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Little Man Expeditions

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 10:16 PM
I'm actually half serious in suggesting this. There seems to be a growing number of expedition groups searching for the Sasquatch etc. So why not have an expedition group for little people? Seriously, I'm surprised by the amount of people that responded to my thread with actual PERSONAL experiences with observing the little people. I'm pretty skeptical so I doubt anything would be found. But for the believers would these creatures be able to be found do you think? And what accounts for the lack of evidence? Do they simply not exist? Or are they vibrating in a different dimension, or just clever? If people were to look where would be the best locations?

[edit on 29-5-2007 by Undertrees]

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by Undertrees
I'm actually half serious in suggesting this. There seems to be a growing number of expedition groups searching for the Sasquatch etc. So why not have an expedition group for little people? Seriously, I'm surprised by the amount of people that responded to my thread with actual PERSONAL experiences with observing the little people. I'm pretty skeptical so I doubt anything would be found. But for the believers would these creatures be able to be found do you think? And what accounts for the lack of evidence? Do they simply not exist? Or are they vibrating in a different dimension, or just clever? If people were to look where would be the best locations?

[edit on 29-5-2007 by Undertrees]

Well there have been sightings all over the world; some rural, some urban. It's difficult to pin down a specific location due to the phenomena's general sporadism. You'd be looking for an area with a history of sightings and a shared consensus amongst at least a few of the area's locals. Expeditions are a lot of hard work!

[edit on 30/5/07 by thebox]

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 07:10 AM
Rather than actually go somewhere to find them, the first place you have to go is to your own mind. It's just the same as how an athlete trains. You need to meditate and develop your psychic aspects.

I have no doubt you'd find them everywhere but for your own mind you'll probably want to go somewhere isolated.

It might also pay to correspond with the medicine men of american indian tribes for their suggestions. How you'd ever prove a sighting is beyond me though.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by sy.gunson
Rather than actually go somewhere to find them, the first place you have to go is to your own mind. It's just the same as how an athlete trains. You need to meditate and develop your psychic aspects.

I have no doubt you'd find them everywhere but for your own mind you'll probably want to go somewhere isolated.

It might also pay to correspond with the medicine men of american indian tribes for their suggestions. How you'd ever prove a sighting is beyond me though.

There's a severe lack of native americans in Britain. Any alternatives?

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 08:03 AM
Just in. Next summer I will be backpacking through Europe. Little does my friend know I plan on useing this trip for my own agenda, to search a bit. What spots do you think would be of most value within Europe?

Sy, you said something about developing psychic or introspective abilities. That's another thing I have been wondering. Would someone else you're with not see the little people? Is there anything psychic to it within witnessing them? I'm curious because I've read contradicting things. It seems alot of the eyewitness accounts were not intentional or anything psychic necessarily. Or is it possible they, the witnesses, were vibrating on a different level so to speak accidentally?


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