posted on May, 30 2007 @ 12:10 AM
I admit it, I am as bad as the rest, and I know what you are talking about.
What viable alternatives are there however.
Youtube before they took it over, was about to have it's pants sued by thier friends and associaites. If they had not sold out, they woud have gone
under. So if you are going to put together a popular video site, then you have to figure out how to pay for things. Eg. Storage, servers, etc. People
have to be willing to support it from the get go, some way some how. Also the reason that youtube is so popular is cause now that they are owned by
them, they are no longer in full danger of getting suied like they were before, and now even if they do, they have the power to fight it. If those
guys had not sold out, they would have made sure they got suied into the ground, and then there would be no youtube. I think what we can do, is create
alternatives, but when we do see something good there, make copies, and vote and make it popular and encourage those posters to post on the
alternative site as well. Also Youtube is popular cause they have videos, tv shows, movie clips, etc. The other site could not have those things, so
it would not be as popular for the same reasons, but if it got the truth out that would be good, but people don't necesarily go to websites like
youtube for the truth, they go for the other gimiks.
Google. Even I now realise that google has been compromised, but I still really like that search engine. I admit that I am still hooked on google,
knowing what I know. I know there are sites like froogle, and a couple of others, and yes, I should in my online world do what I am trying to do in my
offline world. Eg. Not using the big cable or phone company. (Well at least not the Canadian ones.) I still have to change over to smaller banks, or
ones that are not running the country.
I also realise these changes have to be made, but it's hard. I think if we made each other more aware on a conscious level that these are things that
we have to do, then it would become a little bit easier day by day.
So what are your suggestions for alternative search engines. and video sharing sites? If you give people a good enough, quality alternative, they
might just choose it.
I think we all got pretty comfortable with google, I know I did, but if it means a change for the future, then I am more than willing to ween myself
off of it.