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I have a theory that science is the study of perception.

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posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 08:05 PM
much ado about nothing.
Now playing at BTS starring byrd

lets hope the know it all nothings have a hey day.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 08:09 PM
I think therefore I am...

From a strong environmental influence to an obvious disdain for science leading ultimately to a world where nothing is real...

Inside out and outside in-- I don't mean to sound rude but are you okay? As I read your posts, I feel a deep sadness I am not sure how to describe... It's almost as if your thoughts were triggered by something in your environment that made you feel so isolated and powerless that your attempt to reconcile traumatic events in your environment is coming out in your post in the guise of philosphy. If I didn't know better, I would strongly suspect you are in an abusive situation of some kind (whether it's social isolation at school or domestic disputes in your personal life). Rather than cope with such an overwhelming issue head-on, you are choosing to dissociate from reality by creating an alternate universe... no matter what pain is inflicted upon you by inhabitants of other universes (about as far away as you can get), yours remains a serene, impenetrable fortress that serves as an inner sanctuary in crisis situations....

If someone is hurting you, please don't be afraid to leave. There are places to go in this universe that can keep you safe long enough to remove the threat from your reality and keep you safe. Given your aggressive preference for nurture over nature, I strongly suspect a parent is responsible for your pain. You do not have to put up with this. Your intelligence is strikingly obvious but so is your anguish... tell a teacher or another trusted adult; you have a responsibility to protect your gifts. It will not get worse if you tell, I promise... I know.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Emperiorjack

Originally posted by omega1

But if everything is nothing than this post never happened, neither the thread.....

So we should not even be discussing this matter.

Anyways I believe that everything is inherently one, including nothing.

Nothing is nothing without time, but when time is added to nothing interesting things start to happen.

But what I want to know is it even possible to have nothing without time? Maybe the properties of nothing creates time? Something Im still thhinking about.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

Time does not exist in nothing or even with one. the only way time would exist is if there were two points to travel (distance) between.
Time is linear.


posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Orion_grey

Originally posted by Emperiorjack

Originally posted by omega1

But if everything is nothing than this post never happened, neither the thread.....

So we should not even be discussing this matter.

Anyways I believe that everything is inherently one, including nothing.

Nothing is nothing without time, but when time is added to nothing interesting things start to happen.

But what I want to know is it even possible to have nothing without time? Maybe the properties of nothing creates time? Something Im still thhinking about.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

Time does not exist in nothing or even with one. the only way time would exist is if there were two points to travel (distance) between.
Time is linear.


Are you feel real? How can you dispute time. It's already been proven that some of the theory of relativiy is right. That you alter time by the speed you are going. The faster you go the faster the time outisde of your space/time sphere goes. The time at within your space sphere stays standard. Allowing time tavel to the future.

[edit on 2-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 11:59 PM
If we were a program we would have to already have a group of people in a real world to make it.(Paradox)
And in order for it to be this realistic they would have to know everything about everything. It would also take an infinite amount of power to power this program becuase some equations would deal with infinites.
Infinite power just not possible.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by Emperiorjack

Originally posted by Orion_grey

Originally posted by Emperiorjack

Originally posted by omega1

But if everything is nothing than this post never happened, neither the thread.....

So we should not even be discussing this matter.

Anyways I believe that everything is inherently one, including nothing.

Nothing is nothing without time, but when time is added to nothing interesting things start to happen.

But what I want to know is it even possible to have nothing without time? Maybe the properties of nothing creates time? Something Im still thhinking about.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

Time does not exist in nothing or even with one. the only way time would exist is if there were two points to travel (distance) between.
Time is linear.


Are you feel real? How can you dispute time. It's already been proven that some of the theory of relativiy is right. That you alter time by the speed you are going. The faster you go the faster the time outisde of your space/time sphere goes. The time at within your space sphere stays standard. Allowing time tavel to the future.

[edit on 2-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

theory of relativity - you need two things for that to work - the faster you go the faster time becomes for you it is relative to you (point A), but you still need something else to go faster than, a second point - (point B) where time would normal, relative.

hence you need 2 points.


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 12:17 AM
Ok here is my take on this talk

First off i believe nothing is nothing and potentialy everything.

Everything is a wave of possibility untill viewed upon by the observer.
Does anything exist when your not looking at it? Maybe. Or is it a wave of possibilities untill acted upon by another i.e. consciousness?

