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Beatle’s “Paul is Dead” hoax finally explained, part 1

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posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Dock6
But it's the height discrepancy that gives the game away. The real Paul wasn't a tall man. It irked him and he used to wear 'lifts' in his boots.

which could also be used to explain his height not being consistent in comparison to the other three beatles.

And if you look at the height comparison images, you can see legs bent here, leans in the body there, in other words, they aren't standing back to back, lining up with themselves. If they aren't in the same position, with reference to the camera, they will appear slightly different from their true and actual height. Maybe Billy Meier photographed the Beatles.

Paul didn't die. He's a twit who probably cringes every time someone says the best Beatles songs were written by George or John.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 08:21 AM
I think you guys are missing my point. I only opened with the Beatles because I thought it would get a fair amount of hits. I should rewrite the thing excluding the beatles from the article all together. If you read the whole article, it poses the all rock and roll (post about 1963)is about the event, not just the Beatles. What about all the other groups song lyrics, album covers, music videos, etc, that seem to jibe with what I admit is way out there. But when you look closer, it gets kind of freakish

Johnny's Helper-

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 01:06 PM
Dude you are looking too far into things that arent there Johnny. I was reading an interview maynard james keenan did, and I think he hit the nail on the head. The interviewer says "it is amazing the depths people go into. The general idea seems to be that you are gradually revealing clues with each new album." Then Maynards answer " isnt that great? Theyre playing it backwards, and there like youve got to get a slurpee, but only half full, and when your drinking the slurpee, right at the last slurp, the rhythym of the slurp coincides with... my god are you kidding me?" That killed me. It is their art, it is their expression, you may have the same feelings that artist did at the time of their creation, but to take it to the point of hidden meanings toward some huge awakening is getting a little carried away. To think that you are going to get all these artists together, get them to create something for this so called higher cause is just ridiculous, I am sorry. You have taken music and tried to turn into whatever political, or religious motives you posses and ruined it for yourself. You have taken music and put so much thought to it that you have completely taken the beauty out of it, you havent let it touch your soul because you were too busy trying to find some bull sh$t meaning to the music.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by johnnys helper
I should rewrite the thing excluding the beatles from the article all together. If you read the whole article, it poses the all rock and roll (post about 1963)is about the event, not just the Beatles.

you cannot leave out the beatles as the email you reposted (and I'm assuming the article is a repost as well as one member says he recalls seeing it a couple of years back) has this in the text, which you posted:

Originally posted by johnnys helper
Subject: Beatle’s “Paul is Dead” hoax finally explained
.......You have yet to hear the real story behind the Beatle's "Paul is Dead" prank because there is only one person alive who can tell it. After over twenty years of exhausting every other alternative, I'm attempting to expose the real story through this e-mail.

so, the whole story is bigger than Paul being dead but it is Paul being dead and the email you reposted kinda implies that the author is Paul, or the savior or whomever.

It's a hoax of a hoax.

I'd love to see you take all of those first posts and rewrite them without the beatles. it would be impossible as the whole thing is a set up to indicate Paul (real Paul, not Faux Paul) is the savior. or some other steaming pile of hoo hah.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 11:52 AM
Um, my article poses that all rock groups and artists have incorporated similar clues and messages in their music. I used the Beatles clues because they're more familiar, but I could easily do an analysis of Steely Dan lyrics, album covers, etc. to make the same point then add (put your favorite band here) and demonstrate how the same code and meaning are there too.

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 07:24 PM
johnny's helper:
You have failed to recognize that "true" art, the very best art, comes from a place within the heart of the artist. Perhaps you have trundled upon some greater creative force that has been tapped into by popular musical acts since 1963. But I doubt that the message conveyed is the one you are subscribed to.
Remember that the very best art, whether it be visual, musical, dance, theatre, whatever, requires the audience member or listener or viewer to draw upon their own life experiences to recognize the art form, to bring it into their own unique perspective.
Many of the best song lyrics are ambiguous, at best. This means that the listener will draw upon their own recollections and feelings to fit them into their own life story and thereby draw a conclusion of either liking the song or not, depending how the listener interprets the lyric within their own lives.
Often, we interpret stories, poems and specifically lyrics to songs very differently than the story the artist themselves based the song on.
Many of the best songs are simply poetic interpretations of real life events the artist has been through.
I merely state this because I am an artist's advocate and believe the artists you refer to in your lengthy post require much better recognition for their contributions to music and art in our culture than you are giving them.
They are merely expressing reflections of ourselves. We are thus able to interpret how we see ourselves through the work they do.
Good luck with the saviour!

posted on Jun, 3 2007 @ 08:34 AM
If you read this closer, the implication is that there never was a hoax about Paul McCartney being dead. It was a misinterpretation by Beatle fans of clues to something totally different. As far as I know, none of the Beatles has or had ever stated that that they actually created a hoax about Paul McCartney being dead. However, Paul seems to continue write about what is implied in the article and e-mail.

