posted on Mar, 7 2008 @ 08:47 PM
Just an update on the Lisa Nowak story.
Investigations: Discovery just ran a program on her entitled:
An Astronaut Scorned: The Lisa Nowak Story
For one thing, NASA appears to have not abandoned her during the ordeal and sent two astronauts to be with her during the sentencing.
She is still wearing a bracelet and she is telecommuting with the Navy command to which she has been reassigned, doing computer work.
I couldn't find out how old this program is, it could be last year. If so, I apologize for that.
Mainly wanted to mention that I thought NASA reacted fairly well. It did not court martial either of them, though the code in the Navy is reportedly
VERY strict on fraternization from what they said.
The Astronaut service requires driven and focused people. Sometimes these very traits can get us in trouble if something doesn't go right.
I'm not sure what happened to the Pilot. He was mentioned, but I didn't catch it. I think he was returned to the Navy.
The reason NASA had to dismiss her was stated that she had a felony on her record, and that with it, you can't pass a background check.
They mentioned that a lot of people still liked and respected her because she had done a lot of good and a lot of good deeds around NASA before
I think what I would have liked to see happen is with the permission of all the parties and the woman who was the target, have the President pardon
her, citing, maybe the stresses of the command, then have NASA keep her on for a while as a consultant, and get some debriefing from her. Sometimes
these people can make great counselors.
Then she could have elected to move to another position.
Since she didn't really accomplish any of her 'intentions', I don't think they needed to punish her this much. My thought may be naive, I don't
know. Obviously if she was psychologically diminished then they had to fire her. But by being in the counselor position, she could self-heal and
could've kept an eye on her. I just consider Astronauts a special breed and deserve special breaks now and then.
Anyway, hope this of interest. Sorry if it's outdated, but this is the first I've seen this.
[edit on 7-3-2008 by Badge01]