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The "Lost Word" and the "Foundation Stone"

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:10 PM
[excerpts from draft, Gematria, Language of the Illuminati by"The Fetch"]

No quest would be complete without an introduction to and an understanding of the “Lost Word” for “the Lost Word” ultimately is the foundation upon which “the Truth” is predicated. Albert G. Mackey, M.D. 33 Degree, says of the Lost Word, “The search for the Lost Word is the search for truth.” He continues, “The WORD, therefore, I conceive to be the symbol of Divine Truth; and all its modifications – the loss, substitution, and the recovery – are but component parts of the mythical symbol which represents the search for Truth.”

He later says, “The search, then, after this truth, I suppose to constitute the end and design of Speculative Masonry. From the very commencement of his career, the aspirant is by significant symbols and expressive instructions directed to the acquisition of the divine truth; the whole less, if not completed in its fullest extent, is at least well developed in the myths and legends of the Master’s degree.”

We can surmise from the above that there are two operative elements to the acquisition of “the Truth” relative to a recovery of “The Lost Word”; one being a written component, and the secondary, and more critical and important element, that of the instruction within the ancient “lodge” systems via a “spoken word” instruction component.

It is not our point to revisit the “mystical renditions” of this Word, save for that which allows us to reveal it in its entirety without the mystical obfuscations. However, we hold that some basic understanding of how it is viewed and constructed will guide the aspirant to an ascertaining of the critical construction of this Word.

The Lost Word is the “foundation” to the underlying “philosophy” as alluded to by Plutarch. However, the Lost Word does not exist within its own “vacuum”: it is fused to a component called “the Foundation Stone”, which is a geometric archetypical creation. These two components make up the needed components to understand acutely the whole of the philosophy.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:11 PM
The “Foundation Stone”

The Foundation Stone deals with the geometrical reality of the encoding of the Word into “sacred architecture”. This is not a “secret” to the various Initiated systems. In Frank C. Higgins work, “The Beginning of Masonry”, he writes:

“Architecture began like all writing. It was first an Alphabet. A stone was planted upright, and it was a letter, and each letter was an hieroglyph, and on every hieroglyph rested a group of ideas, like the capital on the column. Thus did the primitive races act at the same moment over the entire face of the globe. One finds the “upright stone” of the Celts in Asiatic Siberia and on the pampas of America.
“Presently, they constructed words. Stone was laid upon stone, these granite syllables were coupled together, the Word essayed some combinations.”

He continues:

“The parent idea, the Word, was contained not only in the foundation of these edifices, but in their structure.

The Foundation Stone, or the Philosopher’s Stone, is really comprised of two halves. We may represent these halves numerically by a whole number resting on the left side of the decimal, and the infinite stream of decimal digits possible that lie on the right side of the decimal. The two halves are fused, literally, at the “tip”, or the “point”, or more profanely, the “decimal point”. One part is seen, the decimal digits, and the other is “unseen”, representing the spiritual nature of man, which is the whole number to the left of the decimal.

In its purely geometrical component, these two halves are divided amongst two systems, one public, and the other still to this day, quite occulted. For the sake of providing these two systems with a “name”, we can refer to the façade, or the “face” of the Philosopher’s Stone as “the Rabbinical Tree of Life”, which becomes its own system which we can refer to as “Rabbinical Kabballah”, and the remaining hidden system we may refer to as “the Hermetic Qaballa” in that its secrets remain sealed.

If you are to lift “the Veil of Isis”, it will be necessary for you to lift the veil of Rabbinical Kabballah for it is but one half of the whole of the system. The late “Aleister Crowley”, whose adherents idolize as “the Beast”, warned his followers of just this necessity in his mystification called “The Book of the Law”:

“There is a word to say about the Hierophantic task. Behold! There are three ordeals in one, and it may be given in three ways. The gross must pass through fire; let the fine be tried by intellect, and the lofty chosen ones in the highest. Thus ye have star & star, system & system; let not one know well the other!”

