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Bush imposes new sanctions on Sudan

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posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 07:17 PM
The Sudanese government has arrested aid workers, both foreign and Sudanese aid workers too. They have stopped aid from reaching people who ahve been starving and in need of medical supplies, and you think they want peace?....

Sudan holding up Darfur-bound food aid -U.N.
25 Apr 2007 22:16:59 GMT
Source: Reuters

ROME, April 25 (Reuters) - Sudanese authorities are holding up to 100,000 tonnes of sorghum meant for Darfur, alleging that it is genetically modified, the U.N. food agency said on Wednesday.

The sorghum, which comes from the United States, is being held up at Port Sudan, a World Food Program spokeswoman in Rome said, adding that laboratory tests had shown it was not genetically modified.

"We had it tested by a French laboratory along with Canadian split peas which the Sudanese are also objecting to, and neither food consignment is GM. In any case, there is no GM sorghum on the market, it doesn't exist," said the WFP's Caroline Hurford.

Darfur: Arrest War Criminals, Not Aid Workers
Government Must End Harassment of Aid Agencies, Restrictions on Free Speech
(London, May 31, 2005) Donor governments and the United Nations must condemn the Sudanese government’s arbitrary arrest and intimidation of aid workers, Human Rights Watch said today. The Sudanese government should drop charges against all aid workers, including the head of Médecins Sans Frontières in Khartoum, Paul Foreman, who was arrested yesterday and released on bail.

The Sudanese authorities detained a second Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) staff member in Nyala, South Darfur, early this morning. Foreman’s arrest followed escalating public threats against MSF in the Sudanese media over the past few weeks. Sudanese authorities claim that an MSF report on rape published on March 8 violated Sudanese law and that the report is “false.” The precise charges against MSF are unclear but—according to an article in the Khartoum-based pro-government newspaper Al-Ra’i al-Aam include spying, provision of false information and disturbing the peace.

Sudanese Refugees Told to Stay Silent On Government, Militia Abuses
U.S., U.N. Leaders Expected To Press for Aid During Visits
By Emily Wax
Washington Post Foreign Service
Monday, June 28, 2004; Page A16

ABU SHOUK, Sudan, June 27 -- The Sudanese villagers in this western region of Darfur were bombed. They were raped. Their huts were burned and their grain pillaged. Now, those who fled the chaos say they are being silenced.

The Sudanese government dispatched 500 men last week to this sweltering camp of 40,000 near El Fashir, capital of North Darfur state, the refugees and aid workers said. The men, some dressed in civilian clothes, others in military uniforms, warned the refugees to keep quiet about their experiences when Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan visit the region this week.

Sudan's government does not hide its atrocities: Darfur and the definition of genocide

by Kelly D. Askin


As Bill Frist, the majority leader of the U.S. Senate, was interviewing Darfurian refugees in Chad earlier this month, the Sudanese government and Arab janjaweed forces attacked a number of black Darfurian villages just a few miles away, over the Sudanese border. Frist was in Chad because Sudan had refused to grant him a visa, even though Khartoum had done so on earlier occasions. The timing and location of the attacks demonstrated the Sudanese government's confidence that it could act with impunity.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 07:47 PM
Wingman77 the problem is that as long as the Sudan is ridden with internal turmoil the desirable goal will be achieved that is . . .to keep the area fighting so the oil cannot be claimed.

That is why the rebels needs to be kept armed by any means necessary, occurs we must wonder why the government in Sudan is accusing US of supplying the rebels with arms.

Knowing the reputation and history of our nation's endeavors in other nations, to achieve goals, we must question also if this is true.

Last year Beijing had a summit with 40 nations of African heads of state, their meeting was not about how to kill the people of Africa . . . it was about oil deals.

Funny that the US was kept off of this deals and that was the biggest mistake of the African nations, we all know the price that nations paid in the world for doing such an act against the oil barons of the US.

Since 1999 China has done some 15 billion dollars of investment of the oil in Sudan. China owns 50% of one of the oil refineries.

And guess what the refinery is located were mos of the civil war is happening.

See In 2006 China has won over Japan to be now the world’s second largest importer of oil, the first occurs the US.

This no good for the US, our nations oil barons do not want competitors specially from a communist country like China that happens to be also financing our astronomic debt.

So the goal is to create a situation to keep Sudan unstable enough, feeding a civil war to hopefully take out the government and drive China out of Sudan.

