posted on May, 31 2007 @ 01:34 PM
It's difficult for those of us in civilized Western societies to grasp the mindset of religious fundamentists (saves me from having to put a word to
The OP is reminiscent in horror of the Pakistani widow's fate a few years ago. Widowed and with several children to support, this poor, emaciated
woman travelled via crowded bus, in broad daylight, to sell her few pathetic wares at a large public market. The money earned fed and educated her
The frock-wearing religious elders -- having nothing better to do than sit around twirling their prayer-beads all day whilst practicing their rabid
woman-hating-fearing paranoia --- decided the poor widow (middle aged and toothless) had 'broken' some religious law which prohibits women from
travelling or even leaving the home, without at least one male escort .
The fat, nose-picking, bead-twirling, do-nothing, 'religious experts' of the village decided amongst themselves that the widow -- by travelling
alone on a crowded bus in broad daylight and returning in daylight --- had Disgraced Her Family's (and by extension the village's) HONOUR !
Penalty -----> Death.
The widow's eldest son was instructed by the foul-breathed 'elders' to kill his mother. Only by killing her, apparently, could he hope to restore
.... HONOUR !
So the kid --- aged about 15 --- was supplied a gun by the frock wearing 'religious elders'.
He waited until his mother was making her way through the dirt-poor village and shot her in cold blood.
Pat on the back from the elders.
When a tv-documentary team went to the village, they found the son, playing cricket with other do-nothing young males.
They asked him if he missed his mother, now that he'd killed her for trying to feed him and his siblings.
The boy replied, after some thought, that Yes, he did miss his mother.
There was now no-one to feed, clothe and work themselves to the bone anymore, in the attempt to keep her killer son and his siblings alive.
But the kid didn't bother with sentimentality.
He didn't miss his mother for any other than practical, self-serving reasons.
He didn't miss her smile or gestures of affection, loyalty and devotion to him and his siblings.
And, he added, she'd dishonoured him by travelling to the market alone.
Why hadn't he travelled with his mother, he was asked.
His mother hadn't been able to afford two bus tickets, that's why.
And gee, guess it had never occurred to him to stop playing cricket and get out and earn a bit of money to support himself, or his younger siblings,
or -- heaven forbid, help the poor woman who'd given birth to him and who'd obviously sacrificed and devoted herself to his survival, in that
one-goat town where most children die in their first year.
Nope. He just wandered off to continue playing cricket.
And I won't depress you further by recounting the publicised case where a young girl (Pakistan again, where else?) was mass-raped by the 'religious
elders' of the village because of some minor infringement allegedly committed by some other member of her family.
They will pull us backward, into war and into the dark ages. Which is why our zionist politicians are inflicting as many of them on us as possible,
in the guise of 'migrants'.
Groin-fixated, orifice fixated, sex-fixated, female-hating because they're envious and fearful of females. They blame their god for their sub-human
behaviours and crimes. When it's clear they HAVE no god. Or if they do, he's clearly just a reflection of their own base fixations.
Not all followers of that religion are as backwards and ignorant and toxic. Of course not. So many of them are exemplary individuals who also decry
and abhor cases like the OP. But if they speak out, they find themselves under primitive death threats posing as 'religious edict'.
I don't care how this sounds, but instead of dumping toxic Chemtrails on their own populations, have our mentally-challenged politicians ever
considered adding adding birth-control additives in the water supplies of the religious fundamentalists? Don't make war for oil and wannbe-empires.
Just help the religious fundies to limit their population growth, thus enabling them to properly feed, clothe and educate the population they already
have. We could probably cope with them and might even be able to drag them at least into the 13th century. Limiting their growth would enable them
to get tvs and mortgages and collagen lips and after that, they'd be caught up like the rest of us in hanging onto all that garbage and wouldn't
want to have more than two kids per household --- then, voila, they wouldn't need to entertain themselves by murdering people for fun: they'd have
Discovery channel and pizzas.
Because, no matter what they tell you ---- they'd love a western lifestyle full of consumer junk and 'freedoms'.