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Montauk and Stewart Swerdlow

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posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 11:30 AM
2012 I believe is the date or it to instill the NWO, so emmanuals return would be either before or after this date to proclaim his 'new holy empire'.

Staged alien invasion is to occur in the next couple of years I believe

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 02:01 PM

This topic is constantly on my mind, along with Ong's Hat Incunabula. If you're not familiar with the latter, it is a very fascinating topic to research. There also seem to be some connections between Montauk and the Ong's Hat mythos, although I do believe both spring from the same mis/disinformational sources. With that being said, I also do believe there are a few very important pearls of truth amongst the intricate web of lies and half truths. The main themes which run parallel between both mythologies (ong's hat and montauk) are:

1.) Covert, black projects involving advanced mind control reasearch dating back to the fifties, In the case of Montauk these projects possibly even date back to the NAZI era, pre WWII.

2.) Covert time travel and interdimensional travel research. The latter is what forms the "heart" of the incunabula catalogue and the Ong's Hat myth. In a nutshell, for those who are unfamiliar with OH, the incunabula catalogue was supposedly compiled and distributed in samizdat fashion in the late '80s, early '90s prior to the internet boom. The catalogue itself is a hodepodge of excerpts from hard to find publications regarding quantum mechanics, quantum tantra, and sufism. Some of the publications included in the catalogue do not seem to exist, which seems to immediatlely discredit it. However the story is intriguing. According to Joseph Matheny, the promulgator of OH/Incunabula, he was contacted by a man by the name of Emory Cranston, who was the supposed proprietor of the incunabula catalogue. The core of the myth involves a commune of scientists and scientific minded people who formed a commune in the heart of the New jersey pine barrens through the '70s and '80s. Their goal was to perfect a form of technology which would allow actual travel into parrallel dimensions ala Multiverse interpretation of quantum reality. The technology took the form of a device known as a "travel egg" which was a blend of exotic mind machine technologies, sufistic mediatation techniques, and advanced computing technologies which would allow the user to physically travel to earth, albeit the different "earths" which exist in dimensions parllel to our own. Supposedly they came upon a primordial earth known as 'Hurqayla" (spelling may be in error) which was already populated with other interdimensional travellers who had successfully discovered the keys to travelling between dimensions in the past. The story gets more complex when the government attempts to shut down and steal their research. Some think the whole Ong's Hat/Incunabula is an elaborate hoax and marketing scheme for Mathney/Peter Moon's publications. In fact, Matheny has admitted that he and a few others made the whole thing up as an experiment in "Culture Jamming". But I am of the opinion that this is more here than just an elaborate hoax. Matheny has also claimed that people who are intellectually attracted to researching Montauk, OH and other associated subjects are responding to something known as "Rainbow Programming" which is a goverment mechanation designed to act as a means of targetted "mindkill" for people who could potentially develop such technologies independently.

I sort of forgot my point, as I am fighting a severe cold and am actually starting to resemble my avatar... sorry....any thoughts on the above?

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 02:57 PM

Covert, black projects involving advanced mind control reasearch dating back to the fifties, In the case of Montauk these projects possibly even date back to the NAZI era, pre WWII.

Allegedly nazi scientist Mengele was brought to South America and then to China Lake (Los Angeles area?) through Operation Paperclip. The russians apperently did something similiar. Mengele is supposed to have been the "pioneer" (that is a lousy way of putting it) in mind control.

Regarding th "Ong Hat" I�ve never heard of it before, but it sounds suspicious to say the least that he did debunk himself later on. It�s a great compliment though to say that I�m responding to "Rainbow programming" because I *may develop time travel tech. if left unshackled* , yah right that�ll be the day

Concerning the supposed staged Alien invasion, I wonder if there will be any foolproof way of detecting the hoax. Like for example using some special glasses, or taking pictures with some special lense, shiniing very bright lights against the illusion. etc..etc..

If this happens the world will surely go bananas. What I�m struggling with is this: If this staged event is to be caused by the so called "Project Blue beam" (holographic imagery projected in the earths atmosphere from satellites around the world simoultaneously), how will they inflict damage to us?

To actually view them as a threat must they not attack us?
Perhaps there will be a few true crafts attacking predetermined targets to make us believe they are not here for the benefit of mankind. What a nightmare we could wake up to one day.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 04:45 PM

Allegedly nazi scientist Mengele was brought to South America and then to China Lake (Los Angeles area?) through Operation Paperclip. The russians apperently did something similiar.