But does the forces and power behind the war in Sudan cares about the people?

The don’t give rats about how many people die as long as the goal of who will control the oil is achieved.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 08:32 PM
Marg, all you have done is make claims without presenting one ounce of evidence that "the U.S. want these people to be murdered" like you claim.

The fact of the matter is that region has been plagued by Islamic extremism for 1,400 years, most of this time wihout oil having anything to do with what happened there...

The government of Sudan, is an Islamic fundamentalist government, which has already called for Jihad to be fought in the region.

This from a human Rights group.

Jihad-bombings kill 16 black African civilians

15 children dead, 8 children wounded

CSI (15.10.2001)/ HRWF International Secretariat (17.10.2001) - Website: - Email: [email protected] - On the afternoon of Sunday, October 7, the Government of Sudan killed 15 Black, non-Muslim children and one elderly woman in bombing raids on the villages of Gukic and Mayom Deng Akol, in the Mangok district of Aweil East County, northern Bahr El Ghazal, according to County Commissioner Victor Akok. Eight children were also wounded in the aerial assaults. Sudanese Government Antonov aircraft dropped six bombs on each village.
Bishop Mazzolari also urged all the churches in Sudan and Muslims of good will to pray for the prompt release of the hostage. Ms Mururi was abducted in Aweil town as she attempted to flee from marauding government troops and militias, who raided the nearby town of Nyamlel.

"This barbaric behaviour confirms our assertion that the National Islamic Front (NIF) is determined to carry on with its declared objective of Jihad (Islamic holy war), said Duku.

Duku said the government troops were very much aware of where the SPLA units are, but they avoided such and instead attacked relief centres. "Such military policy has resulted in massive displacement of the civil population in Nyamlel and surrounding areas," he said.

The Russians and the Chinese government have been selling arms to the Arab militias and the government in Sudan, meanwhile the United States from 1989 til 2001 sent $1.2 million in humanitarian aid.

Change the way food relief supplies are distributed inside Sudan to deprive Khartoum of its food weapon. The United States has contributed more than $1.2 billion in humanitarian aid to Sudan since 1989. 36 Most of this is donated through the U.N.'s Operation Lifeline Sudan program, which unfortunately has given Khartoum veto power over where and when the food is distributed.
And the U.S. aid didn't end in 2001.

And this is what China, Russia and Sudan have been doing..

China, Russia accused of supplying Sudan
All three deny allegations in Amnesty International report

Updated: 3:38 p.m. MT May 8, 2007
CAIRO, Egypt - A top human rights group accused China and Russia on Tuesday of violating a U.N. arms embargo by supplying Sudan with weapons and equipment that were used to fuel deadly violence against civilians in Darfur and neighboring Chad.

Moscow and Beijing, which have balked at U.S. and British efforts to put new pressure on their trade ally Sudan, quickly rejected Amnesty International's allegations. Sudan said the report was false

You can think, believe and claim whatever you want to, but it is obvious what the facts are saying.

[edit on 1-6-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 09:03 PM
The facts seem to be saying that the U.S. is backing the rebels.

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by wingman77
The facts seem to be saying that the U.S. is backing the rebels.

What facts? because Omar, the same Sudanese president who has been allowing the Arab militia to commit mass murders of over 2.2 million people, and who is stopping aid from foregin groups to reach the Sudanese people is claiming so?....

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by wingman77
The facts seem to be saying that the U.S. is backing the rebels.

Exactly, somebody is arming the rebels and we know that is not the Sudan government.

Now, Who would do such a thing? is obvious that is to brake apart the Sudan government.

Why so many talks had failed in achieving peace? Very simple if you keep feeding arms and ammo to resistance groups that will perpetuate the fight.

So somebody wants peace talks to fail.

Why the Sudan government claim US involvement in using third party groups to arm and train the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Army?

The leader was John Garang death now but never less a student at the US special forces school at Fort Benning.

Since the discovery of Oil in the Darfur area Washington and its pursue of interest in Dafur has been responsible for the increased conflict in the area.

When our nation and its allies tag Genocide to the Darfur after so many deaths and misery suffered by the population is to get better public opinion by the world and push a change in government.

That may seem generous and even altruistic, but the agenda behind that is nothing more than the oil that is now under the Darfur lands oil that can not be allowed to fall in the hands of China.

But nobody dares to call what US is having in Iraq Genocide and that is exactly what is going on in Iraq right now.

