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Ok Remote Viewers! Remote View This! Experiment #3706.

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posted on Jun, 22 2007 @ 02:22 AM
im sorry if this is too off-topic, but how can i know if i can/cant/could/couldnt remote view?

and how can i know or how can i learn? thanks!

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 08:49 AM
The best way to learn RV is to be taught in person by someone who knows themself.Everyone can do it,there are no boundries.

I stumbled across this subject in the early 90's when I read Moorhouses book by chance.Never heard of it before in fine detail and the book hooked me.I have also read browns and moneagles(sp)books and looked into swann.Recently Monroes out of body books have hit the mark too

You realy need a teacher,and in person to show you how to do it.It would be too easy to read a bit online and try it yourself and just imagine things.It takes time to get the framework memorised and the grid of the matrix probed with your subconscious rather than with your awake state

Its also no where near as glorious as mentioned in the books you may have-or the films you have seen.If any thing you see things as quick low res photos as your subconscious guides your pen(crv)It can get very confusing.During one target I described a target as a park in the city,once that lock is achieved your mind then throws out normal awake stuff related to what the mind percieves as a city park woud have

-then all of a sudden i write down (sharp long blade) as the subconscious guides me before my rational mind takes over.It just takes practise to get used to using your mind this way and eventualy you will know when your subconscious is leading you or when your mind is doing its own fairy tales

The city target above was when a young mother was murdered in the park a few years ago.My instructor was trying to get me to (without leading info) to name the killer but I couldnt get any further than the blade and I wanted a break too.

So find someone local who will be willing to teach you,it might not come cheap but thats life.Also get used to the many WRONG targets you will do-Its a nasty learning curve you have to go through to get results that work.

I failed with monroes death(my mind went all crop circles)
Jesus on the cross(my mind decided it was car speed desert tests)
Mars-(anything with et related I missed by a long shot)

I have had a few good ones-TWA800 was seen as a still image that lasted for about 6 seconds of the plane infront with an orange glow behind it and naval exercises nearby

JFK was a long image of a bullet and I drew a picture of a house with two straight lines coming out of it-my awake state decided then to add another and make it look like a triangle

Plenty of other targets too,but its been a long time and i have moved on

Does it work?is it realy your subconscious or your imagination?The only way to find out is to do it yourself.Hopefully you wont get headaches like i did.good luck

posted on Jun, 23 2007 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Spiritwolf Koori
im sorry if this is too off-topic, but how can i know if i can/cant/could/couldnt remote view?

and how can i know or how can i learn? thanks!

Hi, please refer to this thread for lots of info and links about RV. Also all of the information I've read seems to suggest that ANYONE can learn to remote view, it isn't some 'gift' that is bestowed unto certain people, we all can learn it. Some people ARE however able to learn it faster, have results more accurate, see more detail than others.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by Spiritwolf Koori
im sorry if this is too off-topic, but how can i know if i can/cant/could/couldnt remote view?

and how can i know or how can i learn? thanks!

I think, therefore...

I am

I believe in this truth. I KNOW I am

Because I am, I believe "I am."


I am all that I believe.

It is my volition that "I KNOW I CAN"

I believe I can do all that I WILL.

Therefore I can.

I am a carpenter; I can drive nails and cut boards. I am a priest, a prince...

In the depths of meditation; eyes chattering in REM; I AM clairvoyant.


The OP's object did indeed involve SMOKE (as plasma), ASYMETRICAL PAIRS (of glass), CYCLES (oscilations), and (electro) MAGNETISM as I said. Did it not? (see pages 2 and 8)

I am.

It begins with belief/faith.

Faith ends the "being" and begins the "becoming".

So, Spiritwolf Koori, are you becoming?

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:12 AM
I've not tried remote viewing but I would like to VERY MUCH. I know this is probably a stupid question but I'm going to ask it anyways:

I wear glasses and if I remote view, will everything be blurry?

Also, if there is someone in the Chicago area who knows how to remote view, I'd like to talk to them.

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 10:22 AM
Ok here is one site you may like to look at

another site(us army used the voyeger course)

or get the sounds

I am a trained RV'r(crv)but i havnt done it for a long time!music is now my passion and i havnt got the time to devote to this suject anymore

but i might experiment with the hemisync brain angle and use those sounds to ERV to full seperation one day(when I am brave enough!)

anyway check out the links,and get an instructer-you cant learn this on line no matter what people say-you could get way too many bad habits

edit-your eyesight is not important as your not using your eyes mate!your using your grey matter,trainging it to do something we used to do with it a long time ago but modern life has closed it off to us

[edit on 24-6-2007 by noangels2006]

[edit on 24-6-2007 by noangels2006]

posted on Jun, 24 2007 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle

The OP's object did indeed involve SMOKE (as plasma), ASYMETRICAL PAIRS (of glass), CYCLES (oscilations), and (electro) MAGNETISM as I said. Did it not? (see pages 2 and 8)

What you are - by virtue of your post, is arrogant, presumptive and egotistical.

