posted on Jan, 6 2004 @ 12:31 AM
Probably a coincidence, but ever since the launch of the ATSNN menu on the left of the page layout....I keep getting portal errors that just close
whatever portal I'm using: AOL or IE.
Notice, my ISP dial up (local, not aol) doesn't fail. And I don't appear to be having problems on other sites. Just ATS.
Also, this is strange...some threads seem more cataclysmic than others. Especially clicking RATS threads sends me off the board. Not a once or twice
thing, but logging in over and over and getting kicked out as many times in a row as I'm willing to try.
So I avoid the bad threads I find, but still eventually get kicked off (though not as frequently) elsewhere on ATS, but apparently not on BTS.
Strange, very frustrating, probably my fault and has nothing to do with ASTNN but still that's when it started, and it's very frustrating.
Anyone else have similar problems or a solution? I've considered purchasing the low band width thing from the store, but don't want graphics, etc
permanently turned off if I can avoid it. But again, never had this problem before here.