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Marduk, Masonic Symbology, The Mysterious Shell Temple & Ritual Sacrifice

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 12:17 PM
There is a place in Kent in the southeast of England called Margate, it is a possibility that the name could derive from one of our shadowy figures from history.. None other than Marduk himself.
In 1835 a Mr James Newlove was taking the top of what he thought was a well, what he found astonished him, underneath the capstone was the entrance to a temple, a temple that astonishes all who see it, and what purpose it served has been lost through the passage of time.
The temple was made entirely of shells, and was packed with masonic symbology including an alter round which was a Serpent with the sun at its head.
There are trees of life, phalluses, gods, goddesses and something that looks very like an altar.
The most recent findings point to the Grotto functioning as a sun temple, the sun entering the Dome (which extends up to ground level, with a small circular opening) just before the Spring Equinox, forming a dramatic alignment at midday on the Summer Solstice and departing just after the Autumn Equinox, thus indicating the fertile season. The research continues!
some pics.

What sticks the shells to the chalk?
We don’t know exactly. The glue is fish based and contains volcanic elements, but also has ingredients that have yet to be identified. Whatever it is, it works pretty well!
There has been other artefacts found in the temple that points to it being over 2000 years old!!!

A lot of the designs seem to have an element of the ancient east and ancient persia.
References to the Serpent are everywhere, even the layout of the temple is Serpentlike.

Check these pictures out, they really are amazing.

Close by there is an ancient church, called Hythe Church, some people put the Church at 800AD, but archaeological evidence suggests there was earlier churches and even ancient Paganistic ritual sites.
Underneath this most ancient of religeous buildings is an amazing crypt one which i believe pre-dates the current church.
There are 1100 skulls and 8000 thigh bones in this crypt, people thought these were remnants of the black death, but bones in this crypt were written about and exist in documents circa 1100AD.
I do not believe these bones are from the Black death, both outbreaks were many years later. And why keep just the skulls and thighbones???

I believe things are a lot more sinister than that.
The spilling of blood and ritual sacrifice is very relevant here, my theory is that the name Margate has been taken from Marduk, that the temple is an ancient ritual chamber and timepiece.. The time of the serpent could be returning, and that the bones in this crypt are the remnants of a terrible blood letting sacrifice, connected to the temple.
A lot of theories, granted, but it is a start and i think somewhere in here is a remarkable story that is not well known..
I will post more on my theories, but i just wanted to put something out, to see what some of you ATS'ers thought about this.


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