Operation paperclip is verified fact, with the exception of the china lake stuff. I've never seen any actual documents indicating as such, but I would definetly think this is possible. China lake is somewhere in the Mojave desert, California. I wouldn't be surprised if Mengele was indeed travelling into the united states to continue his work under the auspices of Black Ops DOD programs for the US. It is indeed documented that their was an extensive NAZI network throughout south America after WWII. Mengele died while taking a swim off the coast of Brazil. Have you ever seen the movie "The Boys from Brazil"? In my opinion this movie is tame compared to the experimentation that was/is really going on. Cloning Hitler seems like child's play when you factor in possible NAZI communiation with ET's prior to WWII.

I *may develop time travel tech. if left unshackled* , yah right that�ll be the day

I wouldn't be so pessimistic about developing personal interdimensional/time travel technology yourself. Perhaps this is what scares the living sh*t out of the PTB, the possibility that the technology itself may be very simple, and right under our very noses. I've studied quantum mechanics, physics, advanced mathematics at University level and I am convinced that such technologies may be constructible with mostly off the shelf tech. What is missing is the interface and the software. The theory is there, and becoming more and more accesible to the masses. This is what they find worriesome.

If this staged event is to be caused by the so called "Project Blue beam" (holographic imagery projected in the earths atmosphere from satellites around the world simoultaneously), how will they inflict damage to us?

The damage would be the ensuing tyranny and police state that would result from the chaos caused by such a hoaxed invasion. Like you said, the world would indeed go "bananas" at the slightest hint of a verifiable alien threat. As far as detecting hoaxed aliens vis a vis real aliens, that's a good point. Some of those glasses from "They Live" would be nice.

To actually view them as a threat must they not attack us?
Perhaps there will be a few true crafts attacking predetermined targets to make us believe they are not here for the benefit of mankind. What a nightmare we could wake up to one day.

I don't even think an outright attack would be necessary. Imagine if a government source actually admitted that the alien abductions are really ocurring and there is nothing they can do to protect us from some tiny little greys stealing our kids out of bed at night. Just this alone would likely be enough to terrify the populace. As much as people think alien contact will be SO COOL, you are correct in saying that we could all wake up one day to a nightmare. How cool would it really be if the ET's no longer try to be discreet and are flying around your neighborhood all day, every day?

I don't know about you, but I'm gonna bash their fat little heads in if they set their little feets into my house....
...sorry, I've had a few beers....good medicine for my cold....

are you really in scandanavia Dawn? I wish I was....I'm thinking of moving out of the US as soon as possible becuase this place is going Fascist real quick. I'm thinking of moving to Japan....

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 06:40 PM
This thread has gotten interesting.....

Abdul. thanks for your insights, I've never heard of OH before reading your posts, I may ask Stewart his opinion on that and report to you about it yeh?

With regards to the pre-war nazi ET communication, this I believe is correct. There is a black listed book called 'Aldebaren'. This books talks about the structured UFO the nazi's created called the VRIL. The Aldebaren were the ones who created the Germans, and it is said that not only do the aldeberans come to earth, but the nazi's went to alderbaren! There is supposed to be a technique called "Free Energies" which was created by the Aldeberan, there are books out that teaches you how to do it (i actually went to a seminar last weekend about it). The books are called 'Ingmar' and 'Larimar'. Ingmar is black magic from Aldeberan and Larminar is from Sirius B.

Got lost there.. Oh yeh, so there was ET communication between the Germans and Aldeberan.

With regards to the staged alien invasion, there will not be as much chaos as you'd be lead to believe. There is a thing called 'GreenStar Programming', which is an umbrella of "End Times Programming'. Greenstar programming is the programming of people with Alien invasion scenario's. When this invasion occurs, and you see all these unknown people pop up out of nowhere that talk like they know what they're talking about, or act like they know what they're doing....THEY have greenstar programming. There are many forms, there is one greenstar programming from the 'fourth reich' (new topic in itself) and greenstar programming from the illuminati (fourth reich and illuminati are against each other, both want world domination)

So when this blue beam project hits the skys, there will be an aggressive force....... HOWEVER, surprise surprise, there will be a SAVIOUR race, and this part is the 'real' part. The saviour race will be seen as fighting off the attacking race, and wallah, we have new allies......But don't be fooled...these allies are the ones who created this mess in the first place.

Alien abductions have not really occured since 1969, most nearly all are government based to 'program' people with greenstar programming.

Abdul, your post on Rainbow programming, would this have to do with Wizard of Oz Programming ('somewhere over the rainbow').

There are a lot of programming types, you have:

Monarch Programming:
.....Wizard of Oz Programming
.....Alice In Wonderland Programming
.....Tinkerbell Programming

End Times Programming
.....Greenstar Programming
.....New World Religion Programming
.....Assassin Programming

There are many more, but i can't think of them from the top of my head at the moment.

Hope thats food for thought.