The Rabbinical Kabballah is one of the “systems” (the public or profane) system, while the “star & star” is the hidden, or “Hermetic Qaballa”. Our English Qaballa is fused to the Hebrew in a manner. You must “cut down the tree” if you are to see what lies behind the forest.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:54 PM
Theories are everywhere...

However, the basis of the Ashlar, Philosophical Stone, the Rock, Cephas-Peter, the Rock that Prometheus is chained to, etc. is found within Sex.

"All the principle tools of (Free)Masonry serve in order to work with the stone. Every Master Mason must chisel well his Philosophical Stone. This stone is the Sex. We must build the temple of the Eternal One upon the Living Stone (and not build on sand)." – The Perfect Matrimony (p.305)

Masonic lodges were keepers of this knowledge of The Great Arcanum before degenerating into elitist social clubs that lost the meanings of their own symbols and rituals.

The alchemical symbol of the rock is reinforced by Mithra’s demonstration of shooting arrows into a rock in order to bring forth water. This is the same lesson exhibited by the Jewish savior Moses when he strikes a rock with his staff to bring forth water. For it is within the “stone” of Yesod, the sex, that the waters of life are found.

This is the key to the mysterious black stone of the Qa’abah (dedicated to the Arabian Divine Mother Al-Uzza, particularly revered by the tribe to which Mohammed belonged). This is the secret of the sacred stone from which the sword (of the Kundalini) is drawn by the one true King (Arthur, the Intimate)...

No real moral progress is possible without solidly Building one's Foundation upon the Stone, Chastity.

This is all somewhat-thinly veiled within the writings of Godfrey Higgins, Eliphas Levi, Albert Pike, Manly P. Hall and many, many others.

See this thread for example:

History of Masonic Square and Compass: SUBLIME PRINCE OF THE ROYAL SECRET

If we look at Eliphas Levi's depiction of the Gnostic Pentagram...:

We can see that The Grand Architect of the Universe Geometrizes with the Word, in Daath, which is found in the Throat Center on the Tree of Life, the Alpha: "In the Beginning was the Word..."

And Daath is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Alchemy, or Gnosis.

We also see that the Omega is in Yesod, the Foundation, and is within the Sexual glands.

So, as Samael Aun Weor teaches: That the poor, wretched, fornicating intellectual-animal mistakenly called "Man", can convert him or herself into a Real Man, or even a Cosmo-Creator Elohim with the Creative energy from Christ that we have in Yesod.

This is why Chastity is so important in the world's Religions.

The Buddha teaches that without the Transmutation of, and elimination of desire, there is no cessation of suffering.

The ego(cause of suffering) is both created(with fornication) and destroyed(with Chastity) through the utilization of the Astral Light.

Christification is only possible with Chastity and the Tantric Transformation of the Drops and Winds: Alchemy.

We learn that the Woman and Man can only return to Eden(Yesod) through the same door that they left Eden: Sex, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Of course the pseudo-occultists presume that the Kundalini can be Raised in fornicators, which is an absolutely false idea:

Philosophical Stone

An Alchemical symbol of the Intimate Christ dressed with bodies of Gold. When acquired, this stone gives powers over nature. It is lost when thrown in water (through fornication). When the stone is dissolved in (sexual) water, then the metallic Spirit is melted, and interior Magnes escapes. It is said when this happens, one dissolves the stone in water on Saturday (Saturn = death). The Philosophical Stone is passes through phases of development: black, red & white. It is also the Cubic stone of Yesod (Parsifal Unveiled), the stone that Jacob anointed with oil and "a Stone of stumbling, a rock of offense."

Nicolas Valois: “It is a Stone of great virtue, and is called a Stone and is not a stone.”