Many others shared their experiences, and said lots of things that could be acceptable to RV experts, as is the case with you.

However, I don't see anyone else blowing their own trumpet, so why don't you stop wasting thread space by not printing self-proclaiming abominations as you have demonstrated you are more than capapble of doing?

[edit on 24/6/2007 by deaman88]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 07:56 AM

Originally posted by deaman88
arrogant, presumptive and egotistical [] blowing their own trumpet[]wasting thread space[] self-proclaiming abominations

I suppose it would have been better...

Instead of involving myself in the RV experiment; placing my reputation on the line... I should have just showed up on page NINE; long after it's over, and slandered my brother that gave a go and got close. Then I should put up a little avatar to laugh at him...

You're right... I'll do that next time. It will help build community in the paranormal studies department.

---don't mind my sarcasm; I was just balling up the psychic vampire you sent me... it is back to your side of the court now; enjoy! Return to sender.---

My only point deamon... in wasting so much thread space, was to convey that it is through belief in one's higher self that the third eye will be opened.

If my belief in my ability before the experiment; during the experiment, and post comes across to you as arrogant; I believe you need to learn something of FAITH. More importantly, you need to learn the importance of not questioning another man's faith.

Perhaps brother, my arrogance was purposeful; by tactful Mahayana means, encouraging my brothers and sisters to have faith in their own third eye.

"If Oracle can do it... maybe I can do it"

I am becoming clairvoyant; this was but an exercise.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle

I suppose it would have been better...

Instead of involving myself in the RV experiment; placing my reputation on the line... I should have just showed up on page NINE; long after it's over, and slandered my brother that gave a go and got close. Then I should put up a little avatar to laugh at him...

I responded to this. It was off but I did, you shoulda known that, Oh no, your just starting out

You're right... I'll do that next time. It will help build community in the paranormal studies department.

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
---don't mind my sarcasm; I was just balling up the psychic vampire you sent me... it is back to your side of the court now; enjoy! Return to sender.---

Psychic Vampire? Too much Buffy for me there!!

I think you'll find thats all down to your internalisation of a constructive comment. I have met many clairvoyants, psychics and such people, none of whom usually tend to be so 'confident'. Perhaps this is why I am talking about it, this is what you need to learn...

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
My only point deamon... in wasting so much thread space, was to convey that it is through belief in one's higher self that the third eye will be opened.

Now why didn't you just say that? certainly sounds wizened to me

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
If my belief in my ability before the experiment; during the experiment, and post comes across to you as arrogant; I believe you need to learn something of FAITH. More importantly, you need to learn the importance of not questioning another man's faith.

I'm not questioning your faith, as I clearly statred in my previous reply. I'm questioning your outward display of shameless self back-patting where many others of similar if not more advanced capabilities remain humble?

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
Perhaps brother, my arrogance was purposeful; by tactful Mahayana means, encouraging my brothers and sisters to have faith in their own third eye.

"If Oracle can do it... maybe I can do it"

I am becoming clairvoyant; this was but an exercise.

I am,

Sri Oracle

I think that by virtue of the high response this thread has, poeple might already be aware of this fact?

Just learn this...

Those who 'know', speak less and hear more.

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 08:35 AM
Hey Greatlakes, have you ceased this experiment now or will you give more data regarding other objects?

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by deaman88
Hey Greatlakes, have you ceased this experiment now or will you give more data regarding other objects?

deaman ... greatlakes already showed the RV target photo that he used for this RV run... search back a couple of pages or so in this thread to find that photograph -- it's showing a plasma globe and a picture of a dog in it.

Also, he then started up another RV run after the one shown in this one and here's the link to that one -- once again we are seeing some very impressive results in this second RV run on this board:

[edit on 25-6-2007 by Palasheea]

posted on Jun, 25 2007 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by deaman88
I responded to this. It was off but I did, you shoulda known that, Oh no, your just starting out

I'm lost. Must be because I am just starting out. I suppose the several hundred thousand pages of religious/philosophical/alchemical/magical text I have buried myself in has left me blind to your lack of a post dated "guess". Which page where you on?

Psychic Vampire? Too much Buffy for me there!!

Buffy? Too much television for me there!!

I think you'll find thats all down to your internalisation of a constructive comment.

constructive comments... like ones where you guess what the op is hiding; like ones where you compare your guess to what was actually there; or like ones where you encourage others to do the same?

wikipedia - internalization
When changing moral behavior, one is said to be "internalized" when a new set of beliefs, attitudes, and values, replace or habituates the desired behavior. For example, such internalization might take place following religious conversion.