[edit on 26-11-2004 by Merger]

[edit on 26-11-2004 by Merger]


posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 07:07 PM
Hey, Project Bluebeam has already been practiced out with the holographic planes, perhaps disguising cruise missiles, hitting the WTC buildings and the Pentagon that fateful day

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by dh
Hey, Project Bluebeam has already been practiced out with the holographic planes, perhaps disguising cruise missiles, hitting the WTC buildings and the Pentagon that fateful day

Yes I heard this as well, there's a movie called 'In Plane Sight' (or site) about this I believe.

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 08:36 PM
I referred to the method of programming as "Rainbow Programming"...this is an error on my part due to, let's just say a voluntary state of altered consciousness, alcohol and caffeine induced...not to say that I do this all the time, but as I said I have a bad cold...not that I have to justify myself...anyway....

Rainbow programming was actually referenced in relation to some cases of Satanic Ritual Abuse and possible targeted mind control, cathy obrien type stuff....

Ong's Hat/Incunabula, Montauk may supposedly be something known as "Omega Programming" is an excerpt from a related website:

Specifically related to Matheny and Omega....

The following information is included to give you a bottom line on what Omega programming represents.

Here are some excerpts from one of David Icke�s most noted sources on mind-control:

Source: "The Illuminati Formula Used To Create An Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave Vol II" by Wheeler & Springmeier
Chapter: Monarch Mind-Control Codes
OMEGA (internal programmers)

"The Omega programming works along with an Executive Control Board (or
Grand Druid Council) and Internal programmers.

The Beast computer can be accessed with Scripture triggers associated
with the Vision of Daniel of the Beast and it's ten toes. The Ten Toes
are an important part of the code in some models.

One victim's computer ran on code "War Game." Some Beast Computers have 666 666 666 as an access code and 999 999 999 as a beast back out and close out code. There are various computers - one of each level."

There are computer codes for Omega programees to activate following
functions, among others. I am not going to list sample codes, but simply the functions listed in the book to give you an idea of Omega�s implications:-

I can't vouch for the above, however go through the website and see how twisted this all becomes for yourself...especially when you cosider that Matheny is involved with Peter Moon, one of the prominent authors of Montaulk related material....of course you also see David Icke referenced also...

It seems to me that the Montauk, Ong's Hat memes sort of represent a nexus point and as Merge has pointed out this all does tie in with what could be an orchestrated alien invasion using REAL aliens working in concert with Illuminati bloodline controlled government powers....

I could go on and on...

There was also a kids TV show on Fox Kids network with the exact same theme of using what is referred to as an "egg" to travel interdimensionally...

What we are actually engaging in on this thread is not a discussion of conspiracy theory, but of META-conspiracy theory...very interesting....

posted on Nov, 26 2004 @ 11:11 PM
Hrmmm, you'd be spun out about this, I had a visualisation where I saw a symbol as I was travelling hyperspace. Wrote to Stewart, and it had to do with New World Religion, and....the Council of 9. This is in direct relation to the 'Druid' Council you mentioned, all tying in with the Internal Programmer.

It has now clicked about the rainbow programming, and yes, it does have to do with Wizard of Oz programming if it is in relation to Satanic Ritual Abuse.

One thing people should realise, is that satanic ritual (Illuminati type) has really nothing to do with Satan. It is black Magick to manifest objects/things/events into physical reality. It is also a ritual to inhabit a body with a demonic entity from the Astral plain.

The alien invasion scenario mentioned about REAL aliens is correct. The Illuminati have supposedly made a pact with the original invaders of earth to co-work together, and thus the saviour race will be this real alien species. So not all is good.

Will check out that webpage you linked to.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by abdul
Matheny has also claimed that people who are intellectually attracted to researching Montauk, OH and other associated subjects are responding to something known as "Rainbow Programming" which is a goverment mechanation designed to act as a means of targetted "mindkill" for people who could potentially develop such technologies independently.

rainbow programming. interestingly, the stewart school uses visualisation of colours as the most essential element to achieve the godlike effects. the other is shape.
as a guy whose starting to see the big picture get bigger every day, i would see this as suspicious.

false prophets will abound.
here's one thing i find suspicious as well. stewart said there is a 'demon' walking around hyperspace, calling itself 'jesus'.

Originally posted by abdul....any thoughts on the above?

yeah. thank god for people who are able to reason like you.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:16 AM
oh yeah.
i don't want to seem snotty, if you're at the ong's hat/swerdlow level, you're pretty far down the SPOON.

'there is no spoon'.

you guys know bob dobbs?


posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 03:19 AM
I'm a tad confused BillyBob.... I've read a couple of your posts, i'm not sure what the take is on it, whether you believe in Stewarts work or not????