If we are expelling the Sexual Energy, with what will we Raise through the 33 Canyons or Degrees, the Divine Mother Serpent, the Bronze Serpent who healed the Israelites in the wilderness, that is coiled 3-1/2 times at the Base of the Spinal Column?

The only thing that the fornicating Black Magician can awaken with the spilling of the Semen, is the Kundabuffer organ that the Russian Sufi and Tibetan-Buddhist Initiate Gurdjieff warned us about.

The Seven Words (4) - Gnosis - Practical Gnosticism

...Master Moria, Master of the Ray of Mars, dwells in the Himalayas, at the edge of a road. He dwells in a humble house; he has innumerable disciples, and his present body has an age of more than nine hundred years. Against Master Moria, death has not and shall not succeed either, because Master Moria is a child of the Resurrection of the dead, and death cannot succeed over any son of Resurrection.

Death only has power over the weak, over cowards, over the living dead, over the children of the Great Whore who have been incapable, who have not had the courage to put an end to their filthy Fornication.

Master Kout-Humi is also well known in the West and belongs to the Ray of Wisdom. He is also of an indecipherable age, and has his Sanctuary on the snowy peaks of the Himalayas. He is another child of the Resurrection, and death has not succeeded over him, because death only has power over fools, over fornicators and adulterers.

Master D. K. (Djwal Khul), is another child of Resurrection, another Superman who has known how to take advantage of his Sexual Energy. This Master belongs to the Ray of Mercury; he helped Master H. P. Blavatsky, by dictating to her a great part of The Secret Doctrine.

He presently possesses the same Physical Body that he had in the year 1675, and death has not had power over him because he is a child of the Resurrection...

Only those with Thelema, Will-Power, can Incarnate the Word.

Never the ones who lazily follow the popular path of the weak, which is fornication.

Occult Medicine and Practical Magic

"...To despise the woman, who is truly the best that man has, the most beautiful creature which life has granted, is a work of eunuchs, a work of masturbators, a work of sodomites.

"Woman converts man into an omnipotent God, who is capable of shaking the earth and unleashing lightning and tempests in the whole universe.

"The “mystics” of Theosophy, the Rosicrucian Order, and Spiritism were naming us as materialists. These offensive ones believed themselves to be super-transcendental and they forgot that nothing can exist, not even God, without the help of matter.

"Sex is repulsive to them, but from where are they coming from? Who enrolled them in the school of life...?

"Know then that the Initiation was not made for abnormal ones.

"Get ye hence, you eunuchs, sodomites, physically and morally decrepit ones...! Get ye hence, you fornicating spiritualists! Get ye hence, you classroom tyrants!

"The Altar of the Initiation can only be approached by the true man and by the true woman."

- Samael Aun Weor


[edit on 29-5-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:17 PM
I see this post struck a nerve...with someone. Good.

Tamahu -

Let me simplify this so we can move forward.

You have this:

And WE have this:

Which WE combine to form this:

And since "Super Man" is based on this:

Why are we still chasing after half of the puzzle and with it, basing our Western Systems on the delusions of monotheistic madmen?

At the end of the day, you cannot fit a square peg into a round hole, and Kabballah is the Square that it is the Dreidle and the Cherub equally? You cannot remain in balance if you are seeking to "hop up the Tree" as in a game of "hop scotch", wherein eventually you will fall down from lack of balance.

What value do I have and others have in chasing after Jewish "mystics" and their "god"?


What is the value to us?

[edit on 29-5-2007 by TheFetch]

[edit on 29-5-2007 by TheFetch]

[edit on 29-5-2007 by TheFetch]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:38 PM
No he didn't

Originally posted by TheFetch
The “Foundation Stone”

The Foundation Stone deals with the geometrical reality of the encoding of the Word into “sacred architecture”. This is not a “secret” to the various Initiated systems. In Frank C. Higgins work, “The Beginning of Masonry”, he writes:

“Architecture began like all writing. It was first an Alphabet. A stone was planted upright, and it was a letter, and each letter was an hieroglyph, and on every hieroglyph rested a group of ideas, like the capital on the column. Thus did the primitive races act at the same moment over the entire face of the globe. One finds the “upright stone” of the Celts in Asiatic Siberia and on the pampas of America.
“Presently, they constructed words. Stone was laid upon stone, these granite syllables were coupled together, the Word essayed some combinations.”

