for yourself.

as for the satilite it would take much to take photos of the poles.

as for the base on Antarctic, no thanx i wont work for the government.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by duplicity

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Google earth is only based on satalite images, have you ever seen one of the north or south poles? nope, you never will either. it's one of many secrets being kept from us.

I'll await more concrete proof that the Earth is hollow. But regardless of if it is or it isn't, there are still the issues such as the magnetic field. How do you account for these things?

there really is no proof of how the magnetic field works. they only speculate that its due to mass.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Marduk
I'll say this again because you obviously didn't get it the first time
Jesus did not write any of his words down
they do not exist in any book wether its in the bible or not

While Christ did not write down his teachings, he selected apostles to take care of that for him. John the Apostle was a teacher of Polycarp, Polycarp was the teacher of Irenaeus, and Irenaeus selected the gospel books as they currently stand.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:19 PM
Even if the earth was a hollow iron ball what is you reasoning for a hole at the north and south poles? What made the holes?
Another question, why doesnt the sea pour into the holes?
And when you walk in the hole are you sideways until you reach the other side. What kind of force keeps you sideways?

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:21 PM
Yah, notice them globs dont show anything....? a hole lot of white or blue...

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by defcon5

Originally posted by Marduk
I'll say this again because you obviously didn't get it the first time
Jesus did not write any of his words down
they do not exist in any book wether its in the bible or not

While Christ did not write down his teachings, he selected apostles to take care of that for him. John the Apostle was a teacher of Polycarp, Polycarp was the teacher of Irenaeus, and Irenaeus selected the gospel books as they currently stand.

Thx for clearing that up for me.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by earth2
Even if the earth was a hollow iron ball what is you reasoning for a hole at the north and south poles? What made the holes?
Another question, why doesnt the sea pour into the holes?
And when you walk in the hole are you sideways until you reach the other side. What kind of force keeps you sideways?

I can not answer that sorry, you will need to ask god for those answers.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:30 PM
First off, spacebits reposting entire posts is a good way to get in trouble on this site, it eats up the sites bandwidth and storage. It costs them more money when you do that.

Originally posted by SpaceBits
I understand your disbelief, but you really need to look elsewere when refering to the bible. i have posted my links there all valid links... go do the studies for yourself.

I have studied the Bible, the Pseudopigraphica, and the Apocrypha. I hardly consider watching some video, made by God knows who, with God knows what agenda, studying.

Originally posted by SpaceBits
as for the satilite it would take much to take photos of the poles.

Point is that it takes money to do so. No one is funding a mapping satellite to keep track of penguins and snow drifts; there is no money in it and no scientific relevance in doing so. They only fund Satellite use for mapping areas such as used in navigation by everyday people, and if there are military, or scientific reasons to justify the cost. They are not going to go map that area just to prove to you that something, which no credible scientist believes in, does not exist.

Originally posted by SpaceBits
as for the base on Antarctic, no thanx i wont work for the government.

Raytheon is not the government, that is why it is called Raytheon Polar Services, and not United States Polar Services.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:31 PM
I really dont remember saying Jesus himself said there was a hollow earth and if i did, i appalagise, what i ment was it is mentioned in the lost chapters on Jesus Christ.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:42 PM
Gnosticism crept into Christianity from the Greeks; I believe that the Greek concept of Hades was that it was the Underworld. With this in mind, I would have to think that the lost books you are referring to are Gnostic. Irenaeus, who I mentioned above, was an opponent of Gnosticism, and his first work was “Against Heresies” targeted directly at the incorrect teachings of Gnosticism.

posted on Jul, 1 2007 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by defcon5
Gnosticism crept into Christianity from the Greeks; I believe that the Greek concept of Hades was that it was the Underworld. With this in mind, I would have to think that the lost books you are referring to are Gnostic. Irenaeus, who I mentioned above, was an opponent of Gnosticism, and his first work was “Against Heresies” targeted directly at the incorrect teachings of Gnosticism.

Are you Roman catholic? this might explain somethings you potsted.

I for one dont belive in the Roman church, i think they are nothing but a fraud of the true christian religion. and you know they left stuff out of there bible because it starts with giants then onto another subject... well what happend to the giants?

