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Could 9/11 truth bring in the NAU?

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posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:17 AM
I've always worried that if 9/11 truth got too big, the government could spin it and use this to bring people into the North American Union. People would be angry at our government, and solution would be the NAU. This is a scary idea because the government will never stop the truth movement, so eventually, IMO, they will spin it to help their agenda. What can we do to prevent the elite from using the 9/11 truth movement against us?

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
What can we do to prevent the elite from using the 9/11 truth movement against us?

Actually bring them to justice. Other than that, we are just a bunch of "loonies" running around. I get what you're saying though. I'm curious. What are the reasons for the NAU to be a bad thing? Maybe U2U or start another thread so we don't derail this one.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
What can we do to prevent the elite from using the 9/11 truth movement against us?

Think you'll find 'they' have been for a very long time now. Even after two thousand and eighty six days (don't ask - I’m board) we are still getting very strange ideas thrown in to the discussion.

It’s hard to know what evidence / ideas to take seriously, take under consideration or just laugh at. I wonder how many well-placed suggestions came from someone with an interest (read salary) in muddying the waters.

Edit to add: Didn’t the French chop the heads off the aristocracy when things got a little over the top?!? Just an idea.

[edit on 29/5/2007 by Now_Then]

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Griff
What are the reasons for the NAU to be a bad thing?

Well IMO global government is innevitable. It's the fact that crooks are organizing this behind our backs, without our knowledge that alams me. Don't forget to wave goodbye to the bill of rights and constitution, because we won't be the USA after the union is formed, we will be North Americans.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by AcesInTheHole
Don't forget to wave goodbye to the bill of rights and constitution, because we won't be the USA after the union is formed, we will be North Americans.

Ahhh. Wasn't thinking of it in this sense. Thanks for the response.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 12:17 PM
The NAU is a done deal. There is no way to stop it now. The connecting highway is under construction, and the Amero's already being minted in Australia.

Habla Espanol? It might be time to start learning.

It's a brave new world; welcome to the monkey house!!

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 03:13 PM
Judgement day... the end of the world. It's today, 3 hours from now. - John Conner

There's a way to stop it, there are just not enough people willing to get up off their couches, storm the White House, and throw the bums out (and that's literally what it's going to take to overcome - people are going to die, that is unavoidable). THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE NOW!! The global elite are counting on us taking too long to snap out of the trance of passive aggresiveness. The more time that passes the more bullet points to their NWO get crossed off. I bet they laugh at any form of peaceful, political protest and those that believe the U.S. is and will remain a Democractic Republic while they're around.

posted on May, 29 2007 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by massexodus
Judgement day... the end of the world. It's today, 3 hours from now. - John Conner

There's a way to stop it, there are just not enough people willing to get up off their couches, storm the White House, and throw the bums out (and that's literally what it's going to take to overcome - people are going to die, that is unavoidable). THIS NEEDS TO BE DONE NOW!! The global elite are counting on us taking too long to snap out of the trance of passive aggresiveness. The more time that passes the more bullet points to their NWO get crossed off. I bet they laugh at any form of peaceful, political protest and those that believe the U.S. is and will remain a Democractic Republic while they're around.

I believe this scenario will play out eventually. Not because we will have enough people woken up by then, it will be a last resort because we haven't woken enough people up. However, if everyone learns how to get involved in their own way, we can change things for the better. Our government was set up the way it is so we wouldn't have to get violent to get what we the people want. Instead of eroding our freedoms away we need to be restoring them.

Stop telling yourselves you are only one person, because so are the other 6 billion people on this planet. Get involved any way you can. You don't have to move the boulder, just keep pushing it. Eventually we will have enough people to move it to where we want it.

[edit on 5/29/07 by AcesInTheHole]

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