He continues:

“The parent idea, the Word, was contained not only in the foundation of these edifices, but in their structure.


Frank C. Higgins did not write the above... Victor Marie Hugo did... In a obscure little tome called Notre Dame de Paris, though you may know it by it's cruder North American nom de guerre... The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

(sixth paragraph down)

I strongly suggest reviewing material you quote for accuracy, and proper attribution. External quotes must use the proper BB Code tags, and a link. If the source is not found on the web, then a complete reference, including the title of the work, author, and the page numbers that the material can be found on is required.

Mod Note: No Quote/Plagiarism – Please Review This Link.

Mod Note: New External Source Tags – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 29/5/2007 by Mirthful Me]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:45 PM

I strongly suggest reviewing material you quote for accuracy, and proper attribution. External quotes must use the proper BB Code tags, and a link. If the source is not found on the web, then a complete reference, including the title of the work, author, and the page numbers that the material can be found on is required.

Fascinating. I do not even have that reference in my research notes and took the quote from information attributed to the writers on the web. Thanks for the heads-up and I will go back through my notes and see where the mistake was.

Good thing to have a free editor to help out from time to time.

I was not even aware of the article you posted, so clearly I did not get it from there...

Anyways - it is obviously good to get the authors straight and now have to see why I have it attributed to Higgins.

Thanks again.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by TheFetch
I see this post struck a nerve...with someone. Good.

I simply decided that it would be best to point toward that which unveils the meaning of the Foundation... that we aren't trying to build on sand.

Originally posted by TheFetch
Let me simplify this so we can move forward.

You have this:

And WE have this:

Which WE combine to form this:

And since "Super Man" is based on this:

That is interesting, especially if we consider the meaning of the Superman, that both Nietzsche and Hitler could have achieved, but obviously did not:


The intellectual animal becomes a real human being by creating the Solar Astral, Solar Mental and Solar Causal Bodies through the Five Initiations of Major Mysteries (related to the five lower sephiroth on the Tree of Life). Anyone who reaches this point has created Inferior Manas (Netzach) and Superior Manas (Tiphereth); Manas is Sanskrit for mind. At this point, the Initiate has become a real human being, or in Gnostic terms, a real Man (from Manas; this is not a gender-based term; whether male or female, one becomes a real Man). From this stage, if the initiate chooses to work on the straight path toward the complete Self-realization of the Being, he or she receives the Initiation of Tiphereth and incarnates the Christ: the Super-man. Therefore, while working to become one with Him, the Initiate is working toward becoming one with the Super(ior) Man.

"Hitler, who was terrorized before the presence of an Adept from the Path of the Middle exclaimed: “I know the Super-Man. I have seen him. He is terribly cruel. I, myself, have felt fear.” - from The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

Originally posted by TheFetch
You cannot remain in balance if you are seeking to "hop up the Tree" as in a game of "hop scotch", wherein eventually you will fall down from lack of balance.

"The ascent of the Kundalini along the spinal cord is achieved very slowly in accordance with the merits of the heart. The Fires of the heart control the miraculous development of the Sacred Serpent. Devi Kundalini is not something mechanical as many suppose; the Igneous Serpent is only awakened with genuine Love between husband and wife, and it will never rise up along the medullar canal of adulterers." – The Mystery of the Golden Blossom

Of course the bachelor can prepare himself to receive the Wings of Hermes through Pranayama, Meditation, etc.

Or he or she can experience the Higher Spheres during formal Meditation sessions.

