"First, I'm not racist anymore and I have no problem with saying I was at one time. I grew beyond what I was taught as a child."
No what you said was that you admitted that you were a racist, but why let the truth interfere with our disscussion.
"Secondly, there are many ways to honor your ancestors and your southern AMERICAN heritage. You put the emphasis on white."
No again, YOU did
"That to me is racist when it's done by black folk and when its done by white folk."
I am not so weak that I fear blacks being proud of there culture, I think it is a good thing stand up and be proud of who you are. And if my pride
bothers you ....TUFF SH*T.
"The south has a rich heritage. It's only human to be proud of where you come from but when you embrace a symbol of hate...instead of the good
things about being a southerner it makes one wonder...whether you want to address it or not the flag has a racist connotation and you can't wish it
away because an ancestor you never met fought under it. You choose to use the banner of hatred."
The black man married to my cousin, a very good man I might add, has one in his house too does that make him a racist too?
"Spare me your stories of black friends and blended families...doesn't say much about you really that you gotta bring out the older black couple
from your past to explain why you aren't racist. You don't have to prove it to me prove it to yourself."
I dont have to prove it to myself I know I was trying to show it to you because I did not want you to have the wrong idea about but after listioning
to your crap I really dont care what you think about me anymore
If you and the KKK want to fight it out be my guest just leave me out of it
"That's insulting when I've been anything but to up until this point."
I guess calling me an ignorant closet racist in your FIRST POST does not count, but again why worry about the truth.
"I didn't come on ats and announce my right to bare a banner of hatred, you did."
Again no, it was mentioned in passing this thread was about america bashing YOU turned it into a disscussion about race.
"You don't have to be in the KKK to be a racist in your heart."
Your right there, I bet you dont belong and your a racist
Its easier to blame a country or a race (sound familer) than to face the problems of the world head on and have to FIX the problem not just point a
finger and whine
"That's a racist view point, my friend. "
I was talking about hitler blaming the Jews for all of Germanys problems, but you just assumed that coming from a white trash redneck hillbilly I MUST
be talking about blacks, after thats the way we ALL are right
There is NOTHING racist about whites being proud of who they are any more than blacks or orientals or anyone else.
"That's ignorant only racist say this because they feel threatened by the cultures of non-white races. American culture is not white--the southern
culture is not white...Its belongs to all americans even me a midwesterner. Its exclusionary and racist."
Thats the dumbest statment you have said so far, NO WHERE have I said I was threatened by non white cultures as a matter of fact I have said the
oppisite. I MYSELF find other cultures very interesting and on my shelves you will find history books from all over the world among the a fantastic
book of african stories given to me from a friend at work who is a zulu from south africa.
"These are the things that lead me to believe you harbor a racist attitude. You put so much stock in a flag of division to prove you have pride in
something that is shameful and ugly...ah, well. I'm off it."
Well I must admit that your are good, a couple posts and you have discuvered a side of me that I have kept hid from my friends, family and community
for 43 years
Well the sheets are back from the cleaners so I guess its time for me and cousin billy bob to go, we got crosses to build and people to lynch
Have a nice day and I wish you peace and happiness