I am a firm believer of where science has taken us - gravity, electro magnitism, etc all real - but its up to the person to allow these rules or break them (if your that intune or enlightened
But as science has proven to us with Quantum it all comes down to the observer. This truley is the "Matrix".


posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 12:25 AM
i agree with omega1, everthing is one:
it seems reasonable to me that we are products or expressions of an unmaifest "god" (for lack of a better word), or pure potential if you will.
at one point before existence (as we percieve it) everthing was nothing. this everthing/nothing was potential existence, pure energy. this entity, being one whole, could not percieve its own magnificence because magnificence is a relative term. with no ability for comparison this unmaifest god created out of the pure unnamed energy of its existence, the world of science, matter, duality, comparison, and experience.

so the point is, in a sence, you are right. your perception does only exist to you in your world, if thats the perspective you choose to take. you are god, made of the same energy as the original spark. you do create your own perception on life and existence and science.

intelligent design baby, intelligent design.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by X-tal_Phusion
I think therefore I am...

From a strong environmental influence to an obvious disdain for science leading ultimately to a world where nothing is real...

Inside out and outside in-- I don't mean to sound rude but are you okay? As I read your posts, I feel a deep sadness I am not sure how to describe... It's almost as if your thoughts were triggered by something in your environment that made you feel so isolated and powerless that your attempt to reconcile traumatic events in your environment is coming out in your post in the guise of philosphy. If I didn't know better, I would strongly suspect you are in an abusive situation of some kind (whether it's social isolation at school or domestic disputes in your personal life). Rather than cope with such an overwhelming issue head-on, you are choosing to dissociate from reality by creating an alternate universe... no matter what pain is inflicted upon you by inhabitants of other universes (about as far away as you can get), yours remains a serene, impenetrable fortress that serves as an inner sanctuary in crisis situations....

If someone is hurting you, please don't be afraid to leave. know.

I disagree with what you're saying because that is quite the opposite with me. I did not say that you do not think but that nothing started first and that our perception came later and the properties of nothing are additive and communative and has divisible properties which add, take away, divide, and muliply new realms of perceptions to create a new Universe. You were added to my perception-- once you die-- you will be taken away from my perception. I feel that this was all passed onto me by a spark and that my brain was pulled into a socket and that this whole world created. If a god created this Universe something would have to create the god that created it and if the big bang happened the big bang would be a cycle and the big bang would have added to something already there. I am feeling like this because I went from nothing to something, therefore, I know that nothing is not nothing, it may have been the will of me to exist, that this whole world existed, as it does today, because your thought Universe is completely different from mine. You may exist outside of my observable Universe and only interact w/ me when I am seen by you otherwise your photons, particles, and electrons, do not interact with my photons, particles, or electrons. The moment that your particles interact with my particles we share a bond as does all matter in the Universe which makes me believe that it was all created by an equal force that acted upon nothing.

I say this because
0+0=0 (nothing right?)
Well if
where does the 1 come from? Plus, the 1 would have to come from somewhere else. The 0 would have to be replaced by it and the 1 would have to be created by something else so it would create an endless cycle of creation and destruction.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Emperiorjack
If we were a program we would have to already have a group of people in a real world to make it.(Paradox)
And in order for it to be this realistic they would have to know everything about everything. It would also take an infinite amount of power to power this program becuase some equations would deal with infinites.
Infinite power just not possible.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

I think that the governments of the world could have worked on this or something and formed a group to shape the world... and they have infinite power if you chose to believe that the relics that they have give them infinite power.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter

Originally posted by Emperiorjack
If we were a program we would have to already have a group of people in a real world to make it.(Paradox)
And in order for it to be this realistic they would have to know everything about everything. It would also take an infinite amount of power to power this program becuase some equations would deal with infinites.
Infinite power just not possible.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

I think that the governments of the world could have worked on this or something and formed a group to shape the world... and they have infinite power if you chose to believe that the relics that they have give them infinite power.

You can't contain infinte power. It would result in a complete explosion of the universe.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Emperiorjack

Originally posted by Maverickhunter

Originally posted by Emperiorjack
If we were a program we would have to already have a group of people in a real world to make it.(Paradox)
And in order for it to be this realistic they would have to know everything about everything. It would also take an infinite amount of power to power this program becuase some equations would deal with infinites.
Infinite power just not possible.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

I think that the governments of the world could have worked on this or something and formed a group to shape the world... and they have infinite power if you chose to believe that the relics that they have give them infinite power.