But she or he needs the energies of the opposite sex, the Perfect Matrimony, in order to actually Incarnate the Higher Spheres.

Originally posted by TheFetch
What value do I have and others have in chasing after Jewish "mystics" and their "god"?


What is the value to us?

What are you getting at here?

Are not both the Hebrew and Greek Traditions based, via the teachings of Sanchionatho/Sanchoniathon, on the Khemetian and Canaanite Traditions?

The latter two of which are basically parallel to the Tantric system of the Ancient Indus-Kush area?

The Master Samael Aun Weor taught that Building a solid Intellectual Culture is a good thing.

But he also taught that utilizing Transmutation in Wise combination with Meditation, as to extract information about any given symbol or word, is much better than intellectually filling our heads with endless complicated systems.

Your diagrams are interesting though.

Perhaps I'll print them out and compare them with my Astrological studies.

[edit on 29-5-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 09:57 PM

No he didn't

I concede and thanks for the edit. I went back to Higgins Beginning of Masonry, and he clearly does say in that he is borrowing from Victor Hugo equally.

This is page 7 of Beginning of Masonry by Higgins - and he attributes in the italicized paragraph. I was speed reading and this has not been edited yet...

The quote thus is appearing in Higgins work...and I did not catch it.

I concede!

Thanks for pointing this out. It is rare there are people with editor qualities on forums...and who know the subject matter.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 10:27 PM

I simply decided that it would be best to point toward that which unveils the meaning of the Foundation... that we aren't trying to build on sand.

Fair enough. But my point is that there has to be precision in the fabrication or it is based on sand regardless. We agree on the knowledge of the male and the female in union to create fusion or whatever or however we wish to reduce it to semantics.

However, the reliance on a purely "Jewish contrived mysticism" as "Kabballah", and all the tortured attempts to fit EVERYTHING to this "geometric matrix" is retarding the evolvement of the whole. IF we are to base our knowledge on any particular foundation, let us base it on some rationale that makes some esoteric and intellectual sense.

For this, we can defer to John Yarker and his work, The Arcane Schools, wherein he quotes the following:

It was in these prehistoric times that the symbols of the two creative forces of nature developed, represented by crux-ansata, lithoi, or lingam, and the vesica piscis, or yoni. They are equally the signs of a dogma which lay at the root of all religions in regard to fire, not the fire burning upon the altar, but the fire which that symbolised and was termed "divine darkness," a spiritual or magical fire, seen by gifted seers, of which the earthly symbols are the pyramids, the obelisk, and the church spires.

The Vesica Piscis, imo, was always known to be and is still the "foundation" as it is what lies behind the "cherub and flaming sword" of the "Jewish tree". The Vesica Piscis can be found all over the world, and it quite prominent in Ireland, from which our systems have a strong descension.

Consider this at Chatham Gardens

or this -

This is not "Jewish Kabballah". This is clearly a foundation on the Vesica Piscis, and it is this that we should be basing our foundation upon (the Feminine).

Hence as a good friend and Rabbi told me - our Hermetic Qaballa has nothing to do with Jewish Kabballah, for Jewish Kabballah hides and destroys the Feminine.

So although we agree on "the Thing", we disagree how to properly use symbolism to explain it. Let us move back to the "Garden", or the Vesica Piscis, and use the proper matrix.

Note that the diamonds are as follows:

1+7+5+2 = 15 = O
5+7+5+3 = 20 = T
1+7+5+2 = 15 = O

The people in power are not using a magical system wholly based on the "Jewish Kabballah".

The people should not be at a disadvantage is my point...

[edit on 29-5-2007 by TheFetch]

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 04:10 PM
as mystical and amazing at it all looks on paper, i cant help but feel its really stupid in the end, and wasnt worth the slightest care. Masonry is a silly concept, and taken serious by seekers and who cant oopen there eyes and see the product of life around them, not keep seeking the equation so that it can be manipulated by lesser beings not able to handle it all. maybe im off base, but thats how it appears to me.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 10:38 PM

as mystical and amazing at it all looks on paper, i cant help but feel its really stupid in the end, and wasnt worth the slightest care.

