posted on May, 31 2007 @ 06:32 AM
I'm beginning to worry about our Jamie...
The photos of 'Suell' etc, are interesting, but do, unfortunatley, smack more of shots taken from some new age site, or having been squeezed
through the dreaded Photoshop mangle. The, excuse the pun, 'unearthly' glow around each one (apart from the 'lightship') does not help their
credibility, for me, in the slightest. If these hybrids were willing to have their portraits taken, why the heck did they allow the
photographer to include the romantic blurring? To make them look better so they can impress a publicity agent?
Surely, if the successfull results of human/alien cross breeding actually stood before a camera and allowed photos to be taken that would knowingly be
plastered all over the internet, why the halo-like glow? Are they promoting themselves to be semi-divine? Why not just have a clear, daylit series of
photos, showing them insitu around their off-world cousins vehicles, laughing and confident in their totally unique heritage? Wouldn't that make a
lot more sense instead of trying to make us all believe they are what they claim to be by adding cheap special effects? Just show us something
undeniably odd, for goodness sake, not the type of shot that's going to be torn to shreds by every armchair expert.
It makes me wonder, and there is always the possibility that these photos are real, what menatality 'aliens' have? If I were one of them
(and I'm not) I ABSOLUTELY WOULD HAVE TRAWLED THE INTERNET FIRST, seen all the blatant forgeries, and had the photoshoot done in such a way that it
grabs everyones attention by its sheer, everyday ordinaryness. Why, I may even have placed some momentoes of my other home around me,
something that that simply cant be terran. But no, we get another set of spooky photos that we've all seen before. Hands up who's sick of the words
'grainy' 'blurred' and 'the distortion was caused by an unknown energy field'. (Mind you, I could be totally wrong. They might all be hopeless
romantics, with a culture that is based on the dramatic. The photos, with accompanying theatrical effects, may be perfectly normal to them. Darn it;
I've just argued against myself. Again.)