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Schools get knife search power

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posted on May, 31 2007 @ 06:39 AM


Schools in England have been given the legal right to search pupils who are suspected of carrying knives.

Wow this is turning into most Americans schools where kids are screened by metal detectors to ensure that they haven’t got weapons.

This is a good idea as its makes a great deterrent for kids who want to take in knifes into schools. This also ensures that staffs don’t have to call the police if they suspect someone is carrying a weapon.

edit: title

[edit on 31-5-2007 by bodrul]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 01:59 PM
It is a good idea, because knives are a problem in some schools (not all of them, mind you - we have to be clear about that. It's definitely a minority at this point).

Teachers need to know the law is on their side when it comes to this kind of thing because these new powers could save a young life. Besides which, you should be absolutely safe when you go to school - it's atrocious that some pupils think it's acceptable to bring knives into schools in the first place.

I also remember the Education Secretary promising to change the law to give teachers leeway for things like stopping fights or being allowed to use reasonable force to restrain an aggressive pupil, since a lot of kids turned round and accused them of some fabricated, hyped-up crime. Hopefully this will still be going ahead, since teachers are paid to teach not fear for their jobs if a kid lies to the police.

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 05:50 PM
It is sad to say it, but it is needed.

I've been all over the World now and the UK is going in the wrong direction. I have been attacked 5 times in this country now and three of those I've had a person attempt to mug me with a weapon.

After last Tuesday and the way this Nation has changed, it is sad but it is needed. Last Tuesday me and my girlfriend were attacked at a train-station in day light infront of over 20 people who stood and did nothing. Thankfully we are alright, but 3 other people were placed in hospital.

This Nation is slowly getting worse because people never do anything. People would not dare to assault someone or attempt to mug them in public IF people protected others which in honesty is part of our Civic Duty.

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