On this point there is some concensus. See the opening line to [url=]The Nature of the Construct - Insights in the Philosophy of the Illuminatus

It really is stupidly simple when all is said and done...

not keep seeking the equation so that it can be manipulated by lesser beings not able to handle it all. maybe im off base, but thats how it appears to me.

Combine it all with Dee and Crowley and forces bent on using magic to call up dead spirits inspired to destroy humanity, and you end up with an elite so perverted that all effort and thought is dedicated to destroying the whole, and you end up with a philosophy dedicated to perpetual war and destruction.

The system is designed to show humanity the difference between those philosophies who use a basic and inherent truth to destroy, and how you can use a basic and inherent truth to shine light on the vampyre forces imbedded within the human landscape.

posted on May, 30 2007 @ 10:38 PM

as mystical and amazing at it all looks on paper, i cant help but feel its really stupid in the end, and wasnt worth the slightest care.

On this point there is some concensus. See the opening line to [url=]The Nature of the Construct - Insights in the Philosophy of the Illuminatus

It really is stupidly simple when all is said and done...

not keep seeking the equation so that it can be manipulated by lesser beings not able to handle it all. maybe im off base, but thats how it appears to me.

Combine it all with Dee and Crowley and forces bent on using magic to call up dead spirits inspired to destroy humanity, and you end up with an elite so perverted that all effort and thought is dedicated to destroying the whole, and you end up with a philosophy dedicated to perpetual war and destruction.

The system is designed to show humanity the difference between those philosophies who use a basic and inherent truth to destroy, and how you can use a basic and inherent truth to shine light on the vampyre forces imbedded within the human landscape.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by TheFetch

Combine it all with Dee and Crowley and forces bent on using magic to call up dead spirits inspired to destroy humanity, and you end up with an elite so perverted that all effort and thought is dedicated to destroying the whole, and you end up with a philosophy dedicated to perpetual war and destruction.

The system is designed to show humanity the difference between those philosophies who use a basic and inherent truth to destroy, and how you can use a basic and inherent truth to shine light on the vampyre forces imbedded within the human landscape.

I can call Spirits from the vasty Deeps!

Why, so can I and so can any Man,
but do they come when you call for them?

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 10:22 AM
Calling forth spirits,forces,daemons,whatever you choose to call it, is I feel a grave mistake.Nothing comes without a cos, and to think that forces that hold powers that you can't even begin to understand or comprehend can be controlled by man, seems to be erroneous thinking in my opinion.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by brotherforchrist
Calling forth spirits,forces,daemons,whatever you choose to call it, is I feel a grave mistake.Nothing comes without a cos, and to think that forces that hold powers that you can't even begin to understand or comprehend can be controlled by man, seems to be erroneous thinking in my opinion.

I would have to disagree. The entire point of Ceremonial Magick is to learn to harness and direct the occult forces of Nature. Initiation, therefore, is the process of purification whereby one becomes worthy to wield such power. It is not by accident that all ritualistic initiation from time immemorial features a symbolic death and resurrection, symbolizing the death of the profane selfish instincts, and a rebirth into wisdom and light.

That such Forces can be controlled by man, I think, is apparent from the long list of Adepts and Magi throughout history. Indeed, it has always been an occult doctrine that these Forces are in themselves what compose Man.

[edit on 31-5-2007 by Masonic Light]

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 01:03 PM
So you don't feel that there are some realms that man is just not meant to traverse? Do you not wonder if your feeling of control is merely illusionary? What governs and says that a spirit,demon,being etc HAS to listen to you?Or that a magickal circle or pentacle keeps you safe from harm so long as it is not broken? Why would a being have to follow any types of rules set forth and composed strictly by man? I can understand the theory of the strength of will and belief on your part however, the comparison seems to me to be analagous to an ant trying to tell a human what he or she must do, and believing that the human will follow ant rules because the ant believes in the ant rules, instead of the human just stepping on the ant.