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 12:19 AM
showing off your biblical knowledge again
here is the original Hebrew Bible online
if you check you'll see that there is no mention of Giants anywhere in Genesis like there is in much much later editions
that term was actually added for the first time in the King James Version (probably the one you use)
the KJV was edited for easy reading by the masses
many of the original Hebrew words were translated into English incorrectly
Nephilim - Giants was one of them
it wasn't left out of the original Bible
it was never in it

its very ironic as well that you as a misled christian are making claims about that part of the Bible that Jesus isn't a character in

oh and if it wasn't for the Catholics there would be no Christianity at all
so you're being slightly hippocritical claiming theyre frauds just because thats one outdated middle eastern sect that you arent a member of.

the old testament is all rubbish anyway
even the modern church says so both catholic and protestant

Originally posted by defcon5
I believe that the Greek concept of Hades was that it was the Underworld.

Hades was the abode of the God Hades
it has several levels (some quite lovely) and was for all dead souls in early greek mythology
the underworld was totally seperate and believed to be situated on an isalnd far to the west
the Greek legend of the Pit of Tartarus (still part of Hades) is much more like Biblical Hell as it was where all damned souls were thrown by the Gods

[edit on 2-7-2007 by Marduk]

posted on Jul, 2 2007 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by SpaceBits
Are you Roman catholic? this might explain somethings you potsted.

No, I am a protestant.

Originally posted by Marduk
oh and if it wasn't for the Catholics there would be no Christianity at all

Well technically this is true, as Catholic generally is taken to mean Universal. Now if you mean the Roman Catholic Church I would have to disagree, as Christians certainly existed prior to Constantine making Christianity the state religion of Rome. The Orthodox Church has every bit as much right to claim being the First Church as the Roman Catholic Church does.

Originally posted by Marduk
Hades was the abode of the God Hades
it has several levels (some quite lovely) and was for all dead souls in early greek mythology
the underworld was totally seperate and believed to be situated on an isalnd far to the west
the Greek legend of the Pit of Tartarus (still part of Hades) is much more like Biblical Hell as it was where all damned souls were thrown by the Gods

I’ll take you’re word for it, I am not that up on Greek Mythology.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 11:26 AM
While I'm not a proponent of the hollow earth theory, I like to treat it the same way I treat many other extraordinary theories (Titor, 2012 etc) and learn about it for the sake of curiosity, entertainment, and keeping an open mind.

I'd like to address a few key points:

- The idea is that rather than the centre of the earth's sphere being the centre of gravity, there is a 500 or so mile thick shell and the centre of this is supposedly the source of our day to day gravity. This theory exists because of experiments run by both the French and Americans where weights were hung on long cables down into the earth and it was found that the ends of 2 identical cables were actually further apart at the bottom than the top.
See here: Tamarack Mines Mystery

- For this reason, the supposed inner-earth civilisation stand on the other side of the shell just as we do on this side, and the seas cling to the outside of the hollow sphere. When you go through one of the polar openings, the sea starts to curve more drastically but because the hole is so large and the shell so thick, it's not noticeable until you are on the inside and the sun looks different (because the inner sun replaces our conventional outer sun.

- Some believe that the holes are causes because of Centrifugal force. The earth's mass is thrown out from the centre due to this force and it has caused openings to form at the axis of the centrifugal force.

- Whether it is fact or fiction, Admiral Byrd's account of his accidental visit to the inner earth is an interesting story.

- As for images of the poles, sure there are lots of supposedly official images showing nothing, but there are also images showing a hole:

All in all, if you have a little time to spare, it's an interesting concept to learn about. I forget where I read it but a Norwegian fisherman also supposedly entered the north pole opening accidentally and the account also makes an entertaining read.

Like I said, I don't have faith in this, but I figured this thread at least deserved some positive input.

[edit on 4-10-2007 by Cythraul]

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 12:48 PM
Geez, that hole must be a good thousand miles wide, maybe the hole is much less than that, like enough to squeeze a space ship through, or whatever they keep in there. A kilometer wide at least, nothing as big as that big 'un in that external image.

posted on Oct, 5 2007 @ 01:18 PM
The Hollow Earth theory is quite interesting, and many people have believed in it over the years. It is said that a couple of nazis disappeared into the earth to avoid capture after World War II, and that there are holographic generators at the poles to make it appear as if there is not an opening there. And satellite pictures of the area are to be very, very rare for some reason.

Ive actually read about those holographic generators when reading UFO stuff as well. Apparently there are entire bases which are hidden in plain view, so to speak. They can look like a empty field or whatever.

It all seems a bit unbelievable, but you never know. Im one of the people who are certain that the US government has gotten some alien technology from the aliens, so I wouldnt say anything is impossible - just impossible with our invented technology.

[edit on 5-10-2007 by Copernicus]

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