Why the troubles now after ignoring the Darfur for so many yeas and over hundreds of thousand deaths? Interest in stopping Genocide or Interest in oil..

posted on Jun, 1 2007 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
But nobody dares to call what US is having in Iraq Genocide and that is exactly what is going on in Iraq right now.

Why the troubles now after ignoring the Darfur for so many yeas and over hundreds of thousand deaths? Interest in stopping Genocide or Interest in oil..

That is BS Marg, and you know it... what is happening in Iraq is not the same as to what is happening in Dafur. Most troops in Iraq are not seeking to kill innocent Iraquis...and the insurgents/terrorists have been killing more Iraqi civilians than they have killed coalition forces...

In Sudan the rebels are fighting against the Arab Militias and the Sudanese Islamic government . the rebels are not "bombing civilians" is the Sudanese government and the Arab militias who are murdering civilians and starving them to death by not allowing any aid to reach them...

Your claim is the "real propaganda"...

BTW since 2001 the current administration has been talking about what is happening in Sudan, and trying to do something about it, and before the present administraiton the Clinton administration was doing the same.

You are also ignoring/dismissing the fact that the Sudanese people have been having problems with radical Islam in that area for over 1,400 years.... and 1,000 of those years they had to deal with mass murders at the hands of Islamic extremists and the united States did not even exist for those 1,000 years...

[edit on 1-6-2007 by Muaddib]

posted on Jun, 2 2007 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
That is BS Marg, and you know it... what is happening in Iraq is not the same as to what is happening in Dafur.

No? my god how dare me accusing of Genocide in Iraq!!!!!!!! 500 people death a month (reported by Iraq itself) is not genocide, we have to wait until our invading nation calls it genocide because they are the only ones allwed to call it that. I got it Muaddib.

Most troops in Iraq are not seeking to kill innocent Iraquis...and the insurgents/terrorists

Oh, when US troops kills inocent civilians they used to be called casualties of war . . . but that was just for liberation and freedom and the American way of democracy, so it was ok. . .

When the death got our of control because the inability of our government to support that freedom and democracy been pushed with a puppet government, it was terrorist and insurgency and lets no forget old dear Al-qeada and Iran. They are the responsible!!!!!!

When that fail then our government end up admitting that is was a civil war brought by again the inability of our government to control the country it invaded under freedom and democracy, so what it is Muaddib?

In Sudan the rebels are fighting against the Arab Militias and the Sudanese Islamic government . the rebels are not "bombing civilians" is the Sudanese government and the Arab militias who are murdering civilians and starving them to death by not allowing any aid to reach them...

Sure they are killing civilians they have been dying for about over 10 years but the interest in the area was taken when in 2005 oil was discovered in Dafur.

How funny and convenient, that rebels started to increases and they started to have better hold of weapons!!!! I got it Iran and Al-qeada did it!!!!!!!!!

Your claim is the "real propaganda"...

Hell yeah is propaganda just like Iraq, What this two areas of the world have in common? Let me see, Brown people and . . . yeah OIL!!!!!!!!! Forget about the people is all about the oil.!!!!!!!!

BTW since 2001 the current administration has been talking about what is happening in Sudan, and trying to do something about it, and before the present administration the Clinton administration was doing the same.

I thought that our government knows about what is going in Sudan since the 1970s when it first came to the light that it was possible oil in the !!!!!

During the 90s people were dying already and nobody care, over 10 years and people are still dying, brown people dying, but now is twist, our government most get involve because is OILin the area, the hypocrecy, propaganda yeah I can smell the BS too and the double standards.

You are also ignoring/dismissing the fact that the Sudanese people have been having problems with radical Islam in that area for over 1,400 years.... and 1,000 of those years they had to deal with mass murders at the hands of Islamic extremists and the united States did not even exist for those 1,000 years...

Now US didn’t not existed that long ago, but guess what it has been here and as a superpower for the last ten years of African struggles and death and guess what it didn’t do a darn thing to help but failed aid and food.

But now, OH!!!!!, now is something dark and sweet in Dafur and ist not its people!!!!!!! . . . and (ExxonMobil, Chevron) . . . I mean the US said we most change regime and bring democracy.

Just like the good and prosper democracy that is killing the people in Iraq.

Yeah Muaddib propaganda. . . only if you said so. . .

[edit on 2-6-2007 by marg6043]

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