You can't contain infinte power. It would result in a complete explosion of the universe.

Power does not exist... perception exist. They are part of my perception, therefore they exist.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
I say this because
0+0=0 (nothing right?)
Well if
where does the 1 come from?

lets think about it this way for a moment:

1 = 0


because both numbers equal a fully unified state. your math teacher back in 6th grade taught you that 5/0=0 (five divide by zero equals zero). but what she didnt tell you is that by saying "equals zero", she was really saying "equals unity" or "empty set".

in that sense, 5/0=1 also.

you can also see that in statistical probability, used in the study of quantum physics, 1 and 0 represent the minimum and maximum state of the equation. the universe unfolded lies somewhere between them.

i do believe that there is an "absolute void" where even numbers have no meaning, but i really, really, really HATE talking about nothing. it never seems to go anywhere.


posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 07:04 AM

your math teacher back in 6th grade taught you that 5/0=0

*sigh* No. It doesn't.

and 0 = Null Set = Unity = 1.
Jeeeeez. Do you really take that seriously as proof of anything? It's just playing with words and numbers.

These threads that try and prove some abstract point that doesn't actually mean anything anyway using pseudo-math are so .... so .... arghh!

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by emjoi

your math teacher back in 6th grade taught you that 5/0=0

*sigh* No. It doesn't.

and 0 = Null Set = Unity = 1.
Jeeeeez. Do you really take that seriously as proof of anything? It's just playing with words and numbers.

These threads that try and prove some abstract point that doesn't actually mean anything anyway using pseudo-math are so .... so .... arghh!

Don't blame me I was not the one using pseudo math... that was him but I was making a point and saying that the Universe was added and that it is in a constant cycle of being added and being taken away. If 1+0=1, and the 0 is the empty void where numbers have no meaning, the 1 must have been created. It may have been through my perception... or it may not have... but to say that this thread has no meaning is to say that you have a very narrow focus on things.

posted on Jun, 4 2007 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Maverickhunter
Don't blame me I was not the one using pseudo math... .1 must have been created. It may have been through my perception... or it may not have...

...and just where the hell else is reality supposed to come from?!?!...

YOU'RE the only one that can feel it!

if you are not connected to that, then i dont know what.

my 1 (one) and zero (0) math was intended to help you.


posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 06:51 PM
If we were a program we would have to already have a group of people in a real world to make it.(Paradox)
And in order for it to be this realistic they would have to know everything about everything. It would also take an infinite amount of power to power this program becuase some equations would deal with infinites.
Infinite power just not possible.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

infinite power not possible?
the fact that you exist is an example of infinate power. when you die your body is gone, used by the earth, or burned. these are only transferences of energy. just because you're dead doesn't mean you're gone.
the "program" we're in is called existence run by the infinite collective unconcious.

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by revolve
If we were a program we would have to already have a group of people in a real world to make it.(Paradox)
And in order for it to be this realistic they would have to know everything about everything. It would also take an infinite amount of power to power this program becuase some equations would deal with infinites.
Infinite power just not possible.

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

[edit on 3-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

infinite power not possible?
the fact that you exist is an example of infinate power. when you die your body is gone, used by the earth, or burned. these are only transferences of energy. just because you're dead doesn't mean you're gone.
the "program" we're in is called existence run by the infinite collective unconcious.

You have your inifiniteys mixed up.

1. An infinity cycle - Type 1 Infinity
A cycle that is continous and goes on in an ongoing cycle of time.

2. Inspontanious Infinity - Type 2 Impossible Infinity
A cycle that reaches an end without ever having to experience a cycle of time.

I was refering to the second type of Infinty.

Wow strong psuedo-mathematics!

[edit on 6-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

[edit on 6-6-2007 by Emperiorjack]

posted on Jun, 7 2007 @ 11:28 PM
Wow, I love debating objective and subjective reality. For the OP as well as others that have posted on here please read this link...then again you all exist in my consciousness

It will blow your mind reading this

People are not conscious. Only consciousness is conscious. So in a sense, there are no other conscious people. There is only one consciousness, and all the people you perceive exist within it. And that consciousness is who and what you are. There’s only one consciousness, so there’s only one you.

posted on Jun, 9 2007 @ 10:47 AM
To the above post - Yes i actually have started thinking that as well.

Quantum physics is making a real mess. But then again quantum phasyics isn't real unles i' observing it lol. i just love that shiotre

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