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:14 PM

Thanks for the input. But why would you expect a 21 year old in a very frightening and confusing situation to figure out from scratch and believe in something that you don't beleive in, despite the whole thing being lid bre for you?

posted on Jun, 5 2007 @ 09:16 PM
that's "laid bare"-my 'a' key needs some help

posted on Jun, 6 2007 @ 01:38 PM
Solo 32_98,

This is either true or it isn't. If it is, the artists would be acutely aware of the political consequences of what they write. And if it is true, it's to the artists' credit that they tell the elements of story, and get the message across, in so many creative ways. Yes, much of the music is ambiguous. as is required according to the story as it has been outlined. Standing alone, any connections seem specious at best. When taken as a whole, however, things begin to get curious. So curious, in fact, that if it's not true, credit has to be given to the writer of the original e-mail for the artistry in creating such a comprehensve artifice that so effectively puts a coherent story line to nearly all rock and roll lyrics, band names, music videos, etc.

To use some different examples than have already been given, take for example, the ZZ Top music videos for "Gimme All Your Lovin'" and "Sharp Dressed Man". Pretty silly and innocuous. If this theory were true, then according to the theory as previously stated, the message the videos may seek to secretly convey to the savior that he needs to understand that the members of the band are his true friends. Again, something he may not understand, since they don't come to his rescue and seemingly flaunt decadent lives while he struggles for his survival. The simple symbolism is that the three hot women in the video are representative of the three members of ZZ Top. They hand the keys to their car to the young man (symbolic of the savior), metaphorically handing him the keys to drive the kingdom home. A very far stretch you're thinking. I don't disagree. But then what the hell are these lyrics about?- "Jesus just left Chicago, and he's bound for New Orleans...ah, take me with you Jesus". Still, in isolation, this is a way too far out there. But with 40 years or Rock and Roll, I can start layering in more, and more,and more, and more...Just to show you how it works, here's some Steely Dan lyrics from several different songs "Boddhistattva, won't you take me by the hand" "I want to be your Holy Man"; "Lord, I know your a special friend, but you don't seem to understand"; "So fine, so young, tell me I'm the only One...the kid will live and learn, as he watches his bridges burn". "Son, you better be ready for love, on this glory day" This all fits in pretty cleanly with the storyline especially when you further analyze the entire song lyrics and albums they're from.

I'm not sure how long to go on. If I had your unlimited attention, I could parse entire song lyrics, more music videos, liner notes, etc. Maybe an analysis of Paul McCartney's new album? It's more ambigous than most, but the clues are still there. I'm trying figure out what it takes to pierce through the understandably thick veil of cynicism and doubt and pop the cherry in at least a few virgin minds, in an effort to create some buzz to get help exposing the "Ghost in the Machine?" which is hidden in plain view (Neon Bible?). It's designed by the saviours enemies to be an impossible task, but the stakes are too great to give up on, and if it works, the band can come forward with impunity, and the world will be a much different place.

posted on Nov, 7 2007 @ 07:30 AM

For what it's worth, I have been with 60if since 2003 and I double GUARANTEE you the guy we all know as Paul is not the real one. I have been unable to establish what exactly happened to the real James Paul.

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 12:56 AM
Ah, but then again. Let's go one better. Suppose Paul was killed in an accident, replaced with a look-alike, William Campbell, who became addicted to fame and fortune, tried a hostile take-over of The Beatles, which caused the ill feelings between himself and John and this led to the eventual break-up of the band. Then with the guilt laden feelings being harbored by John for covering up the fiasco along with the success of the false MacCartney, John threatens to go public with the info of William Campbell. Campbell realizes that he is about to be exposed, hires Mark David Chapman to solve the problem and the rest, is, as they say... mystery! Just a stretch but stranger things have happened. I say check his upper lip with a magnifying glass!

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 01:00 AM
Btw, this scenario would make Paul MacCartney/William Campbell, not the "Saviour", but the "Anti-Christ".

posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 01:58 AM
reply to OP

You had a pretty good theory there. Then you went and ruined it by quoting an Oasis lyric as evidence in support of it.

Take that look from off your face...

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 10:20 PM
An Imposter's Pipes

Funny how the dead Beatle and his living imposter have exactly the same singing voice (down to details of technique and style, including strengths played to and weaknesses compensated for) and vocal mannerisms.

Funny, too, how no-one has been able to demonstrate and replicate 'voiceprint' discrepancies between the 'original' and the 'imposter'. It can't be for lack of material; you're talking about one of the world's most frequently recorded (and familiar) voices.

The fact that this forty-year-old corpse of a conspiracy still twitches and jerks now and then is a depressing yet convincing tribute to human stupidity.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by johnnys helper
Um, my article poses that all rock groups and artists have incorporated similar clues and messages in their music. I used the Beatles clues because they're more familiar, but I could easily do an analysis of Steely Dan lyrics, album covers, etc. to make the same point then add (put your favorite band here) and demonstrate how the same code and meaning are there too.

so what you are proposing is sort of a lyric code like the bible code ?

can't you just sum it up as art imitating life and move on ?

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