Nah you don't sound snotty, everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, I suppose it only matters the way it comes out

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 04:11 AM

i don't want to seem snotty, if you're at the ong's hat/swerdlow level, you're pretty far down the SPOON.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, but I'm guessing that you are implying that these are trivial matters and do not represent 'serious' research. I beg to differ. These modern mythological systems are being used to manipulate people's minds. A meta analysis of Montauk, OH/Incunabula, alien abduction and more importantly, the people whose names appear prominently in relation to such phenomenon and how they are connected to eachother, is what gives us a unique insight into what may be in store for us in the future.

you guys know bob dobbs?

yes, I have researched him also, although I am relatively confident that "Bob Dobbs" and Randy Koppang are one in the same.


interestingly, the scientists who allegedly founded the Ong's Hat Ashram are referred to as "The Dobbs Twins"....again, we are dealing with an interconnected web of parallel story lines...(that last sentence fragment is an oxymoron, but you know what I mean)...

Also, I suspect you are referring to the "other" Bob Dobbs, the one associated with the church of the sub-genius...I haven't been very successful in researching this Bob Dobbs or the origins of the so-called church...but it does appear to be some type of culture jamming experiment...

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 04:18 AM
Sub-Genius, kind of funny that, I recall Sub-Genius tied into the Remote Access Trojan called 'SubSeven', Was one of the most popular Trojans of its time.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 10:28 AM

This is a response from Stewart Swerdlow with regards to 'Ongs Hat'.....

It is totally made up. I lived with the guy in LA who invented the story for laughs. He is sick and wanted by the police. SS

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by Merger

It is totally made up. I lived with the guy in LA who invented the story for laughs. He is sick and wanted by the police. SS

well, if he's wanted by the police, he's probably doing something right! HAHA! the police are used as muscle for the corporation now. if you attack the corporation, the police attack you.
wow! he LIVED with stewart? small world, time travel is.

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 05:50 PM
Heh, never thought about that, possibly doing something right, or maybe he's been responsible for other stories as well, and thus the police are after him for those things instead.... if you get my drift.?!?!?

posted on Nov, 27 2004 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by abdul

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, but I'm guessing that you are implying that these are trivial matters and do not represent 'serious' research.

not at all! what i meant by it, was if you have found swerdlow, and found ong's hat, (cassiopeans(sp?), is another)then you are a serious seeker of truth, who also has a sense of reason which allows you to avoid the trap of 'following' some guru or other. gurus are only as good as their last performance in your world, i'm guessing. these are hardly trivial matters, yeah? paramountly important matters is what they are.
what i meant by 'spoon', was the place our minds have led us to, doesn't really exist, just like the spoon in the matrix. i don't mean there is nothing there, i mean we have reached a realm of nothingness. quintessential nothingness.

you guys know bob dobbs?

Originally posted by abdulyes, I have researched him also, although I am relatively confident that "Bob Dobbs" and Randy Koppang are one in the same.

nope, on that one. search 'xenochrony', 'bob dobbs' in one search. you should be able to read his thesis online. i believe it may even be at, try this for an intro

Originally posted by abdul
interestingly, the scientists who allegedly founded the Ong's Hat Ashram are referred to as "The Dobbs Twins"....again, we are dealing with an interconnected web of parallel story lines...(that last sentence fragment is an oxymoron, but you know what I mean)...

Also, I suspect you are referring to the "other" Bob Dobbs, the one associated with the church of the sub-genius...I haven't been very successful in researching this Bob Dobbs or the origins of the so-called church...but it does appear to be some type of culture jamming experiment...

'my' bob dobbs is a media scientist. he makes many grandiose claims(one of them is that he inspired the curch of the subgenius, which was started by rev. ivan stang, and they 'worship' a clip art icon of a guy smoking a pipe, J.R. "Bob" Dobbs). you can read more of the real guy's stuff at follow the baedecker link.
culture jamming, yes, at least that. maybe more.

posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 09:56 AM
Well this thread surely took off again, thanks for the reply�s to my thoughts. To get back to the staged alien invasion once more; exactly which alien race will be the so called (false) "saviour"?

I gather it won�t be the greys

Thanks Merger for the clarification on different types of programming.

If there actually exists 2 factions, Illuminati and "the Fourth Reich" how will they ever allow one or the other to try and take control? Whoever wins, we lose... but which is the greater evil!?


posted on Nov, 28 2004 @ 06:05 PM
Well, where it gets down to with Swerdlow, is you take it all with a pinch of salt
I'm quite happy with his explanation of himself as a vessel for the containment of the conjourings of the elite personages, and how from the age of 14 he was sexually abused for the greater good
It makes a whole lot of sense, his insider knowledge of the alien interceptors on this planet
We can take all this and move on, can we not?

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