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Truthfully Following the Money

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posted on May, 30 2007 @ 02:38 PM
Everyone loves to say follow the money so let us follow the money of the Truth Movement

Michael Moore “Fahrenheit 9/11” $21-$27 million estimated cut from box office. Profits from speaking engagements unknown but charges about $30K, video sales unknown, total net worth is over $50 million.

Dylan Avery “Loose Change” sales figures unknown an educated guess would be $1.5-$5 million in sales. In the record industry a group needs a good agent or serious sales figures to get a contract. With LC: Final Cut getting limited theatre release this fall and pay-per-view webcast. Avery’s net worth could hit $10-$20 million this year.

No these two people are not fabulously rich but they all have the same thing common, they take freely available information and source material, formulate their ideas by stealing other people’s hard research, play upon your fears and take your money with a smile.

Both have publicly admitted to factual errors and deliberate misleading information. Neither of them care if you quote their errors as fact. They still make a buck. Truth Movement or Money Grab, which do you think they really care about?

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 02:50 PM
meh, whether or not they intended originally to make money is another thing, micheal moore..I dont like him mainly cause hes annoying to me, but i found loose change well made and worth selling. i mean we do live in a free market right?/?

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 03:37 PM
Yes, but if a buck is what you are going after then be honest about it. Avery likes to talk about how many he gives away and spending $30K on this weekend and $100K for this and how he makes sure "that charity is taken care of" People concerned about needing charitable tax deductions use those very same words.

Making a buck off a tragedy and telling lies is at the heart of the reasons why Bush let or planned this to happen. So is it a matter of it not being a whole lot of money. Most cash I ever had in my hand at any one time was $10K and it wasn't my money. The largest check I ever wrote was $5000, unfortunately that was my money.

Pot calling the Kettle here. Yet people don't seem to mind this, in fact they are idols in some people's minds. Why is this acceptable? Is not commiting fraud for monetary gain a conspiracy that needs to be brought to the light as well?

Yet I am said to be asleep or blinded into following what I am told. This by people that seem to congregate in a culture of ridiculing others for disagree with what they believe. Some call that the definition of a cult. I call it irony.

The solution I suggest is divorce the Truth Movement and find people that objectively reason things and call it the Fact Movement. Since finding Truth is a philosophical search. Finding Fact is reseaching facts. If enough people can distinguish the difference then maybe 9/11 will one day be answered beyond all dispute. Then actions to the answers can be determined.

I just get sick of reading so-and-so must guilty, let's hang him at ground zero because I disagree with him. WTF? There was another group that did that 50-some years ago. Amazingly, Neocon isn't too far off from what they called the object of their hate.


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