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by brotherforchrist
So you don't feel that there are some realms that man is just not meant to traverse? Do you not wonder if your feeling of control is merely illusionary? What governs and says that a spirit,demon,being etc HAS to listen to you?Or that a magickal circle or pentacle keeps you safe from harm so long as it is not broken? Why would a being have to follow any types of rules set forth and composed strictly by man? I can understand the theory of the strength of will and belief on your part however, the comparison seems to me to be analagous to an ant trying to tell a human what he or she must do, and believing that the human will follow ant rules because the ant believes in the ant rules, instead of the human just stepping on the ant.

If our God is all powerful and we are under his protection then why should we fear demons or spirits ?


posted on May, 31 2007 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by brotherforchrist
So you don't feel that there are some realms that man is just not meant to traverse? Do you not wonder if your feeling of control is merely illusionary? What governs and says that a spirit,demon,being etc HAS to listen to you?Or that a magickal circle or pentacle keeps you safe from harm so long as it is not broken? Why would a being have to follow any types of rules set forth and composed strictly by man?

Excellent questions brotherforchrist! (You get five stars for that)

If you look at most of the old grimoires that show how to do this you will see it's not the power of Man that controls the demons/spirits/etc... It is the power of the Lord that controls them. For example here is a bit from the The Greater Key of Solomon.

O ye Spirits, ye I conjure by the Power, Wisdom, and Virtue of the Spirit of God, by the uncreate Divine Knowledge, by the vast Mercy of God, by the Strength of God, by the Greatness of God, by the Unity of God; and by the holy Name of God EHEIEH...

Note: EHEIEH (AHYH) is a Hebrew Name of God, meaning "I Am" (think of what God told Moses his name was)

posted on May, 31 2007 @ 03:05 PM
brotherforchrist, ML, Cug

We have to distinguish between Theurgy and Goetia.

The first, is the working with the aspects of Christ and our Inner Father who is in Secret: Angelic Beings, Buddhas/Bodhisattvas, our Divine Daemon(not to be confused with Klipothic demons), etc.

The Second is the working with Satanic demons(not to be confused with the positive aspect of Lucifer: The Divine Daemon of Socrates), dwellers of Klipoth, etc.

So TheFetch is correct when he warns us about John Dee:

Dee, John

Dee, John "The famous doctor J. Dee sought the Philosopher's Stone and never found it, but he was reduced to the most frightening misery. In the final years of his life, the poor doctor horribly degenerated with mediumship and became a toy of the inferior entities that live in the molecular world." - The Zodiacal Course

And of course Aleister Crowley's rituals only serve to negatively polarize the Astral Light(Lucifer), which can only serve to call on the dwellers of the Klipoth.

(Dion Fortune knew about this^^^ and warns us about it in her book "Applied Magic")

originally posted by RWPBR
If our God is all powerful and we are under his protection then why should we fear demons or spirits ?

We should not fear them.

But we should also not willingly invite them; that is, if we are to be Theurgists.

Protection against Klipothic dwellers:

Gnostic Prayers


[edit on 31-5-2007 by Tamahu]


posted on May, 31 2007 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

We have to distinguish between Theurgy and Goetia

Tamahu, I think you have your definitions mixed up.

Theurgy - Invoking God(s)

Goetia - A book, in fact it's not really "a" book but the first part of a much larger 5 part book. The other parts of the Lesser Key are Theurgical in nature.

BTW, Dion Fortune, and Crowley both respected each other. Dion in fact positivity reviewed one of Crowley's Books.. I'll have to dig a bit to find this reference... If you wish I will.

[edit on 5/31/2007 by Cug]

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