posted on May, 31 2007 @ 12:11 PM
Is there any doubt this man has lost all touch with reality and is delusional? IF and that is one big IF the Iraqi government, much less its people
actually wanted us there, that might be one thing, but they don't, that much is obvious. It is disingenuous of this administration to claim that we
have been invited to stay when it is a puppet government doing the inviting. We took the Soviet Union to task many times for such doublespeak. Of
course we all knew this was coming, why else build all those bases or the world's largest embassy if we were only in it for the short term?
If this administration thinks that either population, the Iraqis or our own, is going to let this little comment pass, bush minor has another thing
coming. We are going to see a major blow up in Iraq as a result, and outrage here at home...this is not what the voters said they wanted in
(visit the link for the full news article)
[edit on 31-5-2007 by grover]