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Hoax? Subliminal Red Flashes in all of the 9/11 News Broadcasts

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:26 PM
It's important to note that we don't see with our eyes, we see with our brains. This breaking 'evidence' suggests that red flases were all throughout the news that day. The claim comes from teh new 9/11 movie "The Explosive Reality":

Here's the specific clip form the video:

I'm not sure about this one yet. I'm unable to directly check it, as no Internet at home until they switch the service, and it's my understanding that Adobe AfterEffects is needed to deinterlace the frames to 'prove' that the 'subliminals' are indeed present. Hopefully some of you guys can jump on this and we'll see...

Update while I was writing this:
Apparently a member from 911 Blogger has demonstrated this to be a hoax:
The video makers email response from to my friend about the matter in general:

"Firstly. I was in a rush at th end and didn´t include all flashes I noticed, (there were at least 20-30 more). I didn´t include it in the youtube cause people will only begin to focus on it and not the rest of the film. I suggest you do the same. When I added the original 1 gig files into Adobe Pemiere Elements I noticed that there were red flashes when viewing in the program (not in a video player). When I outputed they were rendered de-interlaced that is 25 frames per second that are completely seperated from eachother. Broadcast TV is interlaced meaning that each frame has en element of the frame before of frame after. When in sync with the 50hz picture subliminals can be added without it being noticed whilst watching. 99% video sound originality."

I found that after writing most of what follows:

I don't generally subscribe to "subliminal messages", as normally we're talking about a brand name or something to that effect. My understanding of neuroscience is that the longer you percieve something the more brain activation that occurs. For instance the flag: the longer you look at it the more it activates your brains ("patriotism") neural constucts and attitutdes in relation to the concept. It's no accident that flags are always 'wrapped around' GWB or any of the rest of them.

So at first thought of 9/11 subliminals I thought whatever, however red flashes are somewhat different as the color red signifies anger and danger, and could potentially have some effects that a interlaces picture of a McDonalds logo wouldn't. Don't forget that we see with our brains. Your brain sees basically everything, but the time you spend viewing something normally dictates hoe effective its activates the parts of the brain related. With something like fear / anger / danger this could have an added effect to the experience.

Trying to cope with red flashing lights on green moving objects, the human visual system is tricked into revealing where yellow -- and all other colors -- apparently are composed: in the visual cortex of the brain.

The red, green and blue cone receptors in the retina merely pass along signals for the brain to make sense of, Cornell psychologist Romi Nijhawan concludes from an experiment that may confirm, once and for all, the "central synthesis" theory of human color vision.

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure.

It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. In heraldry,red is used to indicate courage. It is a color found in many national flags.

Figure 2. Neural correlates of feeling anger and fear. Anger activates midbrain and pons, along with the anterior half of the left cingulate, and bilaterally deactivates SII. Fear activates midbrain and deactivates left SII, hypothalamus and orbitofrontal cortex. For details, see text and Tables 1 and 2. p, pons; in, insula; mb, midbrain; ac, anterior cingulate; hyp, hypothalamus; ob, orbitofrontal; SII, secondary somatosensory cortex.

The filmaker claims the red were hidden from still frame analysis through interlace encoding:

To study this case you'll need:
Adobe Aftereffects: (Free tryout available)
[apparently an Intel CPU to use it]

And raw news footage:
If you go with any of the bigger torrents just set it to only download one file at a time as they're all 1GB, 42mins.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:55 PM
Very interesting indeed. Unless you have some VCR or DVR recording that you know are clean or can search a wide enough sample of vidoes 9/11 related and not 9/11 related, but verifying news sources and random sources keep an eye open.

If you do have your own clean sources that you personally recorded check live versus repeated broadcast. If a large enough example can be found validating this, then the implications of ususing subliminal suggestion by MSM for manipulating mood in broadcasting would indeed be a bit bigger than just 9/11.

I am not up to date on my psychological effects of colors but I think red is warning, green is calm, blue is peace, grey is somber, black is sadness, yellow is worry, orange is stress. Not sure about all those, would check but a bit distracted with other thoughts at the moment. But if a color gives the impression of mistrust or incompetence...guess we will truely have a media elected president for 2008.

Or say give absolute disclosure on a topic while causing feelings of disbelief in what is said. Very interesting indeed.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:35 PM
Red definately hightens your sense of danger and increases anger. I can see how flashing red would make people more angry at what they're seeing, and cause more reactionary thinking instead of rational.

Maybe the official story believers have overdosed on the red flashes...

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by Ahabstar
But if a color gives the impression of mistrust or incompetence...guess we will truely have a media elected president for 2008.

I'd go with murky yellow and occasional flashes of other murky colors.

Interesting theory you stumbled on IIB. There are too many variables and too little I know to bother digging into this, but hoax or not, I really wouldn't be too surprised. Networks had to do their patriotic duty. There was no DHS conditioon red system yet and they did take every available opportunity to remind us of the danger we were in, the sense off crisis and vulnerability.

I notice also your side bar is also red, and not even subliminally...

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 04:48 PM
I don't know how a red flash is supposed to subliminally make us think anything, but I believe subliminal advertising does happen all the time. Case in point, the show Iron Chef America was just recently caught flashing the mcdonalds logo for 1 frame during the show. Of course, Mcdonalds and the show say it was just a glitch.

It was a glitch (yeah right)

It was a technical error on our part and not a subliminal message as suggested by a website running the slow-motion playback," said Food Network spokesman Mark O'Connor. "It has been corrected for all future airings.

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