Perhaps I want to help you internalize the possiblity of believing in your RV capabilities. But then again... as I still feel you attempting to "pull" my energy... perhaps I am casting pearls.

I have met many clairvoyants, psychics and such people, none of whom usually tend to be so 'confident'.

A wishy washy clairvoyant. Please introduce me... It might-maybe-um could-possibly hrm, not sure if I might, uh perhaps, learn something from them...

Just learn this...

Those who 'know', speak less and hear more.


I hear what you are saying and not saying.

That said; I see the future once again:

I am done speaking with you.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jun, 26 2007 @ 06:48 PM
Thanks paalashea, I appreciate that, its nice to get help from a humble person.

posted on Jun, 28 2007 @ 08:18 PM
I know nothing about remote viewing, so I am sure I am 100% wrong on this one. But to make sure I wasn't influenced by anything anyone said, I did it after reading your OP, and before reading anyone elses follow-up.

I saw a green sine wave, definately with rounded curves... a sine wave is round, correct? And then I saw two green sine waves overlapping, very much like a double helix.

This is interesting, several people have claimed to see the number 8, a double helix is like a repeating number 8. Bizarre.


Edit: Ok, now I see that the thing was already ended. I did the remote viewing not knowing that. Interesting that I had seen moving sine waves, similar to the oscillations of a plasma ball. They weren't green. But when you look at a red object and look away, you see a green shadow of it. Ok, I'm stretching a little. Very interesting.

[edit on 28-6-2007 by pjslug]

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 08:28 AM
Some tidbits on my works in RV...

What temperature do you feel?

What color or colors do you see?

Is there a taste to the air?

Is there a lingering smell?

What size is the situation?

Is there an energy? Magnetism, intense torque, biological, etc.

Is there a time element? Cycling, long duration, one time event, etc.

Earth, Wind, Water, Fire... how does each elemental come into play?

Is there a spirit element? What emotional feeling comes to mind?

What about shape? 3D? 2D?

Heat signature?

What perspective do you have?

Can you now change your perspective and move closer/further...

I play a game like this with myself... I prentend I am a, well, a "drone craft" loaded with sensors. I meditate upon each sensor in my possession. Each of my "magical" sensors have been built through magical training, or prolonged periods of maintained focus/meditation upon that one sensor long prior to a serious RV (scrying) experiment.

I suggest:

"Initiation into Hermetics" by Franz Bardon
"How to Read Signs and Omens" by Saravanda Bluestone
"Jnana Yoga" by Swami Vivekananda
"Discourse on Method" by Descarte

...although none of the above is truly designed for RV.

Anything on the subjects of Scrying or Divination will help, it would be near impossible to give a full list of the books I draw from.

Find something personally powerful in either Latin or Sanskrit to chant as you scry.

A "charged" object such as a orb of obsidian that you hold "sacred" or a wooden bowl with a char blackened interior and a little vegetable oil in it's pan to give you a black puddle to stare into... it helps.

Light a pure beeswax candle at the beginning of your session and blow it out upon the close.

Learn to control your thoughts, keep your spirit settled, control your breath (chanting helps), posture is vital... you cannot scry while slouched.

I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jul, 4 2007 @ 01:22 PM

-2 or -3

I have no idea why I see a minus number, but I do. Not sure if your random number generator can even do negatives, but that's what I came up with.

posted on Jul, 14 2007 @ 03:48 AM
I think i said supermarket or something.
I hope you bought all of that stuff at the supermarket. Then i'd be kind of right.
sort of?

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 12:26 PM
i shot from the hip with this one. i closed my eyes one miniute and came up with micky mouse. why? because i kept seeing black circle show up . then i felt it was an animal or "animated" " picture" of an animal. asumption set in and i put the black circle as an animated character. three black circles, two on top of one for the micky symbol. im new at remote viewing but have had an ability to feel a room and its surroundings over the phone for a while. a friend who i would show my little trick to turned me on to a book."the seventh sense" which i should use to locate it since i may have misplaced it recently LOL. or perhaps clean up my office. nice test really cool, and good luck with your skills.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 07:23 PM
I feel a car is somewhere in the picture. Red? It sees boxy shaped as well, like the old 80s design

something like this, only more box shaped and old

I also see trees, and some kind of water or water fall out the window.

MABEY a blue sky.

I feel like the card is being held in front of a window ore something with that in back of it.

Oh #, just looked. Too late and a dallor short. I was way off. But hey, it got the window or picture right. Yay, my first one was kinda good.

[edit on 17-7-2007 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 18 2007 @ 10:22 AM
I just looked at this post for the first time and I saw the name Bob and tree. i then read further and noticed trees but am wondering if the name bob is significant.

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